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Renewing Thai Id Card


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Is it now possible for Thais to renew their ID card for the new microchip one wherever they are without having to go back to their local amphur ? I am under the impression that it is but would like some confirmation.

Also, any issues as the old ID card is still valid ?

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Is it now possible for Thais to renew their ID card for the new microchip one wherever they are without having to go back to their local amphur ? I am under the impression that it is but would like some confirmation.

Also, any issues as the old ID card is still valid ?

"Microchip" one? I just got my new one in January, and I do not think there is a "microchip" in there. it has a magnetic strip like a credit card or driver's license if that's what you mean. In regards to going to the local office, if the person has moved to another address, shouldn't they just go to the local office near their address to update their information? Does this person want to stay at their old Tabien Bahn address? If so I think you have to go back, because as far as I know the local offices kind of separate and distinct from each other (in other words, they don't really cooperate).

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Many of the amphur offices are issuing the smart card Thai id cards... some offices with old mag strip only card stock are using the rest of those before they start issuing the new ones.


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The chip cards were a disaster from news accounts (substandard and non standard) and do not believe new contracts were issued so there probably aren't any remaining most places.

As for ID card issue that was being expanded to make available nationwide several years ago but not sure if complete - with computer systems new cards should be available at any office now and trips back to home town avoided (except to vote).

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The wife renewed her card a couple of months ago. She had a chipped card and the new one didn’t have the chip.

I asked why and she said similar to lopburi3, the chipped cards didn’t work as planned so the new ones are without chips.

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Now that you guys mention it, I think that is what happened with my chipped card. I do 'vaguely' remember them at the office mentioning it the first time I went in, but when I actually got the card (I had problems, so more than one visit), it was the regular magnetic striped card, not the chipped one. I believe they said that the chipped ones didn't work, so they were going back to the magnetic stripes.

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The chip cards were a disaster from news accounts (substandard and non standard) and do not believe new contracts were issued so there probably aren't any remaining most places.

As for ID card issue that was being expanded to make available nationwide several years ago but not sure if complete - with computer systems new cards should be available at any office now and trips back to home town avoided (except to vote).

Actually, a person wouldn't need to return home at all because it is not necessary to return home to vote. It is possible to vote early in another province. I asked one of our former staff about this a few years ago, why she didn't have to return home to vote but could vote from here (she was from Ratchaburi). She said, "Because the person who is running for office in my district doesn't pay people to come home and vote". So, there you go.

Anyway, I have an ID card question as well. A friend of mine has two children by a Thai man, both born here, birth certificates in Thai. But their Thai passports have expired now, since she and the kids moved back to her home country quite a few years ago. One child is 15, one is 19. Is it possible for her to just go to our local amphur (they are visiting her inlaws at the moment) with the birth certificates and the tabien ban and the two kids and get them id cards? Or does the father have to go as well? (getting him moving is difficult--much easier if they can do it themselves).

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Anyway, I have an ID card question as well. A friend of mine has two children by a Thai man, both born here, birth certificates in Thai. But their Thai passports have expired now, since she and the kids moved back to her home country quite a few years ago. One child is 15, one is 19. Is it possible for her to just go to our local amphur (they are visiting her inlaws at the moment) with the birth certificates and the tabien ban and the two kids and get them id cards? Or does the father have to go as well? (getting him moving is difficult--much easier if they can do it themselves).

Hmmm...You could 'try". I say 'try' because, no matter whatever the rules say, and what they are supposed to do, the offices will do it any way that they please. The ID card was a hassle that I know very very well, as both me and my brother had such a headache getting them. I had a thai passport, with my picture. I had the Tabien Bahn. I had the birth certificate. I had a temporary ID card issued from the Thai Embassy in Los Angeles...they still didn't want to give it to me. Made me jump through so many hoops. Had to go get photographs (why I don't know because they took a picture on computer), and--THIS IS THE KICKER--they made me get two other Thai nationals who had to swear before them in the office that I was also a Thai national. I finally got it, but it took many many many attempts. My brother had to go through the same thing, at his office--including the two people to swear.

My advice...take the docs you got, the expired passports, and the birth certificates. Have the kids go alone (not necessarily with dad) and see what they require. I think you shouldbe able to get it (without dear old dad) but you may have to get two Thai nationals to swear for you. One of the guys was a motorcycle taxi guy who lived on the Soi!!!!

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Not me sub :o But I'll let her know about the witnesses thing. This is a pretty small island and her ex-husband's family is like mine, relatives all over the place (in fact, her ex is related to my husband :D) Most likely there will be people at the amphur who already know the kids and her from before. But I will be sure to let her know.

What kind of photos sub? ID type photos I am assuming?

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What kind of photos sub? ID type photos I am assuming?

Yes, the ID kind. Like 1 inch by 1 inch, or something like that. If you go to a photography studio they should know the size. But the photos were another thing I just didn't understand, because you don't need them. They told me to get them, and I was like "yeah ok, well they're probably going to use them for the ID". But they didn't. They take a picture on a digital camera, and keep it with your records. (Another interesting thing is that they have all your old pictures (the digital ones at least) and compare them when you come in--I was looking at the screen when they pulled up my witnesses info).

The photographs they made me take...they didn't use. I still have them. For what I do not know. But thinking more about it, I think that the kids may need dad to show up. My mom showed up when I did it. But my (half) brother, didn't have any family vouch for him, so I think he may have needed more witnesses.

Also, if you are 15, the Thai ID I believe is free. Over 15, you have to pay like a 200 baht fine. That is of course from my memory of two months ago.

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Why doesn't she just take the kids and go in ? The worst that can happen is that they will tell her to come back together with the father. That would seem much more sensible than your coming here to ask a bunch of people (most of whom are not Thai) to speculate as to what the rules might be.

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Had a worker at one of the factories that we work with in Thailand that went to the local office to get a new ID card. They said that the picture in their records did not match her. Turned out that someone from Laos had gone in and got an ID card with her name. She had to travel back home to get it fixed.

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The reason I ask is that we need to get something from the UK Embassy and her passport has just expired but is in Buriram (we are in Pattaya). They will accept a new card where the writing is in English as well as Thai but they would need the old one translating. As the new card (the one I have seen with the chip) has the writing in English with the western DOB, it wuold be much easier to get that in Pattaya and then just head up to Bangkok, leaving the passport renewal for another day when we have been to Buriram to collect it.

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  • 1 month later...
I renewed my ID card last week in Bangkok even though my name is registered in the north, took me 10 minutes to get the new one. I didn't have to pay anything but they keep my old ID card.

My wife and I are coming to Bangkok to get her Thai ID card. Can you give us the address and maybe a Google Earth point of where you went to get yours? Her card is 30 years old, she has lost contact with her family, but does have a valid passport and birth certificate.

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