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School Raided In Chiang Mai


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You are just looking for any excuse to spread your silly political beliefs on a forum where they are not wanted and they don't belong.

As far as "made up" borders and countries go, just look around Asia if you want something to whinge about. At least that is a topic that belongs here and is permitted by forum rules. :o

UG you seem to be very touchy whenever the subject of Israel or Israelies is brought up in this forum :D It wan't me who made the comparison, but apologies if my observations about it offend you, I could probably have phrased them more diplomatically! I don't have any issue whatsoever with people from Israel.

Apart from that, the topic was the treatment of Burmese people by Thais in Chiang Mai, I'm not clear what your problem is with that? I was merely making observations about the way things are in Thailand and the Thai mindset, I don't understand why you think these are "silly political beliefs".

Edited by Paagai
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The first part of your post was a fair comparison that was on topic, was not offensive, and didn't violate forum rules. The rest was you wanting to spread your own political beliefs about the Middle East which don't belong here and which I feel are silly.

Re-reading what I wrote, I agree with you hence the deletion. Of course, I don't believe my views are silly :D and every one is entitled to an opinion, but they were off topic, phrased offensively and detracted from my real point. i.e. Shan people get a rough deal in Thailand, and an even rougher deal in Burma, that is a topic I do have passionate views about.

The reason that I am "touchy" about the subject of Israel is that I believe that being anti-Israeli is mostly just another way to justify hating Jews - no matter how it is spun - and it has become quite fashionable once again. It is not a big leap from hating Israelis to hating all Jews.

In my opinion, they have been hated and suffered for long enough. :o

I travel extensively, have lived in several countries and have friends of many nationalities, colours and creeds; I sincerely hope no one would think me to be a racist. Given that my father was in the miltary in Palestine at the time, I do have a jaundiced view about the formation of the state of Israel. I suspect given where the world is sixty years on, and with the benefit of hindsight, some might now consider it could have been done better. Anyway, back on topic, sixty years on we can say the same about Buma too.........

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Well, OK, ladies and gentlemen!

We've got the Burmese migrant workers getting their motorsai confiscated in CM, atrocities in Shan state, and now we've circumnavigated the globe to Israel... :D

I think the point is, for me at least, for all of us to see that xenophobia and hatred of other races creeds and religions is probably not in all of our best interests. We just need to learn to get along.... :o

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Strangely enough, about a brazillion years Iago took 2 years of French while at Uni.

Today I would be lucky to count to ten in French.

I guess I just don't have the tongue for it :o

Again strangely, in my business life of some 40 years since uni, I never got to a situation where the French language was needed, but many, many places and times where it would have been much better had I taken Spanish.

Having said that, and being in a hospitality related business here in CM, for almost 12 years, I have , in the past year to year and a half, had more guests from France than in the previous 10 years combined.

It seems that the French have found CM in greater numbers in the past year or so. Even a couple of French from Burma ?????


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So, according to your logic if I hate Christian USA, I hate Chritians. Your logic is flawed and is typical of the we-are-victims propaganda Israel uses to hide its attrocities. I don't hate Jews but I feel the State of Israel is morally corrupt. This doesn't make me a jew hater.

Maybe you don't know this but, there is no such thing as "Christian USA", so your "logic" is a lot more flawed than mine. :o

As far as the Jews being victims go, most educated people would probably agree that they have a pretty good claim to being the most persecuted people of all time - a pretty good reason to be careful about jumping on the bandwagon just because it happens to be fashionable once again.

When it comes to "atrocities", at least they have never sunk to blowing up innocent citizens of countries that have nothing to do with their conflict, so they are less "morally corrupt" than their enemies that you probably support.

I don't know if you are a Jew hater, or just brain-washed, but I do know that you are spouting the exact same propaganda that they do and they love to hear what you have to say. :D

Nonsense and this thread is getting way off topic.

We can strongly object to the extremist regime of Israel without hating Jews just as we can strongly object to the nightmare regime in Burma without hating the Burmese people. The Israeli government launched a devastating and unprovoked attack on the American ship USS Liberty to include machine-gunning lifeboats but that doesn't provoke any feeling in me against Jews. The Burmese regime is absolutely disgusting but I don't think that is a valid reason for anyone to hate or treat the Burmese people in a cruel or disrepectful manner.

You may not believe there is a 'Christian USA' but being from America I know there certainly is; it was a Christian God that told Bush to attack Iraq and Christian America went along. Amen. Unfortunately, most Americans traveling the world are taking heat for the actions of our government even if we violently disagree. The Burmese people in Thailand seem to also be taking heat from the Thais for historical reasons rather than people simply respecting members of their own species.

Prejudices will always exist; the best we can do is educate the blind...

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Excuse me Mr. Dustoff. As you said, we are way off topic here, but as you seem to firmly believe every crack-pot, politically correct myth in the book, I sincerely hope that you won't be "educating" anybody. The blind leading the blind is no solution to anyone's problems. :o

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Excuse me Mr. Dustoff. As you said, we are way off topic here, but as you seem to firmly believe every crack-pot, politically correct myth in the book, I sincerely hope that you won't be "educating" anybody. The blind leading the blind is no solution to anyone's problems. :o

Personal assaults, UG? How like you.

Have you been somehow granted immunity from forum rules?

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Actually, saying that you "seem to firmly believe every crack-pot, politically correct myth in the book", is not a personal attack. It is attacking the false beliefs that you are stating as facts, not you personally. We have both admitted that we are off topic, so I see no point in disputing what you have said, point by point.

You seem to have your heart in the right place, but perhaps have been reading a little too much Michael Moore and Noam Chomsky. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Actually, saying that you "seem to firmly believe every crack-pot, politically correct myth in the book", is not a personal attack. It is attacking the false beliefs that you are stating as facts, not you personally. We have both admitted that we are off topic, so I see no point in disputing what you have said, point by point.

You seem to have your heart in the right place, but perhaps have been reading a little too much Michael Moore and Noam Chomsky. :o

Okay, this post got me laughing!

So if you don't agree with me, or don't like something I say, I must not have a mind of my own??

Nothing personal tho, aye? :D

When you say "we" both admitted that we are off topic, I will assume you don't mean me since I did no such thing. I am the one trying to get this thread back on topic.

If however you know of something I wrote that is simply not true, you are welcome to find a way to get the right information to me; but I have no patience for your continuing insults that serve no purpose other than to vent your own bile. Nor do I think that ThaiVisa is the place for it...

Back to Burmese Immigrants and their plight, please?

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Somewhere in the earlier posts, it was mentioned something as to governments and people from that stated country.

Most Americans traveling today do take heat over their nationality. But I have found that after venting frustration with the American led government, most 'ventors' deflate then , and mostly, get on very good with the very same American. This is probably human nature and its no different with people from Burma or most anywhere else.

I'll say this ,, I have no love or patience for the Burmese Govt. but almost to a one, the people in Thailand , that are from Burma are very nice people. I think most people feel that way. It is when a certain group of people take on the actions in mirroring the errors of their respective govts and starts forcing this on people that the trouble begins. I have been around this town for 20 some years and have never seen a sign saying No Burmese. I can only assume that they do not offend other people or establishments with their ways. And if you do not agree with something they do or say, well then they seem say , ok you have your ways, I have mine and go about their business. Not so with some of the posters on this forum present and past. It appears that certain posters are not satisified for you to have a differing opinion, they will dog you and dog you and insist that you change your opinion to theirs......... People like that are easily disliked ... Wonder Why


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When you say "we" both admitted that we are off topic, I will assume you don't mean me since I did no such thing. I am the one trying to get this thread back on topic.
Nonsense and this thread is getting way off topic.

Don't you mean that you want to have your say and then go back on topic? That is what you did. :o

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