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I Have Genital Warts - What Do I Do?


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Doc was first class..... although he did dhy away a little towards the end of the exam when i asked him to check out the right side of my helmet, which seems to be a darker colour than the left side.

Yep most of these quacks don't want to touch a penis even with gloves on.

Very reassuring.

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Yes, there is an immunization, as Taxexile mentioned. Like all immunizations, it needs to be done before you get infected to work. So here's a plug for all you guys out there with 11 or 12 year old daughters: get the HPV vaccination for them, and keep them from getting cervical cancer. Please.

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Yes, there is an immunization, as Taxexile mentioned. Like all immunizations, it needs to be done before you get infected to work. So here's a plug for all you guys out there with 11 or 12 year old daughters: get the HPV vaccination for them, and keep them from getting cervical cancer. Please.

And the HBV vaccine series too.

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Yes, there is an immunization, as Taxexile mentioned. Like all immunizations, it needs to be done before you get infected to work. So here's a plug for all you guys out there with 11 or 12 year old daughters: get the HPV vaccination for them, and keep them from getting cervical cancer. Please.

And the HBV vaccine series too.

Yes Hep B is endemic in Thailand - its a compulsory vaccine too now for kids.

Still not in the UK but is in the likes of Belgium and the USA so get it if you do not have it.

Gardasil has protection for genital warts but the other HPV/Cervical cancer vaccines Cervarix does not but that might be stronger and longer lasting for the HPV types causing Cervical cancer - that is why the UK govt chose it over Gardasil (ands maybe cost per qualy)

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Banned ? Maybe it was the photo's of cauliflower cheese that tipped him out ?

Well I think it was Taxexile who put those that are still there.

I would like to know the result of "Dosed"'s treatment

surely that is a SIGNIFICANT part of a Health Forum

How can we find out?


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  • 2 weeks later...
Banned ? Maybe it was the photo's of cauliflower cheese that tipped him out ?

Well I think it was Taxexile who put those that are still there.

I would like to know the result of "Dosed"'s treatment

surely that is a SIGNIFICANT part of a Health Forum

How can we find out?


The OP was banned for reasons unrelated to this thread.

Afraid not possible to follow up with him.

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  • 1 year later...

The best thing for genital warts is Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) - hands down! u have had it and am done with it. although they say you are never free of the virus but you can beat it. Apple Cider Vinegar will tell you if it is genital warts. The doctors use the same test in the hospital to see if you have warts but it is the active ingredient in the vinegar that they use. Anyway, if the spots turn white after applying the vinegar for 2-3 hours, it means they are warts. then go on Google and search Apple Cinder Vinegar and Genital Warts and you will find TONS and TONS of testimonials of how people use it to get rid of the warts. It is only a 3-4 day process with a week of healing. I did it very successfully and nothing from the doctor worked for me. The warts are very resilient and the doctors will say if you can keep them in check you are doing a good job. Bullocks! You can crush them easily.

After I finished with the ACV, I took Olive Leaf Extract which is known to kill many types of viruses. I have not had any warts in over two years and the doctor said I'm most likely unable to spread Genital Warts to others now. Remember, Genital Warts, called HPV, is in about 50% of the population. Most people never show symptoms and don't know they have it. And most who do get it heal by themselves within 2 years.

But if you have the warts and you want hen gone, go to Tops or Foodland and get the organic Apple Cider Vinegar, take off the cotton tops of q-tips, soak them in APV for 10 seconds, and tape them on the warts. Leave it for 3-4 hours. Do this for 3-4 days or until the warts turn black, and presto, you are done. The warts will fall off. But be careful of you regular skin because it can burn. Isolate the wart as much as possible. Iti's basically the same thing as getting them frozen off but the ACV seems to get into the roots and kill everything. I went to the doctor many times and they tried to freeze my warts off. They always came back but they didn't with ACV.

:D Hope that helps someone out there. I lived with Genital Warts for much too long before I discovered ACV, a simple natural solution.

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Bangkok Christian Hospital on Silom.

Doc will apply some acid, very carefully, on the warts, it will dry after a minute or two. Then they will fall off after a few days.

Cost will be about 700b.

He will also prescribe Aldara cream to put on the area for the following few weeks, at about 250b per packet. One packet will probably do.

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certainly best to get diagnosed first at a hospital but if their care doesn't work like for so many of us, turn to Apple Cider Vinegar. Aldara can have wicked side effects and it didn't do the job for me. Neither did condylox or podophyllum resin.

we are all different but certainly get it diagnosed here in bangkok first where medical care is so cheap.

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I've never heard of live leaf extract, but the internet is an amazing thing. When I Googled, I discovered:

Scientifically Tested Olive Leaf Herb is Known to Kill Every Virus and Germ Known to Man

According to the guy who posted this, not only does OLE "kill every virus and germ known to man", he specifically posted:

"AIDS Amoebiasis Anthrax Athlete’s Foot Bladder Infection Campylobacter Chicken Pox Chlamydia Cholera Common Cold Cold Sore (herpes simplex) Cryptosporidiosis Cytomegalovirus Diarrheal Disease Diphtheria Ear Infection Ebola Sudan Virus E. Coli Epstein-Barr Virus Flu (influenza) Gastric Ulcers (from H. Pylori) Genital Herpes/Warts Giardia Gonorrhea Group B Strep Hantavirus Hepatitis A, B, C Herpes Zoster (shingles) Lyme Disease Malaria Measles Meningitis (bacterial) Meningitis (viral) Mononucleosis Pinworms Pneumonia (bacterial) Pneumonia (viral) Polio Pork Tapeworm Rabies Rheumatic Fever Ringworm Retrovirus infection Roundworm Rotavirus Infection RSV Staphylococcal Food Poisoning Strep Throat Syphilis Tuberculosis Thrush Toxic Shock Syndrome Trichinosis Typhoid Fever Urinary Tract Infections Vaginal Yeast Infections"

That's absolutely incredible! Unfortunately, it does not cure either stupidity or gullibility.

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Before you criticize something, do proper research. There are hundreds of success stories out there of people who have used Olive Leaf Extract to kill the HPV virus AFTER they cleared their warts with Apple Cider Vinegar. All you have to do is go to various forums on the web and read what people's testimonies. For many patients, doctors cannot contain genital warts and they will tell you it can't be cured - and that is true for modern western medicine. they will say you live with it forever.

That is fine but I am one of many people who have been clear for years using this method. Certainly, try modern medicine first but also be aware of the side effects of Aldara and Podophlyllum Resin (try death on the later if it gets in your blood stream). Apple Cider Vinegar is safer than them all. I spoke to my doctor at Samtivet and she said she was fully aware that Apple cider Vinegar was effective.

As far as Olive Leaf Extract, it is another ancient remedy that works to fight viruses whether you want to believe it or not. You pulled out one obscure quote from the Internet from a fanatic. No one is going to say it cures HIV but as far as other mild viruses, a lot of us would say otherwise.

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"Before you criticize something, do proper research."

Was I criticizing? No way, not me. "Proper research", as in "I should believe in the things you believe"? Thanks, but no.

Reading through the health forums, it seems as though "stinging nettle" is right up there with olive leaf extract. Man, oh man, it's incredible.

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now you really need help. Sting nettle? Are you serious? Look at what UMD Medical Center says about it.


The fact it these things work and have worked for hundreds of years. Again, do PROPER RESEARCH dude.

Once more, thumbs up to Apple Cider Vinegar and Olive Leaf Extract for Genital Warts. Just look around the web.

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