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A Good Hospital Experience


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Last Month a friend of mine had a drunken motorbike accident. I posted what happened under "hospital nightmares" I was slated by many, rightly or wrongly? You can decide. I did ask a couple of people who seemed to know what they were talking about for advice on a good hospital, as the girl was very scared and confused about the whole thing. No help there though???? She did not want to go back to the same hospital (Not McCormicks) for obvious reasons. So it was off to the Ram? She was told that her broken collar bone could fixed by putting the arm in plaster and using some kind of strapping on the shoulder. This seemed to her and her boyfriend who had recently returned to care for her as a good alternative to the surgery she had been expecting.

The arm was cast and strapped two days later. She returned home without any pain killers of any kind. I was not there , but was told by her and her boyfriend that she was in more pain than she had ever thought possible.( please dont ask me why she went home in pain or why she had no pain killers? I dont know!!) She said the pain ran all the way up from her elbow through the shoulder and up the right side of her face, which was also feeling numb. Her boyfriend took her back to the hospital 2 hours later where she demanded that they take the cast and strapping off. They did this immediately. She said the relief when they removed the strapping was trully amazing. The pain had all but gone when the shoulder was kept still. The doctor said that they would now pin the arm and arranged for the op the very same evening. The estimate including the previous treatment was put between 70 and 100,000 baht, although when they spoke to the surgeon who would perform the opperation, he said that it could well be a bit less. (Not the exspected thing)

Well a long story cut short, she spent two days recovering in a very nice suite that puts many hotels to shame. She was very calm and relaxed about everything. The surgeon explained to her exactly what he would do and how long the recovery would take. The bill was presented to them before they left. Wait for it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 35000baht. The surgeon had said that the doctor who gave the original estimate had quoted on worse case scenario. "Gob" and "smacked" are 2 words that come to mind.

Now, it is not just the fact that the bill was MUCH less than it could of been that makes this a good hospital experience. Its the the no messing way that everything was delt with. She and her boyfriend were kept informed at all times of what was going on. Even after the original treatment seemed to of failed, the doctors made her comfort and treatment there Number 1 priority. There were no face saving exercises. Her shoulder is now healing very nicely. No infections and no complications.

Just thought I would post this as a few people seemed to have got the previous post all wrong. I was not knocking all Thai hospitals. Just telling my experience of one. There were some people that had great knowledge of things medical. However there are some that felt that they had the right to just call my an idiot, or even to imply that I should go home. They had nothing to add or any suggestions as to where to find good treatment. These people I have noticed, do this alot. They continue to do it even now. Nearly got dragged into it for a while but thats what fuels there fires. Trying to knock or belittle others to make themselves feel more secure in there existence. You will see the replys come shortly. They cant help themselves. This is not an attempt at flameing. I would much prefer to read other peoples good experiences than read some old fart correcting my spelling and punctuation or someone calling me a fool for not knowing how to spot a broken collar bone etc.

Stay safe


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Just thought I would post this as a few people seemed to have got the previous post all wrong. I was not knocking all Thai hospitals. Just telling my experience of one. There were some people that had great knowledge of things medical. However there are some that felt that they had the right to just call my an idiot, or even to imply that I should go home. They had nothing to add or any suggestions as to where to find good treatment. These people I have noticed, do this alot. They continue to do it even now. Nearly got dragged into it for a while but thats what fuels there fires. Trying to knock or belittle others to make themselves feel more secure in there existence. You will see the replys come shortly. They cant help themselves. This is not an attempt at flameing. I would much prefer to read other peoples good experiences than read some old fart correcting my spelling and punctuation or someone calling me a fool for not knowing how to spot a broken collar bone etc.

Stay safe


hellow bsided69,

You nearly brought me to tear for bothering to tell us the good experience of your friend at Ram. It is doubly so when I read of your last part as emphasised above. You must be one of the million Brits in the islands to whom I have always given great respect to for ever being sensible and nice to fellow human beings. Unfortunately, there are too many who behave otherwise once they are outside the islands and I am so glad that you are not one of them in Thailand.

I think it would be helpful and nice if you could post your letter to the Managing Director of Ram on the appreciation. This hospital is most profitable and now on the target list for being taken over by the Bangkok Hospital. There is a race in buying Ram's shares. The hospital has been well known for being inexpensive and yet efficient. It has a group of doctors (founders) who are truly devoted and least money-minded.

Thank you again for being fresh air to this forum and I will remember your message for not fueling their fires and let them disappear naturally.

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