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Ok, so heres the deal.

I thought I had a case of strep throat. Turns out, I have Mono.

So My question is....does every person have different symptoms? Do some people who have mono have no symptoms? Is it stil really contagious even after you start to feel better? Also...the doctors told me I need to get a lot of rest...except that I really have a hard time sleeping due to my sore/enlarged throat. And the headaches are horrendous. Is there anything else I can do, other than rest, to get better faster? I am worried that this will last for months...and I dont want to be sick for that long! I would love to be able to take a long break and sleep a lot more, but I cannot do that very much due to the fact that I am studying and working and I my schedule is always very full. Any advice would be appreciated!

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Ok, so heres the deal.

I thought I had a case of strep throat. Turns out, I have Mono.

So My question is....does every person have different symptoms? Do some people who have mono have no symptoms? Is it stil really contagious even after you start to feel better? Also...the doctors told me I need to get a lot of rest...except that I really have a hard time sleeping due to my sore/enlarged throat. And the headaches are horrendous. Is there anything else I can do, other than rest, to get better faster? I am worried that this will last for months...and I dont want to be sick for that long! I would love to be able to take a long break and sleep a lot more, but I cannot do that very much due to the fact that I am studying and working and I my schedule is always very full. Any advice would be appreciated!

I am in no way an expert and, fortunately, have never had it myself, but, from what I have heard [ hearsay, I'm afraid] it does not normally last more than a month--also, looking on the bright side, once you've had a correctly diagnosed infection of said 'mono' you can't get it again--not much consolation at your stage I'm afraid but better than none.

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Ok, so heres the deal.

I thought I had a case of strep throat. Turns out, I have Mono.

So My question is....does every person have different symptoms? YES Do some people who have mono have no symptoms? YES Is it stil really contagious even after you start to feel better? YES The Epstein-Barr Virus can remain in the saliva for months, and you should not donate blood for 6 months Also...the doctors told me I need to get a lot of rest...except that I really have a hard time sleeping due to my sore/enlarged throat. And the headaches are horrendous. Is there anything else I can do, other than rest, to get better faster? Not Really, since Mononucleosis is viral, the treatment course is bed rest and plenty of fluids. Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) or Motrin (Ibuprofen) for aches and pains and fever. Gargle with warm salt water for sore throat. I am worried that this will last for months...and I dont want to be sick for that long! It may last from weeks to months, there is no hard fast rule when it comes to Mononucleosis. I would love to be able to take a long break and sleep a lot more, but I cannot do that very much due to the fact that I am studying and working and I my schedule is always very full. Any advice would be appreciated!

Here's a comprehensive article from the Mayo Clinic on Mononucleosis http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/mononucle...0352/DSECTION=1

Highlights on Mononucleosis: Complications: Among significant complications of mononucleosis is enlargement of the spleen. In extreme cases, your spleen may rupture, causing sharp, sudden pain in the left side of your upper abdomen. If such pain occurs, seek medical attention immediately — you may need surgery.

Most people with mononucleosis have mild liver inflammation (hepatitis). A yellowing of your skin and the whites of your eyes (jaundice) occurs occasionally, usually in people older than 35. About half the people with mononucleosis have a low count of platelets, which are blood cells involved in clotting.

I know you want to return to work ASAP but keep this in mind: Most signs and symptoms of mononucleosis ease within a few weeks, but it may be two to three months before you feel completely normal. The more rest you get initially, the sooner you should recover.

Returning to your usual schedule too soon can increase the risk of a relapse. If you're an athlete, be cautious about returning to strenuous activities or contact sports, especially if your spleen is enlarged, because of the increased risk of rupturing the spleen.

When to return to see the doctor: If you've been feeling tired and weak; have had a persistent fever, headache, loss of appetite, rash and muscle aches; and have had swollen lymph nodes and tonsils — these are strong indications that you have mononucleosis. If rest and a healthy diet don't ease your symptoms within a week or two or if your symptoms recur, see your doctor.

Also you can have bacterial sinus and throat infections at the same time. If you have persistent fever, accompanied by yellow to green sputum or nasal discharge, you need to be evaluated by your doctor and be prescribed antibiotics.

Don't feel alone or bad that you have it. 95% of people test positive for the antibody for Mononucleosis, hence have had Mononucleosis. This usually happens before the age of 16 and is misdiagnosed as something else, like strep throat, antibiotics are given (even though they do nothing), then the child recovers and no one is the wiser that they have had Mononucleosis.

Rest, drink plenty of fluids, and return to you doctor if you feel worse, suspect that you have a concurrent bacterial infection, and especially if you have sharp, sudden pain in the left side of your upper abdomen.

The main thing is that you take proper care of yourself.

Take care,


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