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Bring My Custom Motorcycle To Thailand


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Hi, I intend to bring something like this with me when I move to Thailand later this year. As its a one off construction am I going to have problems registering it and how much tax am I liable to have to pay? Should I bring it in kit form and put it together there?? any advice gratefully received.


Edited by BigJerry
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Should be no problem, particularly for someone who cannot work the search function on Thaivisa.

It will be nice to see that machine on Thai roads though you might not be happy about the new owner.

Perhaps you would care to explain your rather bizare post? I'm perplexed.

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Its not illegal, you can definitely bring that in. Its all about the taxes and duties thats all.

Though its a killer looking bike, I'd be worried about it driving in Thailand. Crap roads will greatly shift your momentum with a bike looking like that. But hey, its all about cruising nice and slow right? :o

I'd also worry about people messing around with it when you park it anywhere. For maintainance, since its all custom, it might be a problem getting parts locally, plus a mechanics who are confident enough to deal with it. If you know a lot about your machine and are a builder/mechanic yourself, there is less worry.

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Should be no problem, particularly for someone who cannot work the search function on Thaivisa.

It will be nice to see that machine on Thai roads though you might not be happy about the new owner.

Perhaps you would care to explain your rather bizare post? I'm perplexed.

Okay, because you obviously have a California bike and have asked about finding organic food in Thailand as well as importing your parrots, I can assume we are dealing with someone from the left coast. So I will clarify it a bit for you since you asked.

If you would have simply used the search button located in the upper right corner of your screen, and done a simple search about importing motorcycles or vehicles or any such search term, you would have found around 19,000 other people have asked the exact same question as they were also technologically challenged. You would have then found around 6 million answers that range from "probably not" to "commit suicide before attempting to import".

If someone is so technologically challenged as to be unable to do a simple forum search, attempting to take on Thai Dept of Customs might be well outside their abilities. Dealing with them requires mastering the asian business manuals written by Douglas Adams and Lewis Carroll, and even then success is limited to your ability to pay and pay and pay and pay.

At best, you will fail and have your bike shipped back to Frisco slightly beat up from shipping but mostly intact. At worst, some happy Customs agent will tool around Bangkok on your bike so that you can catch a glimpse of it now and then, and that after many thousands of dollars in costs that are paid up front. I think Tuk Tuk Mike sees his car now and then, chime in if your out there Mike.

I dont know why but bikers seem completely unable to master the technology of searching. You dont see the same question being asked in the IT section every week and yet every week some biker thinks the secret to beating the Thai system is secretly hidden on Thai visa for them to learn after getting the secret handshake. The reason there are not a million big bikes in Thailand is because the door is for all extents CLOSED.

Mods, pleeeeeeeeeeeeze pin something well written about importing any vehicle into Thailand.

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With a bike that nice, do not believe anyone that says they can help you. The only way you can be helped is having your load of money lightened.

Just do a search, lots of info on how it is done. I know because I do it every week. Take it from me, you dont want that baby put through the mill, you will not be happy.

As a newbie, here is the hard and fast rule of surviving here. Never put more here than you are willing to walk away from. Even if you did get that bike over here, and you could at great expense, would you be willing to walk away from it one day? Here is another consideration, I am guessing that bike was built under the US kit laws, using a certified engine you got a once in lifetime title for your homebuild. Well, you did get a title but its not EPA nor DOT nor FMVSS certified so once it leaves the US there is about a 99.99999 percent chance you can never take it back, even with a legitimate US title.

Its a great bike, that style of naked Cali hot rod happens to be my favorite. Do yourself a big favor and just forget the idea, lots of overpriced junk hardware here for you to start fresh with.

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Gentlemen, thank you for your replies, point taken about using the search feature. I think my bike will stay at home, it cost me rather a lot both in cash and time to build and I don't want to risk losing it or having it damaged. Thanks for the nice comments about the bike its much appreciated.

Looks like I'll be riding a Vespa when I arrive in Thailand then *-))

Thanks again.

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Look a bit like exile to me, right or wrong??

Yes It was all from Exile apart from the motor which was from Accurate engineering. It came in kit form unpainted and I put it together, which was a story in itself. I then took it apart and sent it to paint and then put it back together again.Which was another heap of fun.

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Hi, I intend to bring something like this with me when I move to Thailand later this year. As its a one off construction am I going to have problems registering it and how much tax am I liable to have to pay? Should I bring it in kit form and put it together there?? any advice gratefully received.


I have mentioned it before. It can be done and not all that expensive:


Call them

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raybkk, you are dead wrong. Jerry, this is really bad advice, I think you are being wise and prudent keeping that queen in the US garage where she is safe and happy. Do not hand your bike over to the mafia importers that in league with the mafia customs, you will live to regret it.

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I wouldn't bring a bike in either - I have a custom too, its in the UK where it'll stay (its not as nice as your looks though - though it is all hand built from canabolised bikes from the 70's and 80's rather than from kits).

Not sure I agree with the searching slap, such things change over time - if you wanted to know about VISAs for example you could get hits back 5 years or more (assuming search will get that far before hitting 1000 hits) - which would obviously be next to useless now. Also, with new members all the time, you may get different answers to the same questions from new members or newly wisened old ones.

Good luck.

Edited by wolf5370
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Should be no problem, particularly for someone who cannot work the search function on Thaivisa.

It will be nice to see that machine on Thai roads though you might not be happy about the new owner.

Perhaps you would care to explain your rather bizare post? I'm perplexed.

Okay, because you obviously have a California bike and have asked about finding organic food in Thailand as well as importing your parrots, I can assume we are dealing with someone from the left coast. So I will clarify it a bit for you since you asked.

If you would have simply used the search button located in the upper right corner of your screen, and done a simple search about importing motorcycles or vehicles or any such search term, you would have found around 19,000 other people have asked the exact same question as they were also technologically challenged. You would have then found around 6 million answers that range from "probably not" to "commit suicide before attempting to import".

If someone is so technologically challenged as to be unable to do a simple forum search, attempting to take on Thai Dept of Customs might be well outside their abilities. Dealing with them requires mastering the asian business manuals written by Douglas Adams and Lewis Carroll, and even then success is limited to your ability to pay and pay and pay and pay.

At best, you will fail and have your bike shipped back to Frisco slightly beat up from shipping but mostly intact. At worst, some happy Customs agent will tool around Bangkok on your bike so that you can catch a glimpse of it now and then, and that after many thousands of dollars in costs that are paid up front. I think Tuk Tuk Mike sees his car now and then, chime in if your out there Mike.

I dont know why but bikers seem completely unable to master the technology of searching. You dont see the same question being asked in the IT section every week and yet every week some biker thinks the secret to beating the Thai system is secretly hidden on Thai visa for them to learn after getting the secret handshake. The reason there are not a million big bikes in Thailand is because the door is for all extents CLOSED.

Mods, pleeeeeeeeeeeeze pin something well written about importing any vehicle into Thailand.

Get back on your green baht bus, the OP was asking advice.

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I had a friend there tried to get a bike in as part, custom in BKK took it away, he told me he had seen his bike in Phuket.

Then again another friend is trying to get his bike to Thailand now, it will cost him a lot of money, and no garanti it will make it, we will see. If you want to do it you realy need to know the right people, and it will not be legal i think.

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Just a thought but is their a benefit in sending it to a Thai national as his bike with receipts of sale etc (fake of course) just something I read somewhere.

Does import duties still apply in that case?

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Again thanks for all the differing advice and opinions. I think I'll leave her here for the time being and maybe ship her when we've been in Thailand a year or so.

Best regards


Edited by BigJerry
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Should be no problem, particularly for someone who cannot work the search function on Thaivisa.

It will be nice to see that machine on Thai roads though you might not be happy about the new owner.

Perhaps you would care to explain your rather bizare post? I'm perplexed.

Okay, because you obviously have a California bike and have asked about finding organic food in Thailand as well as importing your parrots, I can assume we are dealing with someone from the left coast. So I will clarify it a bit for you since you asked.

If you would have simply used the search button located in the upper right corner of your screen, and done a simple search about importing motorcycles or vehicles or any such search term, you would have found around 19,000 other people have asked the exact same question as they were also technologically challenged. You would have then found around 6 million answers that range from "probably not" to "commit suicide before attempting to import".

If someone is so technologically challenged as to be unable to do a simple forum search, attempting to take on Thai Dept of Customs might be well outside their abilities. Dealing with them requires mastering the asian business manuals written by Douglas Adams and Lewis Carroll, and even then success is limited to your ability to pay and pay and pay and pay.

At best, you will fail and have your bike shipped back to Frisco slightly beat up from shipping but mostly intact. At worst, some happy Customs agent will tool around Bangkok on your bike so that you can catch a glimpse of it now and then, and that after many thousands of dollars in costs that are paid up front. I think Tuk Tuk Mike sees his car now and then, chime in if your out there Mike.

I dont know why but bikers seem completely unable to master the technology of searching. You dont see the same question being asked in the IT section every week and yet every week some biker thinks the secret to beating the Thai system is secretly hidden on Thai visa for them to learn after getting the secret handshake. The reason there are not a million big bikes in Thailand is because the door is for all extents CLOSED.

Mods, pleeeeeeeeeeeeze pin something well written about importing any vehicle into Thailand.

Excellent advice... :o

And very funny :D


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Should be no problem, particularly for someone who cannot work the search function on Thaivisa.

It will be nice to see that machine on Thai roads though you might not be happy about the new owner.

Perhaps you would care to explain your rather bizare post? I'm perplexed.

Okay, because you obviously have a California bike and have asked about finding organic food in Thailand as well as importing your parrots, I can assume we are dealing with someone from the left coast. So I will clarify it a bit for you since you asked.

If you would have simply used the search button located in the upper right corner of your screen, and done a simple search about importing motorcycles or vehicles or any such search term, you would have found around 19,000 other people have asked the exact same question as they were also technologically challenged. You would have then found around 6 million answers that range from "probably not" to "commit suicide before attempting to import".

If someone isso technologically challenged as to be unable to do a simple forum search, attempting to take on Thai Dept of Customs might be well outside their abilities. Dealing with them requires mastering the asian business manuals written by Douglas Adams and Lewis Carroll, and even then success is limited to your ability to pay and pay and pay and pay.

At best, you will fail and have your bike shipped back to Frisco slightly beat up from shipping but mostly intact. At worst, some happy Customs agent will tool around Bangkok on your bike so that you can catch a glimpse of it now and then, and that after many thousands of dollars in costs that are paid up front. I think Tuk Tuk Mike sees his car now and then, chime in if your out there Mike.

I dont know why but bikers seem completely unable to master the technology of searching. You dont see the same question being asked in the IT section every week and yet every week some biker thinks the secret to beating the Thai system is secretly hidden on Thai visa for them to learn after getting the secret handshake. The reason there are not a million big bikes in Thailand is because the door is for all extents CLOSED.

Mods, pleeeeeeeeeeeeze pin something well written about importing any vehicle into Thailand.

Not having read the "6 million" responses you mention I am game enough to say None would contain as much dribble as you have managed to post as a response" surely it would be more proper to offer some simple advice rather than make an ass of yourself?.

OP as some other posters have advised - in the norm not a good idea yet that having been said there are many big bikes here in Thailand and yes there are ways it can be done there are several dealers who specialise in "arranging" such imports - Listen I repeat listen to good advice and then make your own decision - Ignore Morons.

Edited by mijan24
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Great post and great advice Mijan24. I can tell you have had a lot of experience in this subject. I can only hope that you attempt to bring a motorcycle that beautiful through customs. It would be a just desert for such a pompous @ss.

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just a suggestion......but why not sell it and buy one of the many road legal customized bikes already here,thee is quite a big bike scene and also many shops that could put together any style of bike you wanted.i actually believe it would be cheaper in the long run and definitely less stress......if you wanted you could show a pic of what you wanted and let them get on with it!! :o

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Should be no problem, particularly for someone who cannot work the search function on Thaivisa.

It will be nice to see that machine on Thai roads though you might not be happy about the new owner.

Perhaps you would care to explain your rather bizare post? I'm perplexed.

Okay, because you obviously have a California bike and have asked about finding organic food in Thailand as well as importing your parrots, I can assume we are dealing with someone from the left coast. So I will clarify it a bit for you since you asked.

If you would have simply used the search button located in the upper right corner of your screen, and done a simple search about importing motorcycles or vehicles or any such search term, you would have found around 19,000 other people have asked the exact same question as they were also technologically challenged. You would have then found around 6 million answers that range from "probably not" to "commit suicide before attempting to import".

If someone is so technologically challenged as to be unable to do a simple forum search, attempting to take on Thai Dept of Customs might be well outside their abilities. Dealing with them requires mastering the asian business manuals written by Douglas Adams and Lewis Carroll, and even then success is limited to your ability to pay and pay and pay and pay.

At best, you will fail and have your bike shipped back to Frisco slightly beat up from shipping but mostly intact. At worst, some happy Customs agent will tool around Bangkok on your bike so that you can catch a glimpse of it now and then, and that after many thousands of dollars in costs that are paid up front. I think Tuk Tuk Mike sees his car now and then, chime in if your out there Mike.

I dont know why but bikers seem completely unable to master the technology of searching. You dont see the same question being asked in the IT section every week and yet every week some biker thinks the secret to beating the Thai system is secretly hidden on Thai visa for them to learn after getting the secret handshake. The reason there are not a million big bikes in Thailand is because the door is for all extents CLOSED.

Mods, pleeeeeeeeeeeeze pin something well written about importing any vehicle into Thailand.

If ur in sf get urself a carnet. It cost about $200 and will allow u to import the bike . then bring it i with no problems. You will get a 9o day entry permit for it then u need to take it out of the country every 90 days.

I have lots of friends here in Phuket that do that.

OR u can try and just drive it in. BUT as ur bike is one of a kind they will stop ya. I did that 10 years ago with my 1970 Tirumph and its still running ca plates that expired in 98. It has not been out of the country and although i have been stopped many times they now know me

Have only had 1 ticket for expired plates 4 years ago.

There are plenty of Harleys here BUT ur bike will certainly stick out. Duty runs anywhere from 50% to 150% of the value.

I have one frien running Ca plates and his bike has not left in 5 years. Of course u always take the chance that if they do stop ya and ur an asshol_e and they woke up on the wrong side of the bed they can take it from ya and thats the end of that story.

And they deceide the value.

With ur bike i would leave it home

Edited by phuketrichard
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Hi Guys,

     If I show up in Thailand and want a bigger bike. Legal plates and all. About how much would I have to spend to buy one? As compaired to here in USA, an older bike 700cc or more that would cost between 800 and 4000 US. Could I buy some thing like that in Thailand and how would the prices compair? Here I have an 86 Yamaha 700 Maxim and a 2001 Yamaha Road star. Could I get some thing like that in Thailand and about how much.



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OP, if you did manage to import this bike, how exactly do you control it? from your pic there is no handlebar controls! ok, its hardtail, but no rear brake? and has the engine got a governer flap on it? same as a Kubuta tractor? because i see no throttle,, I could go on but just bring a pic of your dream, its cheaper,,

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Great post and great advice Mijan24. I can tell you have had a lot of experience in this subject. I can only hope that you attempt to bring a motorcycle that beautiful through customs. It would be a just desert for such a pompous @ss.

xbusman :o But thankyou for the compliment, it's good to see we have members who are willing to acknowledge their failings in public although in all honesty there was no need.

I do agree with your thoughts that a simple answer with an informative link such as that provided by davidgtr is much more productive than offerering assumptions designed to make the OP look foollish "for not using the search tool".

davidgtr a good link :D

OP once again listen to the advice offered and make a decision for which you are responsible the general rule thumb being Importation of a vehicle is a No NO.

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