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Wednesday Funny


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There are certain words you dont use when interacting with the fairer sex, the C word being one of them...

... below is one of the few exceptions to this rule, in the form of a Joke.

A middle aged wife walks into the house after visiting the doctor, with a huge grin on her face and a bounce in her step, humming a cheerful tune and surrounded by a radiant glow.

The sofa bound, lager lout of a husband looks at her with a quizzical look and asks

"What are you so happy about?"

"I've just got back from a medical check-up and the Doctor says i have the body of an 18 year old and the breasts of a 21 year old!" she grinned

"So what did he say about your 40 year old c*nt then?" sneered the husband

"He didn't mention you" she replies


Edited by Wolfie
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Cheers Wolfie, funny :D

Hope you are well, long time no see in the Ladies forum :o

Yeah not an area of the forum i usually frequent, but i stumbled across some jokes and thought i'd share one with our lovely ladies.

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No offence to the OP but.... I DETEST the C word! I really hate it and think it is so crude! :o

Sorry, feel better now I've got that off my chest! :D

Me too! But I think this joke turns the word around.

I think it is vulgar to bandy that word around as a casual insult, along with the other matching slur: <deleted>.

I detest them both.

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