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I know quite a few of you have internet businesses here in Thailand. Which business structure do you think is the best for an internet business? It seems to me a LTD. Comp. might be best if you had a traditional business, but for an internet business, it seems like overkill.

A LTD. Partnership, on the other hand, may offer more benefits.

Given the fact that 100% of our business takes place offshore, we need no physical location or Thai bank account, is having ANY business structure advantageous? Is it better just to keep a low profile and do visa runs?

Any opinions?

Thanks in advance,


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What kind of internet business? They come in shapes varying from those where a guy makes 10 million baht a month merely by making a few keystrokes on his laptop 3 times a month (quite many owners of that kind of business on online-forums like this) to those where the internet business needs storage facilities, offices, and workspace for their many employees (not so many owners of the latter kind on online-forums).

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What kind of internet business? They come in shapes varying from those where a guy makes 10 million baht a month merely by making a few keystrokes on his laptop 3 times a month (quite many owners of that kind of business on online-forums like this) to those where the internet business needs storage facilities, offices, and workspace for their many employees (not so many owners of the latter kind on online-forums).

What kind of person, making 10 mil THB per month, bothers to engage in the sheer idiocy of internet forums like this? What bloody planet are you on? :o

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What kind of internet business? They come in shapes varying from those where a guy makes 10 million baht a month merely by making a few keystrokes on his laptop 3 times a month (quite many owners of that kind of business on online-forums like this) to those where the internet business needs storage facilities, offices, and workspace for their many employees (not so many owners of the latter kind on online-forums).

What kind of person, making 10 mil THB per month, bothers to engage in the sheer idiocy of internet forums like this? What bloody planet are you on? :o

Weren't talking about real persons - only about the content of posts... Your reply tells me I over-estimated the intelligence of at least one reader.

Edited by Cyberstar
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I know quite a few of you have internet businesses here in Thailand. Which business structure do you think is the best for an internet business? It seems to me a LTD. Comp. might be best if you had a traditional business, but for an internet business, it seems like overkill.

A LTD. Partnership, on the other hand, may offer more benefits.

Given the fact that 100% of our business takes place offshore, we need no physical location or Thai bank account, is having ANY business structure advantageous? Is it better just to keep a low profile and do visa runs?

Any opinions?

Thanks in advance,


It all depend's on how legitimate you want to be. In the short term being "under the radar" is fine and "up-to-you". But long-term, there are benefits. Certain visa's require proof of income, proof of tax paid etc. You can't do this if you're not "legally" working.


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I know quite a few of you have Internet businesses here in Thailand. Which business structure do you think is the best for an Internet business? It seems to me a LTD. Comp. might be best if you had a traditional business, but for an Internet business, it seems like overkill.

A LTD. Partnership, on the other hand, may offer more benefits.

Given the fact that 100% of our business takes place offshore, we need no physical location or Thai bank account, is having ANY business structure advantageous? Is it better just to keep a low profile and do visa runs?

Any opinions?

Thanks in advance,


It all depend's on how legitimate you want to be. In the short term being "under the radar" is fine and "up-to-you". But long-term, there are benefits. Certain visa's require proof of income, proof of tax paid etc. You can't do this if you're not "legally" working.


Hi Guys,

I sell information products of different sorts. mostly alternative energy, and medical tourism info. I have no need for an office, (I work at my house) no employees, no business bank accounts, no inventory, licenses, tax, transportation of goods, or anything that defines a "brick and mortar" kind of business. I can do everything myself, and my overhead is very low. All my distribution is done via the Internet automatically. I can pretty much live wherever I want.

I most definitely want to be legitimate, legal, and in every way above board. But understand, I don't NEED any of those things to operate successfully. The only thing I need is a laptop and an Internet connection. Everything else is satisfying the whims of government masters.

Hence, my question. A Thai limited company with 4 employees, and 7 shareholders is "overkill" There is nothing for them to do and I would spend all my time coming up with make-work projects for the only purpose of having a visa and a work permit. I don't mind paying taxes, within reason, although I understand I'm getting very little, to nothing, for them, except the "privilege" of living here. If I wanted to avoid being legitimate, I can easily slip under the radar as a tourist. It's essentially, what I am. I'm not taking any jobs away from Thais, or anyone else. I'm doing nothing which is illegal, immoral, unethical or underhanded. I created my business from scratch, built it up steadily, over time, the same way every other business was built. I spent 10 years building it, and now I can relax a little.

That was why I was thinking a Limited Partnership may be the way to go. I don't mind having a Thai as a managing director, simply because there is nothing for them to manage. Everything is held in my name and it is held offshore. I'm not trying to be mysterious, it's just the way it is done. Lot of places have better Internet business laws than Thailand. (Which has none)

Does anyone else have any experience with Internet businesses in Thailand? Lots of people these days have Internet businesses in Thailand, and many foreigners, like me, choose to live here, with income coming from these sources. I was hoping someone who has "been there and done that" might be able to steer my in the right direction.

Thanks again for any help.

PS...the guy that makes 10 million baht a month with a few keystrokes...I want to meet him !!!! :o


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A Thai limited company with 4 employees, and 7 shareholders is "overkill" There is nothing for them to do and I would spend all my time coming up with make-work projects for the only purpose of having a visa and a work permit.

Suggest you get some more information on this because a foreigner can get a work permit without employing 4 Thai people.

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I have an internet business in Thailand, run via a registered company with 24 staff (6 full time in the office). I admit, the main reason is to get my Visa and work permit. However, I view having help as a long term strategy... the profit I make from my established sites that I've built up over 7 years pays for staff and office costs. I don't expect to see a return on this investment for a year or two... but as you know, once sites are generating revenue... they keep going and going and going...

If you want to live here, further expanding your on-line business may be a worth while option. Yes, you say you don't need assistance now, but why stop at where you are at? The worst thing anyone can do with a successful business is loose momentum. If you are successful in a few niches, just apply the same strategy to others and expand your empire.

As for staying here under the radar... I think you need to check out the visa section of this site. As far as my understanding goes, tourists can only stay here for 90 days in a 180 day period.

I guess it all depends on how serious you are about living in Thailand... If you want the LOS as your home, you'll need to sort out a visa... makes sense employing some staff to help with your current business rather than helping someone else make more money (via employment)

Good luck :o

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I have an internet business in Thailand, run via a registered company with 24 staff (6 full time in the office). I admit, the main reason is to get my Visa and work permit. However, I view having help as a long term strategy... the profit I make from my established sites that I've built up over 7 years pays for staff and office costs. I don't expect to see a return on this investment for a year or two... but as you know, once sites are generating revenue... they keep going and going and going...

If you want to live here, further expanding your on-line business may be a worth while option. Yes, you say you don't need assistance now, but why stop at where you are at? The worst thing anyone can do with a successful business is loose momentum. If you are successful in a few niches, just apply the same strategy to others and expand your empire.

As for staying here under the radar... I think you need to check out the visa section of this site. As far as my understanding goes, tourists can only stay here for 90 days in a 180 day period.

I guess it all depends on how serious you are about living in Thailand... If you want the LOS as your home, you'll need to sort out a visa... makes sense employing some staff to help with your current business rather than helping someone else make more money (via employment)

Good luck :o

Hi Seobangkok,

Pleasure to meet you. Let me get this straight, you have a Thai limited company, then?

How do you handle all the legalities? Who do you use?

Right now, we've been here over a year on embassy issued tourist visas. I think you're right if it is a "visa on arrival" stamp on the airport. I have a wife and son, (Vietnamese) and visa runs are getting old.

24 staff, uh? Wow. Whatever on earth do they do? I've thought a lot about expanding in different areas. I've more ideas than time, that's for sure. I think I could maybe do 1 or 2 employees at this time. And I agree, you never want to stagnate. I'd have to put serious thought into "jobs" and a work-flow system designed to arrive at a desired end. How do you do it? As far as web design goes, that could easily be farmed out. Article marketing as well could be. (At least to a point) Research as well. My gut feeling is that you probably do all of your own SEO, but with software, that also could be delegated as well.

I've talked to some lawyers, and tried to explain my business, but I never got satisfactory answers from 3 that I've talked to. Who do you use? Either their eyes were glazing over and they were just giving me stock "one-size-fits-all" answers, or steering me towards the most expensive solution on general principle. I don't mind spending the money on a solution that works, but I don't want to waste it, and I want a lawyer who at the very least, understands my situation, instead of nodding their heads in perfect misunderstanding.

If I can't come up with a solution that works sometime soon, I guess I'll just leave and go somewhere the government isn't trying so hard to get rid of me. I understand the Philippines, looking to cash in on the mass exodus of falongs from Thailand has an 18 month tourist visa. Pity, because I've been coming here for 15 years.


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here is your 10 million baht answer

1) If the business is just you and your laptop at small income levels (under 100k a month) best option is to go under the rader

2) if your business gets bigger - incorporate in Hong Kong. Will cost you about 2k USD. HK incorporated companies that dont actually do businesses in HK are not liable for taxes

3) if your business is bigger and you have to hire thai employees, then have the HK company own the Thai company 49/51 and have the thai company just be paid its expenses for the employees salary, but all your billing and checks are going to the HK company.

4) if you are still worried about how to get your next visa....then you have a long way to go.

basically, besides the fact that you live here, you dont want the main $$$ cash aspects of your business running through thailand (just like all the wealthy thais) . do everything you can to stay legal, but avoid this.

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here is your 10 million baht answer

1) If the business is just you and your laptop at small income levels (under 100k a month) best option is to go under the rader

2) if your business gets bigger - incorporate in Hong Kong. Will cost you about 2k USD. HK incorporated companies that dont actually do businesses in HK are not liable for taxes

3) if your business is bigger and you have to hire thai employees, then have the HK company own the Thai company 49/51 and have the thai company just be paid its expenses for the employees salary, but all your billing and checks are going to the HK company.

4) if you are still worried about how to get your next visa....then you have a long way to go.

basically, besides the fact that you live here, you dont want the main $$$ cash aspects of your business running through thailand (just like all the wealthy thais) . do everything you can to stay legal, but avoid this.

Hi Shah,

Now we're getting somewhere. Thanks for the great reply. Khow jai, Khrap.

Ok, a few questions. Actually, more than a few. :o

Why HK? I understand perfectly about what you're saying, and I agree, don't get me wrong. But why not, say, Panama? (Same no taxes on offshore income, about the same price too) Or does it matter? Is it simply the proximity to Thailand? Is there a definite advantage to incorporating in HK I'm unaware of? Such as HK companies are more acceptable in Asia? I ask because I'm more familiar with the Panamanian business laws and have no clue about HK. I assume they would be modeled after British.

But that is exactly what I'm looking for...no taxes on offshore income, a minimum of BS, and excellent Internet banking.

I agree about wanting to keep the money in a offshore location, absolutely. My personal situation is I'm around the 200k range per month, and simply debit card my living expenses but I'm getting ready to ramp it up (as discussed before) The web sites I'm thinking about doing require me to be in Thailand and Asia for about another year or 2.

I understand your point about having your offshore business owning the 49% share, rather than an individual. Keeping the money offshore from the very beginning, and simply paying business expenses. Smart.

Yeah, that is exactly where I'm at. At the very beginning, Sick of visa runs, and want to set this up properly from the very beginning. "Been there, done that" as far as setting up companies and having them be completely useless within a year because they weren't set up properly to begin with.

Also, what is the cost of running a minimal business in Thailand tax wise? Meaning, what can I expect to pay over and above employee cost? The "total" cost of doing business here? Also, what can I expect time-wise?

(Your opinion) Would there be any advantage to having a HK corp. and an amity company 100% foreign owned (I'm from the US) together? I understand from others that Amity companies are under the microscope.

Thanks again, for the great reply.


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Hi Shah,

Now we're getting somewhere. Thanks for the great reply. Khow jai, Khrap.

Ok, a few questions. Actually, more than a few. :D

Why HK? I understand perfectly about what you're saying, and I agree, don't get me wrong. But why not, say, Panama? (Same no taxes on offshore income, about the same price too) Or does it matter? Is it simply the proximity to Thailand? Is there a definite advantage to incorporating in HK I'm unaware of? Such as HK companies are more acceptable in Asia? I ask because I'm more familiar with the Panamanian business laws and have no clue about HK. I assume they would be modeled after British.

But that is exactly what I'm looking for...no taxes on offshore income, a minimum of BS, and excellent Internet banking.

I agree about wanting to keep the money in a offshore location, absolutely. My personal situation is I'm around the 200k range per month, and simply debit card my living expenses but I'm getting ready to ramp it up (as discussed before) The web sites I'm thinking about doing require me to be in Thailand and Asia for about another year or 2.

I understand your point about having your offshore business owning the 49% share, rather than an individual. Keeping the money offshore from the very beginning, and simply paying business expenses. Smart.

Yeah, that is exactly where I'm at. At the very beginning, Sick of visa runs, and want to set this up properly from the very beginning. "Been there, done that" as far as setting up companies and having them be completely useless within a year because they weren't set up properly to begin with.

Also, what is the cost of running a minimal business in Thailand tax wise? Meaning, what can I expect to pay over and above employee cost? The "total" cost of doing business here? Also, what can I expect time-wise?

(Your opinion) Would there be any advantage to having a HK corp. and an amity company 100% foreign owned (I'm from the US) together? I understand from others that Amity companies are under the microscope.

Thanks again, for the great reply.


HK just because it is close and i know that. If you know Panama better, then use that

As for Thailand, again, no reason ever to have more here than the bare necessity. If you need to hire employees, then just make a company that hires employees or better not even that.

though by snooping at your niches, I am not sure how thai employees can help as it would involve much content writing and setup and it is very difficult to find competent English speakers. the only time I let thais get near a computer is for graphic design.

I would say better to outsource to india and keep living with your laptop.

Thailand is the best place in the world to live, but a horrible place to do business due to corruption, incompetence, non-transparency and moving goal-posts.

keep your home here, but all your business interests overseas.

btw.. nice niches(s) :o

if you want to discuss offline pm

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Hi Shah,

Now we're getting somewhere. Thanks for the great reply. Khow jai, Khrap.

Ok, a few questions. Actually, more than a few. :D

Why HK? I understand perfectly about what you're saying, and I agree, don't get me wrong. But why not, say, Panama? (Same no taxes on offshore income, about the same price too) Or does it matter? Is it simply the proximity to Thailand? Is there a definite advantage to incorporating in HK I'm unaware of? Such as HK companies are more acceptable in Asia? I ask because I'm more familiar with the Panamanian business laws and have no clue about HK. I assume they would be modeled after British.

But that is exactly what I'm looking for...no taxes on offshore income, a minimum of BS, and excellent Internet banking.

I agree about wanting to keep the money in a offshore location, absolutely. My personal situation is I'm around the 200k range per month, and simply debit card my living expenses but I'm getting ready to ramp it up (as discussed before) The web sites I'm thinking about doing require me to be in Thailand and Asia for about another year or 2.

I understand your point about having your offshore business owning the 49% share, rather than an individual. Keeping the money offshore from the very beginning, and simply paying business expenses. Smart.

Yeah, that is exactly where I'm at. At the very beginning, Sick of visa runs, and want to set this up properly from the very beginning. "Been there, done that" as far as setting up companies and having them be completely useless within a year because they weren't set up properly to begin with.

Also, what is the cost of running a minimal business in Thailand tax wise? Meaning, what can I expect to pay over and above employee cost? The "total" cost of doing business here? Also, what can I expect time-wise?

(Your opinion) Would there be any advantage to having a HK corp. and an amity company 100% foreign owned (I'm from the US) together? I understand from others that Amity companies are under the microscope.

Thanks again, for the great reply.


HK just because it is close and i know that. If you know Panama better, then use that

As for Thailand, again, no reason ever to have more here than the bare necessity. If you need to hire employees, then just make a company that hires employees or better not even that.

though by snooping at your niches, I am not sure how thai employees can help as it would involve much content writing and setup and it is very difficult to find competent English speakers. the only time I let thais get near a computer is for graphic design.

I would say better to outsource to india and keep living with your laptop.

Thailand is the best place in the world to live, but a horrible place to do business due to corruption, incompetence, non-transparency and moving goal-posts.

keep your home here, but all your business interests overseas.

btw.. nice niches(s) :D

if you want to discuss offline pm

Yeah, I wasn't sure either how to farm out the English language aspect. I'd either end up doing the proof-reading, or outsourcing the job. Except for the research, it's all English language skills of one kind or another. For that matter, all aspects of this I'd prefer to outsource to India given the choice.

I agree, keep everything Thai to an absolute minimum.

I had a Thai business here in 1995-1998 before everything went into a deep dive economically and spent more time chasing my tail dealing with Thai office politics than making money. Of course, another problem is I LIKE doing all aspects of Internet design, SEO and marketing. People moan about it, but I can't imagine not doing my own. (Or at least micro-managing it! :o I need to shed that kind of thinking, I know) It's a one-of-a-kind gig, if you can do it, information products coupled with affiliate marketing are the best gig on the planet if you ask me.

I also agree, Thailand is the best place to live, No question. I'm at the point now where I need a secure base of operations, and except for the visa hassles, Thailand is perfect.

I'm going to follow your advice. My original plan was to get an IBC in Panama, and then come here with it. I'm looking into it now. But HK looks OK, too. Couple other places look interesting as well.

Thanks a million for the advice (I mean it) I'd love to get together offline and chat or PM. I haven't quite figured out how to do it on this forum yet, but my yahoo id is dsieg58 if you get a chance. I'd love to chat. Feel free anytime. It really helps having someone to bounce ideas off of. Someone who actually knows what you're talking about.

Yeah, I'm having a blast in my niches. I come up with about 10 ideas a week. Most of them gather dust, which is a shame, because I know they'd be profitable. Matter of fact, I need to brainstorm these one's I've got right now with someone. Problem is, no one knows what I'm talking about. I need to pump more of them (websites) out, quicker, though. I spend too much time building one of them, instead of focusing on building several at one time. (Out-source, I know) But you've got to get the pattern down to where you can reproduce them easily. I got the pattern, now I've got to cookie-cutter them out. The cool thing is, I'm finally on my way.

All the best to you and I hope we chat again.


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I was going to spare you 10 minutes of my time writing a detailed reply, until I noticed this sentance..

I'd love to get together offline and chat or PM. I haven't quite figured out how to do it on this forum yet, but my yahoo id is dsieg58 if you get a chance.

How the hel_l do you make serious money on-line if you can't even use a forum?

Something smells fishy...

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I was going to spare you 10 minutes of my time writing a detailed reply, until I noticed this sentance..
I'd love to get together offline and chat or PM. I haven't quite figured out how to do it on this forum yet, but my yahoo id is dsieg58 if you get a chance.

How the hel_l do you make serious money on-line if you can't even use a forum?

Something smells fishy...

OK, No problem. You're entitled to your opinion. I feel no need to reply to your question, I assume it was rhetorical. You can believe or disbelieve, as you wish. Truthfully, I don't spend time online in forums, unless I have a reason, like now. If I wanted to take the time to learn the in and outs of this forum, and dazzle everyone, I could. But that seems sort of pointless to me. However, it's easier, and quicker, to stay with what I know. The point in me writing, was to learn something about Thai business structures, in order to solve a problem, not impress anyone with my Internet forum savvy. You gave me a good answer, and I'm thankful for that response. (and everyone else's) I've gotten some great advice. More than 3 lawyers put together, 2 of whom who I had to pay for. All in all, it was time well invested so far.

But I feel no need, to justify anything to anyone. Do you?


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What a weird thread this one is --- ah. never mind. Shah Jahahn has previously - many times - exposed himself as a person who lives out there where even I don't dare to go. Feel free to disregard his input, but be prepared to be categorized as fools by doing so.

Edited by Cyberstar
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I was going to spare you 10 minutes of my time writing a detailed reply, until I noticed this sentance..
I'd love to get together offline and chat or PM. I haven't quite figured out how to do it on this forum yet, but my yahoo id is dsieg58 if you get a chance.

How the hel_l do you make serious money on-line if you can't even use a forum?

Something smells fishy...

I smell bacon as well.

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What a weird thread this one is --- ah. never mind. Shah Jahahn has previously - many times - exposed himself as a person who lives out there where even I don't dare to go. Feel free to disregard his input, but be prepared to be categorized as fools by doing so.

Actually his reply makes perfect sense. At least to me anyway. (but I'm probably bacon :o ) I've read the same technique in books in setting up offshore companies, for doing business in repressive (Vietnam) countries. The point in doing so is to give the government as little control over your operations, especially the movement of money, as possible. It also the very same reason just about every major company in every 1st. world country, actually operates (i.e. incorporates) from an offshore location. It's the reason why companies incorporate in Delaware and Nevada in the US, (they are treated as "foreign entities") and Isle of Man in the UK. That a Thai company would use HK makes sense. Foreign money is always treated better.


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I know quite a few of you have internet businesses here in Thailand. Which business structure do you think is the best for an internet business? It seems to me a LTD. Comp. might be best if you had a traditional business, but for an internet business, it seems like overkill.

A LTD. Partnership, on the other hand, may offer more benefits.

Given the fact that 100% of our business takes place offshore, we need no physical location or Thai bank account, is having ANY business structure advantageous? Is it better just to keep a low profile and do visa runs?

Any opinions?

Thanks in advance,


hope this can help!

COMPANY LIMITED Memorandum of Association Registration

Particulars enforced by the law to register:

Memorandum of Association of Company Limited made by the Promoters and take to register to the Registrar of Partnership and Company shall be contained particulars prescribed in Section 1098 and Section 1099 of Civil and Commercial Code as follows:

  • Name of Company
  • Province which is located by the head office of the company
  • All objects of the company
  • Statement showing liabilities of shareholders
  • Total of capital, amount of shares and value of shares provided by the company
  • Name, address, vocation and amount of shares entered the name to purchase of the promoters (at least 7 persons) and signatures of all promoters
  • Name, ages, address and witnesses’ signature (at least 2 witnesses) who certify the signatures of promoters (as provided in 6)

Registration to be a Company Limited:

When the promoters has proceeded registration the Memorandum of Association already, they shall make an appointment to the persons who enter the name to buy shares of the company in order to consider to establish a company, the following are the procedures:

  • Any promoter makes a Letter of Meeting to establish a company by setting the day, time, place and agenda (subject to be consider) and deliver to all persons who buy shares of the company before the meeting date at least 7 days.
  • A Letter of Meeting shall be provided the day of meeting after the day specified in the Letter of Meeting no less than 7 days.
  • Agenda in the Letter of Meeting shall be provided the business to do at the meeting pursuant to Section 1108 of Civil and Commercial Code; those are:
    • Certify panel, status and office of share purchasers with the amount of
    • Consider to set up regulation of the company.
    • Consider and give confirmation to the business done by the promoters and cost necessary to pay for establishment.
    • Consider on shares.
    • Consider to select the first directors of the company and set the power of directors.
    • Consider to select auditor and set the wages.
    • Other subjects (if any).

    If the company contains Preference Shares or Ordinary Shares which are issued as if the money has been paid in full amount or paid some portion already in order to compensate labour value or compensate any property, it shall be defined in the Letter of Meeting (4) clearly as well.

    [*]On meeting date as provided in the Letter of Meeting, the promoters shall provide a meeting at the prescribed location and shall proceed meeting pursuant to the agenda as provided.

    [*]When the meeting to establish is finished already, the promoter shall assign all business of the company to the committee selected from the meeting of establishment, and the directors shall call the promoters and the persons who enter the names to purchase the shares pay value of shares as holding by persons and thereafter to proceed register to establish a company further.

Particulars enforced by the law to register:

Register to establish a company, the following particulars shall be registered:

  • Total shares entered the names to purchase or issued already, separately by ordinary or preference shares, amount.
  • Amount of ordinary shares, preference shares issued as paid in full amount or paid some portion except paid by cash and shares paid some portion, in what amount.
  • Amount of money paid at how much per share.
  • Total amount of money received for shares.
  • Name, vocation and address of all directors.
  • Number or names of directors who shall sign the name to be effected to the company.
  • Statement showing that the company established with term or not.
  • Location of head office and all branches.
  • Other particulars shall be spread to public.
  • Seal of company.
  • Statement showing that the company established with or without regulations.

Particulars regarding procedures to register Partnership:

When there are persons from 2 or more persons has agreed to join to do business as partnership and they wish their partnership to be legally juristic person pursuant to the law. The one who acts as managing partner is appointed from all partners from the partnership shall present their statement to registration at the Partnership/Company Registration Office located by head office of that partnership and the procedures and rules with official regulations according to the law shall be performed. Even thereafter the managing partner has agreed to correct, adding any particulars registered already of any matters, he shall take to register or correct, adding of those particulars at the previous Partnership/Company Registration Office. (except registration thereafter the head office has been moved to the area of other Partnership/Company Registration Office, then he shall register at the Partnership/Company Registration Office that his head office located), that will be detailed further:

Registration of Partnership Establishment

Particulars enforced by the law to register:

Partnership with its status of juristic person according to the law; that is registered partnership (or so called ordinary juristic partnership) and limited partnership, application to register of establishment for both by the matter of law, the particulars to register are the same (according to Section 1064 and Section 1077) as follows:

  • Name of partnership
  • Objectives of partnership (in case of limited partnership, the statement that to be limited partnership shall be noticed as well)
  • Location of head office and all branches
  • Name, brand, address, vocation and articles to put as shares of all partners (in case of limited partnership, types of partners must be classified both limited liability and unlimited liability)
  • Name of managing partner
  • Limits of power of managing partner (if any)
  • Other particulars which is suitable to notice to public

Alien/Foreign Company

Juristic Person established in the Kingdom of Thailand Case of Establishment of Branch in Thailand

  • Name of partnership
  • Copy of document of juristic person showing particulars related to the names, capital, objectives, location of office, lists of directors and directors’ power of the juristic person who wishes to apply.
  • Appointment Authorized person Letter to proceed in Thailand and copy of passport of the person who will take charge of the office or copy of I.D. Card in case the proxy holder is a Thai,
  • Details of transaction to apply (Notification Letter 5 articles.)
    • History of the company
    • Business Project to apply
    • Reasons and necessities to buy goods from Thailand to distribute overseas.
    • Advantages and disadvantages to any factor.

    [*]Briefly map showing location in Thailand.

    [*]Evidence showing the results from previous permission for the next permission.

    [*]Other evidence copies (if any), employment letter from governmental agency, state-enterprise or the concession holder of Petroleum (in case the certificate is unclear, deliver copy of contract instead)


  • Company or partnership registration, just an alien or many aliens can be hold shares or being a partner not exceeding 49% of all registered capital. A Thai nationality or many can join as shareholders or partners no less than 51% of all registered capital.
  • In case of company limited, an alien or more aliens can be a member of directors or a director who can sign his name effective to the company and seal of the company in order to transact, a Thai nationality will have or not is the same. A director can sign the name and seal of the company or many directors will sign and seal of the company depending on the agreement.
  • Limited partnership, an alien can be a partner in form of limited responsibility with the share not exceeding 49% of registered capital, but cannot hold the managing partner of limited partnership, but can work in the position assigned by managing partner.
  • Register charge for limited company is 5,000 baht or 125 USD.
  • Register charge for Memorandum of Association (only company limited for 1,000,000.- registered capital baht,(or 25,000 USD) the fee is 500.- Baht or 12.5 USD)
  • The fee for company registration for registered capital 1,000,000.- baht (25,000 USD), is 5,000 baht or 125 USD.
  • The fee for Memorandum of Association and establish a company will increase for registered capital of 25,000 USD (1,000,000.-baht, the fee will be increased a time or 137.5 USD but not exceeding 250,000 baht or 6,250 USD.
  • Steps of registration for limited company is at least 11 working days excluding holidays.
  • Steps of registration for limited partnership is at least 1-3 working days excluding holidays.
  • The fees for limited partnership is 1,000 baht or 25 USD whether how much the registered capital, but the partners shall contain from 3 persons, but the fees shall be increased 200.- baht per a person or 5 USD.
  • The service charge for alien company with its head office overseas and want to establish a branch office in Thailand is 750.- USD.
  • Limited company or limited partnership contain aliens working and want to hire us to apply for Work Permit or Renew Work Permit or Adding Position, adding or changing working place, please contact Work Permit.

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Interesting. Thanks for the info. All in all, it does seem a LTD. Partnership has definite advvantages. Does anyone know the employment requirements then for a limited company? Meaning is it the same as for a limited company? (Four thai people) or can it just be 2 partners?

Thanks to all of you.


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I have an internet business in Thailand, run via a registered company with 24 staff (6 full time in the office). I admit, the main reason is to get my Visa and work permit.

Good luck :D

OK, so let me get this right. You registered a company employing 24 staff for the sole purpose of getting a visa & work permit ?

I have seen people go to some lengths to get a visa & work permit but this seems too hard to believe....

You sound like one of those farangs who always come to my office looking for a job. I ask them "For what purpose are you seeing employment for ?" Where I nearly always get the reply "So I can get a visa & work permit and stay in Thailand !" :o

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What a weird thread this one is --- ah. never mind. Shah Jahan has previously - many times - exposed himself as a person who lives out there where even I don't dare to go.

r u referring to inner, outer or cyber space?

i will take the above as a complement :o

Edited by Shah Jahan
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  • 7 months later...
I have an internet business in Thailand, run via a registered company with 24 staff (6 full time in the office). I admit, the main reason is to get my Visa and work permit.

Good luck :D

OK, so let me get this right. You registered a company employing 24 staff for the sole purpose of getting a visa & work permit ?

I have seen people go to some lengths to get a visa & work permit but this seems too hard to believe....

You sound like one of those farangs who always come to my office looking for a job. I ask them "For what purpose are you seeing employment for ?" Where I nearly always get the reply "So I can get a visa & work permit and stay in Thailand !" :o

What i dont get is..workpermit and visa is easy to obtain. Just setup a dorment company, then apply for workpermit, The cost diddly, chanode landowners have it to. Tax wil be around 10 to 12000baht per year on tax...

And the visa just not true official ways its bullocks. There many thai that do it for a fair price..and yes lads. Some say its dangerous, yet again bullocks,we have lfet many times to my own country the just get stamped no problems with it. The get fixed in munich, and all that without even leaving thailand :D

Its not so hard to obtain a visa. Investing like the gentlemen did " for owwell just visa and workpermit" My best guess is you got to much cash in the pocket. Or else you would think, before you would do that

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