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Its Not About Culture, Its About Being Human


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So i'm drinking at my buddy's apt. in Lamlukka and i'm getting hungry so I go down to the market to get some noodles. Its like 11pm and this guy is standing there arguing with his wife or g/f. Suddenly this guy like straight up punches her right in her face.....like HARD. She hits the ground and the back of her head collides with the pavement with a thud. Instantly she goes into seizure mode, her eyes rolling completely up into her head. I charge at the guy head on (im 190cm) and slam him into his truck so hard that the passanger side window cracks on impact. Im two seconds away from giving this cowardly lowlife the beating that'll take him closer to death than hes ever been. I want him to feel exactly what its like to have no one there to help him when suddenly 4 of the guys who have been watching the ordeal rip me off and throw me down across the street. I take out my phone and call the police when these four guys start ripping me apart to smash my phone. Immediatly the guy throws his still convulsing g/f into the truck and peels off. The other four guys casually walk away and go back to they're business.

When I went back to the apt. everyones like jesus christ what the fuc_k happened. I told them exactly what happened and a Thai guy who speaks decent english told me in Thailand you must never defend anyone who you have no relation with. Because it wasn't my business the other random 4 guys who smashed my phone were helping the coward. The other farang i was with immediatly went down to the market to find the other 4 guys and give them a beating but as soon as they saw us they took off on their motorbikes.

Conclusion: Culture is one thing, but sitting by while a woman who is having a seizure and possibly minutes away from death and not doing anything is horrible. Even worse, when someone tries to defend her, you help the attacker. Why? I can not understand. My thai friend told me I could have gotten arrested for what I did, but thats fine by me because sometimes its about being human.

Coming a bit late to this thread, I think that the OP can walk away from this with his head held high. I hope I would have behaved the same in his situation.

And to the poster who said Thailand isn't the wild west - who are you kidding? life is very cheap out here, If that women alive or dead gets taken to a hospital, it will not be investigated, oh she just fell off a motorbike will probably be the excuse given.

Remember the war on drugs - 2,500 unaccounted for killings.

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