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Separate Bg Section?


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Do you think there should be a separate section for discussions on bargirls and related subjects?

Personally i'm sick of people bringing up the bg thing in near enough every topic.

Pattaya forum has a separate section which is un-moderated for these discussions.

Thai visa could do this leaving the rest of the forum informative and helpful on other more important issues whilst deleting bg stuff in these sections.

Maybe no moderation would'nt be a good idea as the forum i mentioned is, in places stepping way over the mark, it could be damaging if authorities were to look at it.

IMHO Its noticable that the forum is changing for the worse,

What do you think? :o

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Somebody even brought up bargirls in my thread asking for grapefruits! <deleted> is that all about??? :o

ENOUGH ALREADY. Give them another forum, give them warnings I don't care but I am getting annoyed with all the BG threads. I used to enjoy spending time on TV when I had nothing to do (like now, its the rainy season) but this is getting quite tedious and I find myself spending more time doing other, more useful things (probably for the best really). :D

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My person feelings are that i don't think thai visa needs that kind of stuff, there's enough forums already that cater for it.

I suggested it so as to maybe reduce the number of posters doing it and spoiling the other topics. (and give the moderators less of a headache)

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agreed , why anyone would want to talk about the unlimited availability of young,nubile,sensuous,slim hipped,raspberry nippled,pert buttocked,sexually voracious,happy,pretty girls whose mission in life is to cater to the jaded sexual appetites of foriegn men is beyond me. :o

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The problem is that bg's are a big part of Thailand, probably for 90% of the expats in los. Why they feel the need to slag on them I don't know.Broken heart I guess.

I would mind seeing a bg section just as a way to filter out alot of this rubbish. It would save the rest of us from reading the spew of flaming bg posters.(erco)

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