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Pathetic sex-crazed farang


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I think it's amazing how you guys discuss your sexual depravities so openly on this forum. Basically you're just admitting that you can't get laid in your own country and you have to come here to pay for cheap sex with ignorant, ugly country girls.

If I had my way, you'd all be deported....sickos.

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I think it's amazing how you guys discuss your sexual depravities so openly on this forum. Basically you're just admitting that you can't get laid in your own country and you have to come here to pay for cheap sex with ignorant, ugly country girls.

If I had my way, you'd all be deported....sickos.

Oh god, another "troll"  :o

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Quote (GlenTuk @ July 22 2003,22:03)

Quote (simonpayne17 @ July 22 2003,04:48)

How many of you out there are able to keep your penny in your pocket when you are away from your loved one in the LOS.  

Unless i want Mr Nudge cut off and used as an ingredient in a Tom Yam soup, Then the mouse stays in the house !  

tom yum joo...ahem, no thanks!  

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at least here he was still joining the fun  :o

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Quote (GlenTuk @ July 22 2003,22:03)

Quote (simonpayne17 @ July 22 2003,04:48)

How many of you out there are able to keep your penny in your pocket when you are away from your loved one in the LOS.  

Unless i want Mr Nudge cut off and used as an ingredient in a Tom Yam soup, Then the mouse stays in the house !  

tom yum joo...ahem, no thanks!  

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at least here he was still joining the fun  :o

sevinnow, "...adr1313 must be all of 12 years...the clue to his age must be in his name tag"

Your reasoning and your math sucks....resorting to lame personal insults due to an inability to argue intelligently.

Thetyim, take another look...you must be either blind or dyslexic

Butterfly, I'm not "trolling"...not every contrary opinion is a "troll". Although I understand it's easy to dismiss unpalatible truths as such.

Zendesigner, your powers of interpretation leave a lot to be desired.

which part of "no thanks!" don't you understand?

*sigh* This country doesn't seem to attract foriegners of even moderate intelligence... immorality and stupidity are definitely  related.

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Now we established the child is from USA hence the term he uses "sucks" ,  maybe he could be 8 or 9 years old because from that age they usually have the "attitude" but are grown out of it by the age of 13, guess I was wrong with the first guess at his age.

Anyway do we really need "morangs" on this forum with generalised statements like that?

Regards to everyone eles.



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I agree absolutely with adr1313.

I am a farang (farangsee), I am not really intelligent (IQ about 215 only), and I dislike western women in general french women particulary, they are to much sexy, and that cost a lot if you need to f*** one.

I went in this country (by respect for the people I know here who are nice people I will not say the nameof the place where I am) because it's full of uneducated, ugly, dark skinned, low class, and very cheap personn. LOL

More seriously, what I said is just a silly joke, I think adr1313 is ready to be arrested. I never heard someone spoken like that about thai women :

you have to come here to pay for cheap sex with ignorant, ugly country girls.

Pay : my gf pay the half of the rent, half off the food .....

Sex : she is my gf and am her bf, then yes we make love, asall the couple s everywhere in the world, Lord Boudha have said sex is a fact of life.

ignorant : she is graduate (master) from Tamassat university. I am far to be sure someonecan call her ignorant.

ugly : well at least I feel it's personnal opinion, I dislike mango and prefer papaya, it's also personnal.

upcountry : she is isarn, does that mean she is not thai? does that mean she is not human (untermenshen??????????????)

In my country, France, adr1313 will go directly in jail if he/she/it say/write something like that. he/she emphasis the hate between people who are different, whatever I honestly think Thailand is a old country with law, if someone ( foreigner or thai) do something wrong, the police will act promptly, thne there not too much perv here.

I like thailand, and I feel not good when I hear these kinds of comments about this country and about the thai citisens ( who are not all half chinese from bangkok, some are full thai, dark skinned, living up country, but whaetever both are friendly people, and have jai dee).

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Sorry still cannot find these postings.

I have done a search on the entire forum using keywords,

sexual depravities, cheap sex and ugly country girls.

The results were less than disappointing.

So come on just where are all the disgusting postings,

be specific.

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ad1313 is just one of those chat-lurkers, jumping in and out of chat rooms, posting inappropriate comments to satisfy his own sick brain cell. Fact is those comments were never made in this forum. I think we should close this thread.

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you have to come here to pay for cheap sex with ignorant, ugly country girls.



What makes you said such things about sick farangs and dark ugly country girls..

Come on, share your experiences with us so that we may understand more of what's in your brain....  :o

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I think it's amazing how you guys discuss your sexual depravities so openly on this forum. Basically you're just admitting that you can't get laid in your own country and you have to come here to pay for cheap sex with ignorant, ugly country girls.

If I had my way, you'd all be deported....sickos.

Oh No '' Stupid person Allert ''

I would like you to show me the ugly ones, they are far from ignorant. The one thing is, you are clearly unaware of the history of Thailand, If the ''Ignoant Country girls'' did not do what they do, do you think Thailand would have the growing wealth it has now. If we look into your feelings that of course you have a right to feel then we will see you are one the following.

Very lucky to come from a rich family

Very young

Very stupid

Very ignorant

Or propably all of the above

Good Luck.

Have you been to the UK. If you do look me up !!!!!!!!

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ugly  upcountry????  :laugh:

this falang who loves chinese/white bangkok girlies,,,

but he knows where the really beautiful girls are from !

thailand is like the americas but upside down !

the rich are in the north but the jiggy jiggy girls are in the south ! :o

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If I had my way, you'd all be deported....sickos.

adr1313 , It says on your info that you are based in Bangkok, I'll be there on the 9/10th August. Why don't we meet up?

You can try and "deport" me........ ???

ps I know , shouldn't dignify this idiot's post with a reply, but

I like a scrap :o

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sorry, but i never talked about sex in this forum.

whom you call ignorant here? Talk about deportation? Well, I'm german and one thing I can tell you:

I really know about ignorance and deportation. I think we are one of the most ignorant and arrogant

nations. And believe me, we know all about deportation. I think the one who is ignorant in this forum-thread is you.

I didn't come to this coutry to find cheap sex. I come to this country to meet the family of my girlfriend, now my wife and my family.

I've never been in Patthaya or Phuket.

But simple structured guys/girls like you can only think in a straight and simple way (by the way, this is a sign of ignorance).

So I think it's the best solution for you to believe in that words coming from your mouth.

Please feel free to believe, that all farangs in this forum come to patthaya onces or twice a week and <deleted> around in some bars.

"Ugly country girls"....mmmmhhhh:

I think you really don't know what you're talking about. upcountry girls, especially Isaan girls, are really beauties. Ever been in Isaan?

And the most important point: these beautyful women are "jai dee" and natural too.

I'm proud of having an Isaan family and my wife is the best thing what happens to me in my life.

when I hear opinions like yours, I really feel pissed on. But for small-/nobrainers like you it

seems to be ok to think in generalized way.


I think it's one of the best forums in the net. And i think highly about the level of the members and their comments.

So best regards and greetings from rainy Berlin/Germany.

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come on guys, why are you bothering to defend yourselves. This adr1313 is just trolling for their own fun, posting as many contraversial things on the first day so as to get a reaction. (look through some of the other posts he/she has made)

I would rather there were'nt some aspects of thailand that some guys enjoy (from a female pont of view) but I do try to respect everyones personal choice. (except peodophillia, which I'm accusing no one of)

Ignore him/her & enjoy your life the way you see fit. :o

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I came to Thailand after meeting a girl here whilst on holiday (normal story) ! after 2 years we split up!

Now thank god for the hospitality of the bg's !

i don't give a <deleted> about your opinions as i use these girls and enjoy every minute ! so as in true british style !

Up yours nob head !

Testerone in england is maximum, ever seen a fight in or outside a club? answer yes! why cus the boys don't get it !

do you get it!  ???

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I came to Thailand after meeting a girl here whilst on holiday (normal story) ! after 2 years we split up!

Now thank god for the hospitality of the bg's !

i don't give a <deleted> about your opinions as i use these girls and enjoy every minute ! so as in true british style !

Up yours nob head !

Testerone in england is maximum, ever seen a fight in or outside a club? answer yes! why cus the boys don't get it !

do you get it!  ???

Typical Brit

Most of the low-class farang and sex offenders in Thai are Brits

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This person seems to be obsessed with the notion of low class vs high class, dark skinned vs white skin. Along with the use of the word 'sucks', I think we can assume that this is a either a spolied American brat or a spolied Thai brat attending an international school with no life experience whatsoever.
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