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wow not many people here. Im a convert from the Xbox 360 my PSN id is:


Obviously not playing anything online at the moment due to the sodding PSN being down though!bah.gif

I just got SOCOM 4, its very frustrating to play alone but I get the impression it will be much better with other humans on co-op and you can have up to 5 people so add me if you have that game.

Will also be getting these games soon (or when theyre released) and will need people for co-op on those too:

Portal 2

Resistance 3

Special Ops: The Line

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine

I also play MAG a lot.

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ive opened a ps3/360 games shop in nonthaburi online ps3 are







more coming soon

like to get mw3 mw2 team death matches going, and mw3 kill confirmed is very additive

have over 60 ps3 games so most should be online

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