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70% Of Thai Women Cannot Achieve Orgasm


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Doesn't do Durex any favors this survey! They didn't say how couldn't get a climax due to condom???

Being turned off at the right moment 'cause they have to wait for the rubber wall to be put in place!

Why hasn't Durex invented the 'spray on' latex condom????

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im quite amazed - certainly not by the statistics, that i find easy to believe - but by some of the comments regarding 'size'. penetration isnt necessary to achieve orgasm, gents. theres clitoral orgasm and vaginal orgasm (among others im sure). not every woman can have a vaginal orgasm for various reasons, and not every woman can achieve clitoral orgasm. ive said it before in the ladies sub-forum:

70% of women admit to faking an orgasm at some point in their lives. Are they liars? Are they breaking the trust in their relationship? Why bother to fake it in the first place?

A majority of men and women alike assume that sex is only pleasurable for the female if orgasm has been achieved. This is one of the leading causes of a faked orgasm.

It is a common misconception by many men that if their partner doesn’t have an orgasm, then the sex was not any good – meaning, they were not any good. So, some women tend to fake loud, earth-shattering orgasms in an attempt to ease their partner’s mind. In fact, the majority of women who admit to faking orgasm do it because:

* Faking an orgasm they don’t want their partner to feel inadequate

* they want to make their partner happy

* they want to encourage their partner to orgasm

When a woman has difficulty achieving orgasm these are the highest reported causes:

* 21% - partner’s lack of response

* 28% - she wasn’t in the mood

* 27% - she was too stressed

* 24% - there was a lack of foreplay

i would tend to add something about technique in there to be honest, but not sure of what the percentage is.

now, im not knocking you blokes. not at all. i am saying that perhaps many of you have some good actresses on your hands. this may not do anything for your ego, but its a sad fact im afraid.

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must be a slow news day :o

....slower than you think; The Nation has a front page feature with photo (on their online site, anyway) which shows a girl coying next to a grinning Ronald McDonald. Meanwhile, Thailand marches in lockstep towards building 4 nuclear power plants. .....and all Samak seems to worry about is whether his astrologers are alluding to political topics.

Re; orgasms; have you ever noticed(?), Thai women who have dated both Thai men and farang men, prefer farang.

of course, that could have more to do with the propensity of farang running to ATM machines every day.

Thanks to Donna for pointing out the issue of 'faked orgasms'. Though less often, even men fake it sometimes - when not wanting to ejaculate, but wanting the woman to think all's well and groovy. Another reason that women fake orgasms (that Donna didn't mention), is they just want it to end (thinking; 'enough already!') especially if the guy is just moving mechanically, with smelly overweight bod and/or beer/cigarette breath.

I also think a significant % of Thai women are 'gay' - possibly upwards to 20%. I see subtle (and some less-than-subtle) indications all over town. That might make it easier for such women to dupe the all-too-eager farang guys who get crazed about them and go running to take wads of 1,000 baht bills out the ATM at the slightest urge.

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yes, brahmburgers. i agree with you re the reason that some woman may fake orgasm. sometimes it can just go on tooooo long and when the man isnt hitting the spot right (ok, ok, i hear all of you saying 'you gotta tell us') or seems to be fumbling around or being impatient, it may be easier to fake it and get it over with. sometimes, once the man gets started, you realise that he isnt all he cracked up to be and its easier to just get it over with.

im not saying that this is right or wrong....merely pointing out a fact.

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I think it has to do a lot with the fact that sex is a lot more taboo here than in other countries. And I'm not talking about the nightlife, brothels, bars, massages, etc. But the general population still seems to think that sex is something they almost have to be ashamed of. I recommend opening a few sex shops, maybe even for women-only, around the city and giving each female student at the University a vibrator together with their graduation diploma.

Nope- Vibrators and dildos are illegal in Thailand which is why Thai women aren't achieving orgasms.

No sex shoppes.

Interestingly , one can't even find Tampons, 30 varieties of sanitary napkins on the shelves, but no tampons.

Do they honestly think tampons are sexual?

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70% of Thai women cannot achieve orgasm

Much more than that, IMHO. Sad but true - thai men are not a perfect lovers in any meaning. They too concentrating on themselves - and left their "halves" being completely unsatisfied. :o

I am not sure that a sample of the men you have been involved with is large enough for you to make a comment like this.

Speaking as a statistician.

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There are a lot of things people fake.

A lot of women fake love, so why not fake an orgasm too!

Of course a lot of men fake love as well, but I bet fewer of them fake an orgasm!

Interesting thread. Seems that in this area a lot of people are better off 'going it alone.'

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Sex toys are available, albeit incognito.

Durex has failed to interview the women I have taken to another world while making love to them. The broken bones I had, bruised arms and nail scratched scars on my back , balding due to hair pulled while achieving grandeur, prove my point.

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70 per cent of Thai women cannot achieve orgasm

So size does matter....!

:D Good one!

Seriously though, I have not found this "issue" to be a problem with Thai girls. I am talking about normal "non-working" gals and their naughty sisters. Most of the Thai women I have been with have not been inhibited in bed and several have been quite aggressive and active partners who definitely knew where they wanted to end-up :D I am not bragging about my performance here...it's the ladies who spend a good deal of time in the saddle and were conducting our two person orchestra.

If anything, I find many Thai girls, without the repressed sexuality you often find in the West, courtesy of the Catholic/Christian churches. Sure, many of my friends appear very demure and shy in public like "good" girls but together in the room at nite, when the lights go out, their inner tiger springs out :o

I think the main determinant for a woman in her ability to enjoy sex with a partner is the quality of their relationship. I know this may be stereotyping but most men, for biological reasons, can reach satisfaction with just about any girl during any encounter. A women, however, has much more difficulty in this if she is not having sex with someone she is truly emotionally attached to.

Ok ladies, am I right or just talking out of my arse?

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Whatever the accuracy or validity, I think this is a subject that is worthy of more understanding in this fair land. Thai women are among the best in physical appearance, beauty & appearance of sexiness. However, I feel there is a lot of sexual repression here, with little empowerment of women to really seek their own level of satisfaction. Most relationships, marriage of otherwise, come to an end over problems with sex or money.

Please don't take this personal. I love to say that so I can personally attack a poster. No doubt there is sexual repression in Thailand. In many countries you don't have to look to far to find a donkey sex show but times are changing here in the Kingdom. The APEC Conference of October, 2003 was the beginning of the end for the Number One Sex Tourist Destination in the World. Thaksin ordered that all go-go dancers in the Kingdom cover up. Then came the early bar closing times and Entertainment Zones coupled with alcoholic beverage sales restrictions. Now the tourists, sex and otherwise, don't know if they can have a glass of wine with dinner if they come up against a new holiday not previously on the "no drinking list" or another sham election day or weekend.

I personally think that when people don't get off they are not doing it right or one or the other (or someone in the group) is under too much stress. Often this stress is generated by the fact that the "pay following the event' practice is abused by many because "they can". I'm not singling out any particular groups here. You know who you are. And the police! How can the kids concentrate on what's important, especially on Valentine's Day, with the threat of a police raid at their love hotel.

A2396 eludes to the fact that the beautiful and sexy women or girls here lack empowerment. WAKE UP! Surf many of the other forums on TV and you will see just how empowered these females are. These shy, giggly girls and their mothers somehow are able to milk almost any farang dry with smiles on their faces. These women with seemingly little effort or power suck (no pun) bank accounts dry and end those "unhappy marriages" back in their partners home country with impunity. This is a business for the Thai family and "getting off" is way down their list of priorities. However, the girl and her mother totally realizes the importance of the boyfriend or husband "getting off" for a while.

I am not bitter but you and I see what is going on here in the Kingdom everyday in every mall, office, INTERNET café and bar. Everyone thinks his soul mate is different, I know mine is. However, many of the sob stories are eerily the same. I love TV and readers should learn from the mistakes and miscues reported by others. I'm amazed how little this has happened. Anyway, I think I've gone a bit off topic. In this LOS priorities are changing. It look like right now food is going to become the number one concern of mainstream Thais. Yes that includes entertainment workers. Getting off is not going to cum any easier anytime soon.

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70 per cent of Thai women cannot achieve orgasm

So size does matter....!

:D Good one!

Seriously though, I have not found this "issue" to be a problem with Thai girls. I am talking about normal "non-working" gals and their naughty sisters. Most of the Thai women I have been with have not been inhibited in bed and several have been quite aggressive and active partners who definitely knew where they wanted to end-up :D I am not bragging about my performance here...it's the ladies who spend a good deal of time in the saddle and were conducting our two person orchestra.

If anything, I find many Thai girls, without the repressed sexuality you often find in the West, courtesy of the Catholic/Christian churches. Sure, many of my friends appear very demure and shy in public like "good" girls but together in the room at nite, when the lights go out, their inner tiger springs out :o

I think the main determinant for a woman in her ability to enjoy sex with a partner is the quality of their relationship. I know this may be stereotyping but most men, for biological reasons, can reach satisfaction with just about any girl during any encounter. A women, however, has much more difficulty in this if she is not having sex with someone she is truly emotionally attached to.

Ok ladies, am I right or just talking out of my arse?


Jonniebkk With no disrespect...you being the proud owner of a talking anus, coupled with an acronym suggeting that your "memberhood" is endowed with explosive qualities, the female orgasm takes on a hole new and frightening meaning (Im cumming to shoot you). One assumes that your condoms (including Durex) have never lasted the (inyer) course !!! :D In your case I suggest a "Kevlar" with speakers rather than a "Rubber" with squealers....... Edited by cass50
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tampons are available in supermarkets.

however i dont think that the un-availability of sex toys is the reason for women being unable to achieve orgasm.

Tesco Lotus Express will not carry tampons. Nor does 7 -11

Bic C carries the OB variety which are useless ( and unsanitary if you know what I mean..)

Sometimes Big-One carries Playtex but runs out immediately as all the foreign women snap them up.

Tampax brand is totally unavailable.

I think any woman who isn't having an orgasm with a partner should try a vibrator -alone

except for a battery.

Once you go back, well you'll never go ..back!

I have a friend who is fond of this statement: "Most people are bi sexual- the rest are gay !"

Maybe women are too tired to orgasm from having full time jobs jobs and having to clean the house and do the grocery shopping , then cooking and cleaning that up all day long, too.

Is there is something to be said for polygamy?

"When you marry for money- you earn it. "

Mae West

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70% of Thai women cannot achieve orgasm

Much more than that, IMHO. Sad but true - thai men are not a perfect lovers in any meaning. They too concentrating on themselves - and left their "halves" being completely unsatisfied. :o

I am not sure that a sample of the men you have been involved with is large enough for you to make a comment like this.

Speaking as a statistician.

Statistic speaks right above, bro. Read the percentage once more. :D

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If I was willing to open up a clinic to help all of these unfortunate Thai women to achieve orgasm, would I need to have a work permit? I am willing to do it on a volunteer basis. :o

If you want to penetrate this market, you will definitely need a work permit. :D

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no offense intended to the many men who have replied to this thread stating that their other half gets off every time. but do you really know if you are living with a good actress who wants you to THINK she has orgasmed, or if you are seriously kicking goals here? everyone says that their other half never fails etc. but maybe they are just telling you a little white lie as they (as another poster said) think you care. :o

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no offense intended to the many men who have replied to this thread stating that their other half gets off every time. but do you really know if you are living with a good actress who wants you to THINK she has orgasmed, or if you are seriously kicking goals here? everyone says that their other half never fails etc. but maybe they are just telling you a little white lie as they (as another poster said) think you care. :o

I'm not allowed to stop until she says so....and that's not until she's finished. :D

One day it'll be the death of me.

Ah, now I'm beginning to see her plan......

Edited by sibeymai
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Showed the Missus this survey this morning, and after a girls (all married)lunch today reports, that this statistic is absolutely true. She was quite shocked.

Of 7 of the wives there, 3 had never, and 2 others said it had been a loooong time since, but none seemed to bothered about it.

Fortunately, she claims not be one of the 5. :o:D

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