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Drug Suspect: Many Actors Are Cocaine Buyers


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Drug suspect: Many actors are cocaine buyers

BANGKOK: -- A drug suspect has revealed that her cocaine customers are mostly leading actors and upperclass nightlife seekers.

Sunisa Srikantarak, 19, told police that she earned between Bt2,000 and Bt3,000 per cocaine delivery.

"I had delivered drugs to my customers at RCA area every Friday," Sunisa was quoted as saying at a press conference.

The Crime Suppression Division announced the arrest of Sunisa yesterday afternoon. So far, police do not identify actors whom Sunina accuses of buying illicit drugs from her.

-- The Nation 2008-05-01

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A drug suspect has revealed that her cocaine customers are mostly leading actors and upperclass nightlife seekers.

SHOCK AND HORROR; if The Nation would not have told me I never would have guessed that rich people like to do expensive drugs. What a world we are living in :o

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i wonder how many are now running scared,quite a few i would think

... and lazeeboy, you do not really believe that major names in Thailand get their stuff from a 19-year old drug mule off the street in RCA.

3000 bht sounds maybe expensive compared to mama noodles, but we are not talking any amount worth of much notice here. Not that I am more of an expert here, I rather stick to noodles in this country.

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SHOCK AND HORROR; if The Nation would not have told me I never would have guessed that rich people like to do expensive drugs. What a world we are living in :D

Ya think? :D

Wonder what was going through her capitalistic neurons as the coppers said, hey sweetie, we only take payoffs from the snakeheads and we love it when one of your suppliers wants to get rid of a low level pusher so we can use you as a way of showing that we're on the job. :o Lemme think now, oh yea, best way of saving my skin is to name names even if they aren't customers, that way I'll get press protection from these bloodsuckers. Just my imaginary scenario, mmmkay :D

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I wonder how much time off from her sentence this drug dealer will receive for revealing previously secret information regarding the profiles and habits of drug users. Like all the silly reenactments and press conferences here in Thailand this was a chance for police officials to get their name and picture in the newspaper and on television. I would have to say that for the BIB this country has the best post graduate course in the "Art of Pointing at Something", far surpassing other developing countries in this time honored tradition. I think it's about 20% of the credit you need to get your Masters Degree at Chug-a-lug University. Other courses required to obtain the degree are "Talking Without Thinking", "Shooting Without Thinking", "Minor Wives and Security", "The Upside of Sexual Harassment", "Caught! How to Transfer". Degree electives include "Power Drinking", "Investing in Bars and Massage Parlors" and "Free Premium Massage Parlor Membership".

Congratulations to the Thai Police for another job well done! Party on! :o

Edited by grantbkk
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i wonder how many are now running scared,quite a few i would think

... and lazeeboy, you do not really believe that major names in Thailand get their stuff from a 19-year old drug mule off the street in RCA.

3000 bht sounds maybe expensive compared to mama noodles, but we are not talking any amount worth of much notice here. Not that I am more of an expert here, I rather stick to noodles in this country.

Please re-read, 3K was what the girl EARNED, not what the delivery itself cost.

As she is a 19 year old girl I would venture she is just a delivery girl and nothing else...

Edit: And kudos to grantbbk for a very funny post.

Edited by TAWP
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I wonder how much time off from her sentence this drug dealer will receive for revealing previously secret information regarding the profiles and habits of drug users. Like all the silly reenactments and press conferences here in Thailand this was a chance for police officials to get their name and picture in the newspaper and on television. I would have to say that for the BIB this country has the best post graduate course in the "Art of Pointing at Something", far surpassing other developing countries in this time honored tradition. I think it's about 20% of the credit you need to get your Masters Degree at Chug-a-lug University. Other courses required to obtain the degree are "Talking Without Thinking", "Shooting Without Thinking", "Minor Wives and Security", "The Upside of Sexual Harassment", "Caught! How to Transfer". Degree electives include "Power Drinking", "Investing in Bars and Massage Parlors" and "Free Premium Massage Parlor Membership".

Congratulations to the Thai Police for another job well done! Party on! :o

You should wonder how long it will take until they use that information themselves to blackmail a few and make money out of it, the justice system can have the informant but not the valuable names. :D

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I think it would be hard to prosecute hi-so people without some collaborating evidence.

In keeping with the sentiments expressed by grantbkk ( dam_n he made me laugh) and Mr. Clifton, no need for corroborating evidence. When in doubt, invent the evidence or beat the crap out of someone to get a confession.

Umm, btw Scottster, are you an english language teacher? :o (I'll go hide now.)

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Geriatrickid: I'll answer your question, if you tell me why you want to know! Are you going to criticize my grammar? My spelling?

Oh well, I probably earned your criticism--Yes, sort of. I have an administrative position, so I am not on 'the front lines' so to speak as much as I used to be.

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Geriatrickid: I'll answer your question, if you tell me why you want to know! Are you going to criticize my grammar? My spelling?

Oh well, I probably earned your criticism--Yes, sort of. I have an administrative position, so I am not on 'the front lines' so to speak as much as I used to be.

he asked because you do not know the difference between collaborating and corroborating.

if the girl was makig 2-3k per delivery she is moving some significant quantities.

1 gram is typically 2500 baht and i find it hard to belive anyone would be willing to take posession of more than 3 or so at a time, especially at RCA

Edited by t.s
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I do the difference. It was a mistake--just like the one I made earlier today in another thread between effect and affect. It does happen to some of us.

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Geriatrickid: I'll answer your question, if you tell me why you want to know! Are you going to criticize my grammar? My spelling?

Oh well, I probably earned your criticism--Yes, sort of. I have an administrative position, so I am not on 'the front lines' so to speak as much as I used to be.

he asked because you do not know the difference between collaborating and corroborating.

if the girl was makig 2-3k per delivery she is moving some significant quantities.

1 gram is typically 2500 baht and i find it hard to belive anyone would be willing to take posession of more than 3 or so at a time, especially at RCA

Better to keep ones mouth shut and be thought a fool than to try and correct someone and remove all doubt - or even create some more.

What is "makig 2-3k per......"? I find it hard to believe that "i find it hard to belive..." Do you know the difference between belive and believe?

It is bad enough that we see english crucified and bastardized but to see someone try to correct and demean someone and commit as many mistakes themselves in the process is over the top. OK Ok - I am off the spelling and grammar soap box... now hopefully the rest of you spelling bee champs will get off yours too!

Alright - I am ready for someone to spell/grammar check me!! :o

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Thanks Supaporn, once in a while I think folks just want to get a fight going.

At any rate, it would certainly be interesting to hear the names this young lady might drop and the outcome from her blabbing. Would the police actually take on some of these people? Would they pay their way out of it? Would the girl suffer some sort of accident?

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