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Would it make a difference where it happened, Thailand or back home?

As so often is the case - Someone else seems to have lost their moral compass when they moved to Thailand.

Something about Thailand that can reveal the fact that sometimes one never had a compass... :o

How's the old song go, "if you can't love the one you love, love the one you're with!" :D

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The old saying "treat others as you would like to be treated" rings true here, every week another stupid Farang comes on here bitching about his ex wife/girlfriend and here Thai boyfriend/husband and then you come on here and ask, is it ok?, I am no genius but I can tell you no it is not ok.

If you have any doubt look through the hundreds of posts on here about cheating partners, I am yet to see one say they are happy about it.

The old saying "treat others as you would like to be treated" rings true here, every week another stupid Farang comes one here bitching about his ex wife/girlfriend and here Thai boyfriend/husband and then you come on here and ask, is it ok?, I am no genius but I can tell you no it is not ok.

If you have any doubt look through the hundreds of posts on here about cheating partners, I am yet to see one say they are happy about it.

Sure it is a terrible blow to the ego to have your partner choose someone else over you. That is why I gave a shoulder to cry on for so many hours and so many days.

But what about the cheater? What if it is not simple lust but that you have found someone more compatible? Must you sacrifice your future happiness because of some "rule" that certain things are not done? Can't people be free to make informed choices based on the situation or individual circumstances?


How about a female perspective. What if your guy hadn't stepped up to the plate, so to speak, and made some form of long term commitment after a few years? What if things were over but he just didn't know it yet? What if you were attracted to someone he knew (not his best and dearest friend)? Would all the guys he knows be off limits? Would there be some waiting period between relationships that would make it all OK?


Lets modify the question and make it simpler for the simple minded. Guys, if your girl ran off with somebody you knew, would you hate him or her or both? Would it be all somebody else's fault or would you be able to see how you might have contributed to this happening?

The old saying "treat others as you would like to be treated" rings true here, every week another stupid Farang comes one here bitching about his ex wife/girlfriend and here Thai boyfriend/husband and then you come on here and ask, is it ok?, I am no genius but I can tell you no it is not ok.

If you have any doubt look through the hundreds of posts on here about cheating partners, I am yet to see one say they are happy about it.

Sure it is a terrible blow to the ego to have your partner choose someone else over you. That is why I gave a shoulder to cry on for so many hours and so many days.

But what about the cheater? What if it is not simple lust but that you have found someone more compatible? Must you sacrifice your future happiness because of some "rule" that certain things are not done? Can't people be free to make informed choices based on the situation or individual circumstances?

If you found someone more compatible split up with the current partner and then move on, if someone hooked up with me and they were still in a relationship you would have to ask if they have done this before, will they do it again?, the answer is yes.

In my opinion there are two types of people in the world those that cheat and those that don't, those that don't never do and those that do always will, I have never met a guy that has cheated that has not gone on to do it many more times.

Lets modify the question and make it simpler for the simple minded. Guys, if your girl ran off with somebody you knew, would you hate him or her or both? Would it be all somebody else's fault or would you be able to see how you might have contributed to this happening?

If a mate ran of with my girlfriend he would no longer be a mate and I would treat him like the dog that he was.

I would treat her like the whore that she was.

I am lucky to have never been through this personaly, but i had a mate do this to another mate recently, the guy who cheated I no longer talk to, after I told him that I thought he was lower than a dog we no longer talk.

The old saying "treat others as you would like to be treated" rings true here, every week another stupid Farang comes one here bitching about his ex wife/girlfriend and here Thai boyfriend/husband and then you come on here and ask, is it ok?, I am no genius but I can tell you no it is not ok.

If you have any doubt look through the hundreds of posts on here about cheating partners, I am yet to see one say they are happy about it.

Sure it is a terrible blow to the ego to have your partner choose someone else over you. That is why I gave a shoulder to cry on for so many hours and so many days.

But what about the cheater? What if it is not simple lust but that you have found someone more compatible? Must you sacrifice your future happiness because of some "rule" that certain things are not done? Can't people be free to make informed choices based on the situation or individual circumstances?

If you found someone more compatible split up with the current partner and then move on, if someone hooked up with me and they were still in a relationship you would have to ask if they have done this before, will they do it again?, the answer is yes.

In my opinion there are two types of people in the world those that cheat and those that don't, those that don't never do and those that do always will, I have never met a guy that has cheated that has not gone on to do it many more times.

Glad to meet you rick75. I've done it all at one time or another, while I was unmarried. From the first day I met my wife, I have never cheated on her. I lust after her and only her, even after nearly eleven years. So some leopards can change their spots.


Guys have this unwritten code that their friends are not allowed to go out with exes. Do that and the friendship is usually over. It's not a rule worth testing let alone breaking.


VF, I realise I am only talking from personal experience in what I said about Men never changing, Its like a dog with a taste for blood once they have the taste they can't forget they will always be a danger. We are not animals we have control over what we do yet so many men say they had no control, it just happened bla bla bla. I am glad you have changed your spots, it may save your balls in the long run. There are way to many crazy Thai women for me to ever entertain the idea of cheating on a thai woman.

Guys have this unwritten code that their friends are not allowed to go out with exes. Do that and the friendship is usually over. It's not a rule worth testing let alone breaking.

Yes we have all heard the rule or code, but what about the rule, that rules are made to be broken. Are there never any ecceptions to the rules?

a standing dick rarely has a conscience. :o

I assume you dropped by to make sure this thread wasn't getting out of hand. I'm doing my best to keep it on track but the storm has just hit up here in the north so don't know if I will lose my link.

VF, I realise I am only talking from personal experience in what I said about Men never changing, Its like a dog with a taste for blood once they have the taste they can't forget they will always be a danger. We are not animals we have control over what we do yet so many men say they had no control, it just happened bla bla bla. I am glad you have changed your spots, it may save your balls in the long run. There are way to many crazy Thai women for me to ever entertain the idea of cheating on a thai woman.

There was a time when I joked that the only thing I was afraid of was "ducks!". I'm a firm believer that we all have choices in life but have to take responsibility for them as well.

Guys have this unwritten code that their friends are not allowed to go out with exes. Do that and the friendship is usually over. It's not a rule worth testing let alone breaking.

Yes we have all heard the rule or code, but what about the rule, that rules are made to be broken. Are there never any ecceptions to the rules?

Sounds more like a troll to me ! The OP asks the forum if this type of behaviour is acceptable then changes tack to try to justify the dirty deed with quotes like "alls fair in love and war" now its "rules are made to be broken" .Sure you dont write for Dear Dorothy Dix or Heart Balm ?

Guys have this unwritten code that their friends are not allowed to go out with exes. Do that and the friendship is usually over. It's not a rule worth testing let alone breaking.

Yes we have all heard the rule or code, but what about the rule, that rules are made to be broken. Are there never any ecceptions to the rules?

Sounds more like a troll to me ! The OP asks the forum if this type of behaviour is acceptable then changes tack to try to justify the dirty deed with quotes like "alls fair in love and war" now its "rules are made to be broken" .Sure you dont write for Dear Dorothy Dix or Heart Balm ?

The love and war reference was made at the onset. I though SM's were supposed to read the whole thread before jumping to conclusions? And who in the world are DDD and HB?

Is there some moral imperative here, that states, you never sleep with a friend's lover or your lover's friend?

Yes, check out #7 of the 10 Commandments

VF if you only post on TV when you are bored you must be bored a great deal of the time, having over 390 post.

I was just looking at that myself! Here I am pushing 400 posts, and I don't even like the forums.

I don't think some, know it all, who has been here all of 10 minutes can point out anything I don't already know. So all I can figure is that I am not interested in the "content" but more the interactions of the players. Guess I'm a student of human nature and like to go slumming now and then to see how the less fortunate live. Oh, but that sounds bad doesn't it. But then again, why should I apologize for expressing an opinion, especially in an environment like this.

Is there some moral imperative here, that states, you never sleep with a friend's lover or your lover's friend?

Yes, check out #7 of the 10 Commandments

Sorry, religion plays not a part in my life, but I'm sure others can use that as a reference.


I was hoping for a decent debate and exchange of ideas, but alas this thread has turned out to be a disappointment. Think I will call it a day.

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