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Thaksin Asks Manchester City Players To Bow


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Insight wrote:
Can we also include the "frenzied" response from The Nation? They've took a questionable article from (no-doubt) the middle page of a British Sunday tabloid, made it a front page story and dedicated an entire editorial to it...

It's been rather sad to watch the decline of The Nation over the last couple years. They tacked their shingle to the PAD and Democratic party and rode the tiger. Well and good for a couple years, in fact it looked like they won (!) Taks, the evil dragon was slain, the kingdom saved, happiness and joy and the people rejoiced. Unfortunantly as time went on 06/07/08 they drifted further and further from the idea of "democracy" they so feverently editorialized about ... as if that was ever their intent, and magically morphed into a shill for the Dems. I guess that is what they always were. Still I liked it for many years because it did give a differing view from the Bangkok Posts knee jerk disinformation, deflections and distortions.

Have to agree there. Its lost all direction and news sense. The Daily Xpress did it for me! Get in an American designer listen to him tell you he knows all about tabloids and hey presto. Down the pan. Its an insult to read nowadays. And Thailand is really kidding itself when it says it has freedom of the press.

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Sad thing is how many posters here think this story is actually true and cant spot tabloid nonsense when they read it.

You'd think that if it was true then the City fans posting on Bluemoon Forum would be up in arms. As it is, they are sensible enough to dismiss the story as a lame attempt to sell papers.

No, I think most of us know what the truth here is, but it's still pretty funny, and you have to give the British Tabs a bit of credit for creativity and originality. The actual sad thing though, is that in essence it is actually believable considering the little emperors track record. Anyway, the gloves are now of with the British press, and old Taxy isn't going to like it one bit.

I guess he just needs to make a few more purchases in the UK. Then his press will have nothing but praise for him.

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Man City's Asian tour to go ahead despite boycott

Reuters, Wednesday May 7 2008 BANGKOK, May 7 (Reuters) -

Manchester City's tour of Asia will go ahead, the Premier League club said on Wednesday, despite reports of a possible boycott by players over the uncertain future of manager Sven-Goran Eriksson.

City are due to play matches in Thailand and Hong Kong at the end of the season but reports that billionaire Thai owner Thaksin Shinawatra had decided to sack Eriksson have angered fans and players.

"The media speculation does not affect the visit," spokesman Paul Tyrell said in an e-mail sent to Thai media. "Mr Eriksson will be attending.

"(The club) have made no comment about the manager's future. Dr Thaksin has stated there will be a full review at the end of the season."

Eriksson's agent Athole Still has said Thaksin, the former Thai prime minister, may fire the Swede after just one season, despite having met his target of a top-10 Premier League finish.

Thaksin, who bought the club for 81 million pounds ($160 million) last July after being ousted by the military, gave no comment on Wednesday when asked about Eriksson's future by reporters in Bangkok.

Thaksin did not attend City's 1-0 defeat at Liverpool on Sunday, where fans directed their anger towards him and called for Eriksson to be retained.

City face a Thai all-stars team on May 17 before travelling to Hong Kong to play two matches.

Thaksin, a former telecoms tycoon, is hoping big-name signings and the prospect of European soccer will help City become "Asia's Premier League team". (Reporting by Martin Petty; Editing by Ed Osmond) Football

I'm sure that SGE is looking forward to this trip. He'd better be careful, he may just disapear or fall off a balcony in Pattaya. :o

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I just wish he'd sell the club and use some other vehicle to keep himself in the spotlight. Now that the fans know how to upset him then it only takes one idiot to take things too far and do something REALLY offensive to the Kingdom and we'll all be cast in a negative light, and not just the Brits amongst us.

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I just wish he'd sell the club and use some other vehicle to keep himself in the spotlight. Now that the fans know how to upset him then it only takes one idiot to take things too far and do something REALLY offensive to the Kingdom and we'll all be cast in a negative light, and not just the Brits amongst us.

Please let him keep the club. Makes great media, not?

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This sounds no more than a typical example of the British gutter press. There's no reference as to who said this for a start. Anyhow, Tha culture denotes a wai using hands, not really just a bow. That's the kind of thing is what an ignorant British reporter would think what happens here.

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This sounds no more than a typical example of the British gutter press. TiGB !

Agreed ... although it seems strange that we haven't seen any denials, from the club, yet.

There's no reference as to who said this for a start.

No actual names, but un-named sources within the club, which seems normal in journalism, where people are unwilling to go 'on the record' and get fired as a result.

Anyhow, Tha culture denotes a wai using hands, not really just a bow. That's the kind of thing is what an ignorant British Thai reporter club-owner would think what happens here in the UK.

Hope that neither SGE nor any of the players, exhausted after a long-haul flight at the end-of-the-season & by the change from Manchester to a tropical climate, falls ill shortly before their commercial/playing-duties, in Bangkok :o

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Maybe it was just a discussion on the upcoming Thailand trip and someone suggested that players wai to the public. Somehow it got transformed in bowing to the owner back in England.

ManC discussion forum hasn't mentioned the issue at all.

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Maybe it was just a discussion on the upcoming Thailand trip and someone suggested that players wai to the public. Somehow it got transformed in bowing to the owner back in England.

ManC discussion forum hasn't mentioned the issue at all.

Agree with someone above that this sounds a little bent. You don't bow in Thailand(are they ignorant thinging this is Japan). Possibly the English press doing their best to throw shit in every direction. A wai is a wai, just that! If waiing before a Premiership game in UK would be idiotic.

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Bowing is a traditional mark of respect in Thaksin's native Thailand.

It is? And I thought it wa wai-ing. Maybe they're confusing Thaksin with being Japanese?

Very good point. :o

I reckon this is all quite deliberate. The British press (even the gutter) aren't stupid, but they certainly know how to stir up the shit, and for once I think I will enjoy their latest target getting the flack.

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Bowing is a traditional mark of respect in Thaksin's native Thailand.

It is? And I thought it wa wai-ing. Maybe they're confusing Thaksin with being Japanese?

Very good point. :o

Keeping in mind also that whether it's the Prime Minister (in this case Surayud)...


or a muay thai fighter in the ring...


bowing to the highest forces in Thailand is not all that uncommon.

Perhaps Thaksin feels he is of equal status to these forces. It wouldn't be the first time he's alluded to that.

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Thaksin calls Sven into the board room and asks him "Sven, how far are we from a team that will qualify for the champions league every season?"

Sven thinks for a moment and replies "about six miles Mr. Chairman" 555

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Agree with someone above that this sounds a little bent. You don't bow in Thailand(are they ignorant thinging this is Japan). Possibly the English press doing their best to throw shit in every direction. A wai is a wai, just that! If waiing before a Premiership game in UK would be idiotic.


How many people outside Thailand have the faintest clue in the world what a 'wai' is? No one knows what it is, they're using 'bow' because if they used 'wai' none of their readers would have the slightest clue what they're talking about. It's close enough for a story in a UK paper.

Thais don't don't think something like this is idiotic, and are frankly baffled that we don't enjoy doing it. Thaksin wants this because he wants people back in Thailand to see farang football players placing themselves in subservience to him.

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technically thats not a bow, its a "graaaaap."

I'd like to see that. The MC players graaaping Thaksin 3 times before the match.

I'm pretty sure Thaksin would like that nuance....

ps. his arse looks like it is on fire :o

I'm pretty sure Thaksin's son would like that nuance...

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Agreed ... although it seems strange that we haven't seen any denials, from the club, yet.

You rarely do see denials issued to the tabloids paper selling stories, there are that many, I don't think the clubs take them too seriously anymore.

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Thaksin asks Manchester City players to bow

MANCHESTER (UK): -- Manchester City owner Thaksin Shinawatra has hit the club with another shock by asking for the players to bow to him Thai-style before each game, Sunday Mirror reported.

Officials at the Eastlands club have been worried for some time by requests from Thaksin - and his latest is for the team to bow towards him after performing their pre-kick-off sporting handshake with the opposition.

-- Sunday Mirror 2008-05-05

and I thought 1st of April is already behind us for this year :o

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