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Mated Dogs

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Have a possible problem. I have a male Lab /GR Cross and a female GR. Noticed last week that the female was bleeding, and for the last week the male has been very protective towards her. For example he stands "guard" next to her whilst she is eating before eating his own food, he is lilke a shadow to her, where she moves he moves and acts like a body guard, this for 24 hours a day.

i have a funny feeling they have mated and that he is acting like the big boss !!! However, how long will this attitude last ? and is this normal for a male dog ?

If they have mated and she is pregnant, are there any signs I should look out for to confirm her pregnancy apart from enlarged belly area etc.

Any ideas on this ?

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if she's bleeding, they havent mated yet, but he will.... and he is protecting his interests by letting her eat first, and sticking to her like glue... wait til other males start hanging around... u will have fights on your hands...

when the bleeding starts to lessen she will breed with him... (the 9th to 12th day of the in heat cycle)... and he will continue to hang around her but that will lessen with time...

its all hormones and scent, not 'closeness and love'... although bitches will be choosy sometimes and prefer one male over an other; and dogs do have social 'friendships' and attatchments among themselves... they are a pack animal of course.

my own bitch preferred some ugly mixed mutt male from the 'crowd' outside rather then her chosen (by us) beautiful gentlemen boxer that i had bought especially for this purpose.... she loved him and slept with him and played with him but refused to breed with him. maybe he lacked the right amount of testosterone (he had small balls which in the animal world does make a difference)

u dont need 'ideas'; just look up breeding dogs, enough info there..... its 63 days from time of breeding to whelping; u will probably see the breeding (he mounts, then eventually will turn around so they are tail end to tail end, they will stay stuck until THEY unstick (very rare that males cant disengage after and hour or so), mark it in your calendar, the first month she will probably be the same, second month u will notice enlarged teats, usually, larger belly, nesting actions (gathering socks and stuff), towards whelping time, post again, or google for whelping dogs....

decide what u will do with 7 pups (these breed types usually but not always have large litters of between 6 to 9 pups)...


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if she's bleeding, they havent mated yet, but he will.... and he is protecting his interests by letting her eat first, and sticking to her like glue... wait til other males start hanging around... u will have fights on your hands...

when the bleeding starts to lessen she will breed with him... (the 9th to 12th day of the in heat cycle)... and he will continue to hang around her but that will lessen with time...

its all hormones and scent, not 'closeness and love'... although bitches will be choosy sometimes and prefer one male over an other; and dogs do have social 'friendships' and attatchments among themselves... they are a pack animal of course.

my own bitch preferred some ugly mixed mutt male from the 'crowd' outside rather then her chosen (by us) beautiful gentlemen boxer that i had bought especially for this purpose.... she loved him and slept with him and played with him but refused to breed with him. maybe he lacked the right amount of testosterone (he had small balls which in the animal world does make a difference)

u dont need 'ideas'; just look up breeding dogs, enough info there..... its 63 days from time of breeding to whelping; u will probably see the breeding (he mounts, then eventually will turn around so they are tail end to tail end, they will stay stuck until THEY unstick (very rare that males cant disengage after and hour or so), mark it in your calendar, the first month she will probably be the same, second month u will notice enlarged teats, usually, larger belly, nesting actions (gathering socks and stuff), towards whelping time, post again, or google for whelping dogs....

decide what u will do with 7 pups (these breed types usually but not always have large litters of between 6 to 9 pups)...


Thanks bina very enlightening, now we all know what you do in Israel !!!!! As for invading males, wont happen as the dogs are in a very secure environment, I think its time somehow to seperate these two as I certainly dont have the time to allow 6-9 canine ankle biters into my life .

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You could always do what we did with our male - a vasectomy.

Before we did that, he would drive us totally insane with his cries and high pitch incessant barking. Now they are able to hump all they like with worrying about an unwanted pregnancy :o

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mmm I don't know if this is normal for a male dog or not, but I have two young gay male dogs (yes I caught the little buggers several times in the act) and they are not protective towards each other at all. Most of the time they are attacking each other over petty things.

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mmm I don't know if this is normal for a male dog or not, but I have two young gay male dogs (yes I caught the little buggers several times in the act) and they are not protective towards each other at all. Most of the time they are attacking each other over petty things.

LOL - At least you don't have a female dog that tries to hump a male..... like my female ocassionaly likes to try on our male :o

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mmm I don't know if this is normal for a male dog or not, but I have two young gay male dogs (yes I caught the little buggers several times in the act) and they are not protective towards each other at all. Most of the time they are attacking each other over petty things.

LOL - At least you don't have a female dog that tries to hump a male..... like my female ocassionaly likes to try on our male :D

hey. I've also seen that happen, at a temple wat one night. I was shocked :o

The helpless, sad look on the male dogs face haunts me to this day.

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You could always do what we did with our male - a vasectomy.

Before we did that, he would drive us totally insane with his cries and high pitch incessant barking. Now they are able to hump all they like with worrying about an unwanted pregnancy :o

Very interesting comment, can you remember how long the proceedure lasted. If bina is right and she seems to know her stuff, maybe its not too late to get this done

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You could always do what we did with our male - a vasectomy.

Before we did that, he would drive us totally insane with his cries and high pitch incessant barking. Now they are able to hump all they like with worrying about an unwanted pregnancy :o

sorry to come back again but does a vasectomy overcome his desires or are you talking a castration

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Dogs humping eachother is so very normal in doggy life. Sure enough it has to do with reproduction, but has nothing to do with homosexuality.

It is the right of the highest ranks to reproduce. So, when you see two males or females mounting eachother it means they are figuring out their place on the hierarchical ladder. Similar is this when a female mounts a male or when a dog tries to mount a human. With the latter alarm bells should start ringing in the ears of the owner.

When a male treis to mount a female, you can better seperate them BEFORE accidents happen.

When a female come in heat, as in the OP, initially the female will not allow the male to mount her. She will sit, lie down, twist, turn, walk away, or can even bite the male, if he is too presistent. At approimately the 9th to 12th day, as Bina already mentioned, the female starts 'standing' for the male, meaning she is ready to mate. At approximately the 15th day the female stops standing and will start her walking away, sitting, biting etc. again when the male tries to mount her.

However, these are generalities and it happens all too often that a matings happens as early as the early beginning or very end of the heat cycle.

Better safe than sorry.


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A Vasectomy is a procedure where the vas deferens are cut or tied so that a dog cannot impregnate a female. It's an especially handy procedure for people who have medium to large sized dogs (they don't have to wait until after the dog is done growing to have a vasectomy done) and people who want to have their puppy sterilized (none of the side-effects of early age altering). Because the dogs still produce testosterone (as they still have their testicles), they will still have the same desires towards a female in heat, etc

Castration (De-Sexing) your dog should stop/prevent sexual urges, aggressiveness and other undesirable behaviour as castration involves the removal of testicles which stops the dog from producing testosterone. Although I'm not too sure how much those things change if the castration is performed on a older dog - I've known some people who've had their dogs castrated after reaching sexual maturity (3 years old) who still tried to hump any moving dog (male and female), leg, etc and still showed signs of aggression. Habit maybe??

Maybe some of our animal experts here can better explain why this would still happen, and if castration is really only effective in modifying undesirable behaviour/personality when performed on much younger dogs (before the testosterone production really kicks in).

There are pros and cons for both Vasectomy AND Castration, but for us (well really my husband :o ) - the removal of our boys "family jewels" just was not an option. Our male is not unneccesarily aggressive (actually he as a beautiful temperament) and doesn't exhibit any behaviours usually blamed on testosterone. With the exception of going a bit nuts (in a pathetic lovesick way) when our female is in heat - a vasectomy was the perfect solution which let him have his way with her WITHOUT us getting worried about our female getting pregnant. Not having to put up with his high pitched brain-piercing barking anymore was also a bonus :D

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I remember this blog I once read, and while it is FOR castrating/neutering - it's funny as hel_l. The writers husband reasons against castration were just a few of the same reasonings against it that my husband had. :o

Not sure if I can put a direct link to the blog (so mods remove if not allowed) but it came from http://gracedavis.typepad.com/i_am_dr_laur...ings_dear_.html

Some of the comments posted were also amusing.

Whereupon I return to the World Wide Web with a graphic discussion involving my dog's balls.

Greetings, Dear Reader. With this post I declare my hiatus officially terminated.

However, this blog entry requires an advisory:

For those of you with testicles and/or a delicate nature, the following pertains to the critical matter of male canine de-balling castration nut cutting neutering.

The entire World Wide Web is well aware that I love my pup, Malcolm. Almost excessively so. Okay, you're right, excessively so. And it is with this excessive love that I want my baby dog to get neutered as soon as possible.

I conducted extensive research on the character and nature of the Jack Russell Terrier and I have learned that these darling little dogs are baaaaadaaaaaasssss, especially the ones with intact nards. Ballsy Jacks will take on Great Danes, Rottweilers, and Pit Bulls. This is not good, especially that Pit Bull option. There have been several reports of Pit Bulls slaughtering romance or fight driven Jack Russell Terriers. Very grim.

Here's the deal: The Hubby, a Man of Science, a Man of Profound and Useful Ideas, has inexplicably balked at the prospect of seeing a smooth, furry area where Malcolm's testes once hung.

Hubs has employed several schools of thought in his defense of preserving Malcolm's scrotal contents -

The PETA Angle: "What gives US....HUMANS...the right to do THIS...
snipping gesture with fingers
...to AN ANIMAL?"

The Fellow Male in Solidarity: "Why do we have to get our little man neutered? He's going to be scared when he goes into the operating room and he won't know where he is and he'll wake up in pain with stitches between his little legs and his testicles will be gone. Why?"

The Brooklyn Low Down: "We're gonna cut his nuts off before he's ever gonna get some?"

And I sputter in response -

"Pit bulls! PIT BULLS! A pit bull's GOING TO KILL MALCOLM if we don't get him neutered!"

...as if that made as much sense as the Hubs' line of reasoning.

Really, pets should be neutered and spayed, given the overpopulation of unplanned, unwanted dogs and cats. I'd like to do our part in that cause.

Further, the hormonally tempered pet would conduct themselves in a far more socially acceptable manner than the hormonally intense creature. We at Chez Dr. Laura's Worst must take heed of this as we are surrounded by gracious family members and friends with well behaved dogs. (And we shouldn't press our luck with our relationships; it's bad enough that I tend to pass gas in public.)

For example, the lovely Ms. S. and her handsome fiance, Mr. Ms. S, very gracious friends indeed, dropped by the other evening with their two little lady cock-a-poos, Coco and Ginger. These sweet little poochettes no sooner pranced through the front door when normally keen witted Malcolm morphed into an obnoxious frat boy at his first topless bar, demanding lap dances while throwing back tequila shots. Poor Coco and Ginger tried their best to rebuff his vulgar advances until I finally pulled my wits together and 86'd Malcolm to the backyard.

neuter_me_3.jpgCoco and lust-struck Malcolm. Appalling. It got worse, but I will spare you and this is a Mommy Blog, for fuc_k's sake.

I will close with this photographic evidence, explicit proof that Malcolm needs to get his balls lopped off to be neutered. I am hoping that you, Dear Readers, will inform the Hubs in the comments section that my sensible position represents wisdom, truth and the citizen's duty.

July 20, 2005

Edited by MsFigure
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