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Shopgurl's 300th Post


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I'm sincerely and geniunely touched by all the posts! 2 pages, you're all making me blush!

Yes it tis a triumph that brings much joy and happiness, but it wouldn't have been possible without the interesting threads, posts and polls that all of the TV members had all contributed.

I would like to thank so many people! First and foremost, the diligent, hardworking and helpful moderators & administrators (is that enough ass attention?), all the great people/members that I've met (both cyber/personally), the smiley faces that work so hard to communicate our emotions, the Subway banners that have always made me hungry, the "Book your Thailand room here" banner that has always tempted me during working hours to quit my job and run free towards the beautiful beach and sunset....and much much much more.

Thank you...it's because of each and everyone of you that has made my 300 posts possible, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Here's to 300 posts and counting and to another glorious 300 more!

You should blush more often, it makes you even more pretty.... :o

well, congratulations !

I look forward to read your 600th post


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Hehehehe IamMaic................thanks! I don't really need anyone's approval....actually :D

One has to be contented and happy with oneself before they can be truly happy............ :o

Appreciate your comment though, thanks. :D

Well you said i was one good looking dog, so i thought i'd return the favor :D

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Iam Maic............I said DOG as in Soi Dog..........not a handsome devil (hahahaha)..just kidding :D

Sorry couldn't resist........actually i didnt see your pic when I said that, just your posting of a black and white dog with a bandanna............ :o

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Iam Maic............I said DOG as in Soi Dog..........not a handsome devil (hahahaha)..just kidding :D

Sorry couldn't resist........actually i didnt see your pic when I said that, just your posting of a black and white dog with a bandanna............ :o

I'm always an angel but can be a devil in certain situations :D yeah i know what you ment and i understand. but i didn't post the pic of the that dog :D

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However when you look at her achievments in the light of the fact that someone has managed to post 300 times on an open forum about Thailand, well then you have to question whether Cristina Nobles achievements are so great after all. :o

Cheers Mango :D

No worries Mango, just a little bit of levity for the day....

We all have our own personal views of notable achievements, some maybe less or more greater than the other. Like when a baby speaks their first words or takes their first steps or maybe lending a hand to an old lady crossing the street......I agree my postings might not be viewed as important, not on a worldly scale like helping children in Mongolia but we do what we can in our own way to get by eh? And in the cyberspace world where Shopgurl resides, especially concerning this forum, I would think even if 1% of my postings had helped someone, that would have meant the world to me!

Happy happy happy thoughts people! :D

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what i do dislike though SK1972 is you and your husbands strange views of Thai people.
Mango........ever heard of freedom of speech and mind??? I have my reasons and they are justifiable. You don't know me nor what I have seen and experienced while working to help them, so who are you to say I am wrong in my views!! :o

I will never say I disliked someone's views as I am sure they have their reasons. To each their own opinions and views. I can say for a fact that I am NOT the only one who has these views. Do you have a tendency to like ONLY those that share your views? :D

I never said I disliked ALL Thai people. FYI, I happen to like many whom I have met here, including Shopgurl. :D

Sas Cars......congrats on your 200th posting........and counting

Shopgurl.....well said!!

We all have our own personal views of notable achievements, some maybe less or more greater than the other.
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I would think even if 1% of my postings had helped someone, that would have meant the world to me!

Happy happy happy thoughts people! :D

shopgurl, never mind what they say. You got 300 under your belt.

Happy happy happy thoughts people!  :D

Keep it going, or was it coming? :o

Only one complaint, run your name through a spell checker, this 'U' in shopgurl disturbs me. :D

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Shop: what makes you special?'

Cant see to con'grat you at any way.

There are posters in here have more than 1500 posts, never get a gratitude.

Tell me: what is so special about you?

just wonder.

Bit harsh isn't it.... :o

totster :D

harsh is true.....

Not my fault. :D

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The Viking..........very harsh words. What has Shopgurl ever done to you? :D

Sk1972- no worries love don't agree with some of your views, but never the less you are still liked. 

Brit...no worries I am not here to "try to be liked" by every tom, dick or harry. I am not asking everyone to agree with me anyway. I don't agree with some postings here either but I don't make a big deal about it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. That is how the world revolves. There are too much <deleted> in the world for us to be fret about what people think about us. :o

Like I said, one has to be happy and contented with oneself first in order to find true happiness. :D

As you can see, I do like a little banter once in a while...... :D

Shopgurl.........you can spell your nickname/user name as you how please! Go for it "gurl"!

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Shop: what makes you special?'

Cant see to con'grat you at any way.

There are posters in here have more than 1500 posts, never get a gratitude.

Tell me: what is so special about you?

just wonder.

Bit harsh isn't it.... :o

totster :D

harsh is true.....

Not my fault. :D

:D No hard feelings, as written in my first post here:

What do I get? 

Just kidding! Not a big deal I know but I guess it took a long time to reach 300 posts! Now on to 400 whew  !

Special? :D Didn't say I was more special than anyone else but I think everyone here is special in their own way, no matter how many posts they post, even you Khun "The Viking", you're special too. :wub:

SK1972 & Totster - thanks a million for the defense! But no offense was taken! -_-

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Only one complaint, run your name through a spell checker, this 'U' in shopgurl disturbs me.

- Axel

:o My bad! I think it brings a flair to the handle.....but just for you, I'll dedicate my avatar to you this week, spelled correctly!
shopgurl- you've earned a snog in person!!!!    Maybe 22.5 minutes after all we are english! 

- Britmaveric

:D 22.5 minutes? That's too long for a Thai isn't it? :D

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Brit---I wont be here in Nov....off to Europe for 3 weeks :D

Shopgurl- forgot Thai limitations
Shame on you, not all Thais have limitations!!! :o
22.5 minutes? That's too long for a Thai isn't it?

Shopgurl........thats not THAT long!!! :D

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Congrats Narachon!!.......

Thanks! :(

A Yankees fan I see....... :D

I'm a big fan, but not a hard core fan - if I was, I would be in Yankee Stadium for this historic Game 7, getting drunk off my Ass to dull the pain ... :o:D

Check out my thread in the Sports section: Here

They aren't doing too well now..... It's the bottom of the third inning now (9:33 PM Eastern Standard Time in New York City)....

Yankees : 0

Red Sox : 6 :D


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