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Thai Ladies Overseas And Their Friends


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I LOS, she has a power of command. At checkin at the airport, Thai Air have opened check in desks for her (to save her queueing!). Once a passport copntrol clerk came out of the office a took her (and me) through control (from the back of a long line) and checked our passports etc at the little office instead. Took 5 minutes and no queueing. In shops she gets the attention of the sales people without a word. Don't get me wrong, she does not jump queues (like some do - especially at banks and post offices), Thais just seem to home in on her. It embarasses her sometimes. She is not famous. She is not from a well known family. She has never been on TV nor in the newspaper. No one would recognise her photo unless they knew her personally. Wierd. Still, never look a gift horse in the cake-hole!  :D

She has Wings and a Halo, and plays a Harp rather well too. :o

Fabulous story.

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(wolf5370 @ Mon 2004-10-25, 19:06:34)


In LOS, she has a power of command. At checkin at the airport, Thai Air have opened check in desks for her (to save her queueing!). Once a passport copntrol clerk came out of the office a took her (and me) through control (from the back of a long line) and checked our passports etc at the little office instead. Took 5 minutes and no queueing. In shops she gets the attention of the sales people without a word. Don't get me wrong, she does not jump queues (like some do - especially at banks and post offices), Thais just seem to home in on her. It embarasses her sometimes. She is not famous. She is not from a well known family. She has never been on TV nor in the newspaper. No one would recognise her photo unless they knew her personally. Wierd. Still, never look a gift horse in the cake-hole!   

She has Wings and a Halo, and plays a Harp rather well too.

Fabulous story.


She plays the Kim (bit heavy to fly with though). An angel she is not, brought up well she is. She has bad points and good points like all of us. She honestly is embarrassed when these things happen - which granted is not all the time - but does happen. She has had Thai girls in the UK avoiding her because they thought she would look down on them, even before she opened her mouth! She doesn't, its just her nature - she hates gold diggers as much as the rest of us do, but has many friends across the spectrum, especially in the UK. She hates Q jumpers and will often intercept and and embarrass them - she practices what she preaches.

Believe me or not, its your call. Don't see why I would invent such a story though :o

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The only people that were shunned from social gatherings were those involved in illegal bussines which in Saudi Arabia is very serious. We enjoyed our stay there and without the good people of the Thai embassy in Riyadh, it would have not been possible to stay there for as long as we did.  :o

So you did not drink any "sid" then?

Drinking sid was unavoidable. In fact it was a neccesity sometimes just to make you forget what a load of crap you have to deal with everyday. :D

Couldn't agree more. Sid would do wonders for some of the whining expats in LOS.

Guys........what is this 'sid' thing you have been writing about ?



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What is it some people have against Thai/Chinese (not just you Bon Mee i've seen the same sort of thing a few times), my wife does happen to be part chinese, I dont think I've ever mentioned it on here cos I'v never really though its relevent. I just think of her as thai.

My apologies to any y'all I've offended with that racist remark. It's a broad generalization that Thai/Chinese are all pre-occupied with money and status. But, it seems those characteristics are more predominant in them as opposed to someone who has no Chinese blood. Just talking from personal experience and it is a subjective theme after all. Believe me, there are times I wish my wife would be slightly more $$$ conscious! :o

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My apologies to any y'all I've offended with that racist remark. It's a broad generalization that Thai/Chinese are all pre-occupied with money and status. But, it seems those characteristics are more predominant in them as opposed to someone who has no Chinese blood. Just talking from personal experience and it is a subjective theme after all. Believe me, there are times I wish my wife would be slightly more $$$ conscious!

Boon, it was'nt just aimed at you, I've seen simular things posted before, Its just I live in Nakon Sawan and its supposed to have the highest population of thai/chineese in thailand. The town is famous for its chineese new year celebrations. So I dont really have anyone to make comparisons with i.e everyone seems to be part chineese, I've just never thought it was significent.

Just as an aside the village that i live in was started by my wifes farther and his 2 brothers (all half chineese) back in the 50's when if you cleared and planted land it was yours, over the years the families grew and built more houses, spliting the land up. So not only is everyone part chineese here they are all family as well!!

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Fortunately I am no longer in Thailand where this petty self effacing attitude used to infuriate me.

I consider myself fortunate to have successfully managed to avoid bigoted individuals like several of the posters on this thread...

I guess that those who feel above others must consider themselves lucky because in Truth they have done nothing to warrant their self proclaimed position of superiority.

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Wolf5370, your wife gets special treatment at thai check-in and passport control? If I had a buck for everytime I've been fastracked at don muang with wifey, or the amount of other falang/thai I've seen get the same treatment I'd have enough money to pay a shrink to rid you of your delusions Thai sales staff home in on her, she gets their attention without a word :o ? I guarantee you this is not due to her celestial presence. In the uk you say other thai's avoid social interaction with her majesty because they may feel inferior? You seriously need an m.o.t on your thinking my friend, your deluding yourself. I have compassion for you.

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Couldn't agree more. Sid would do wonders for some of the whining expats in LOS.

It does work! It's called Lao kao in Thai.

I am expecting another delivery from the distillery in my gf's village on Friday.

I'll pop a clear plastic bag tied with a rubberband full of the stuff in a jiffybag and post it to Chonabot. :o

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Couldn't agree more. Sid would do wonders for some of the whining expats in LOS.

It does work! It's called Lao kao in Thai.

I am expecting another delivery from the distillery in my gf's village on Friday.

I'll pop a clear plastic bag tied with a rubberband full of the stuff in a jiffybag and post it to Chonabot. :o

Gracias Senor' Stroll !


11 Tigers also ?

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Wolf5370, your wife gets special treatment at thai check-in and passport control? If I had a buck for everytime I've been fastracked at don muang with wifey, or the amount of other falang/thai I've seen get the same treatment I'd have enough money to pay a shrink to rid you of your delusions Thai sales staff home in on her, she gets their attention without a word  ? I guarantee you this is not due to her celestial presence. In the uk you say other thai's avoid social interaction with her majesty because they may feel inferior? You seriously need an m.o.t on your thinking my friend, your deluding yourself. I have compassion for you.

SiamSiam, did you actually read my post or just skim it for short sentances?

I said, and its true, that friends of her's have told her that they avoided her because they thought she would look down on them. This is not self-glorification or anything similar, it is fact.

I have never seen an official come out of the office at Don Muang and take people from the back of one line and take them through the chechout - ever. What I have seen is officials opening up other desks and inviting the whiole back of a long queue etc, but this was different.

I don't think of her as above anyone else; cenrtainly not royaly. She also does not think of herself in this light - as I said in my post she is 'embarrassed' about it (sorry lots of sylables there, eh?).

I meant by staff homing in on her, that they will turn their backs on customers that are being served and other people at the counter to come and serve her - whether I there or not.

She gets this treatment when I am not there. An very recent example: She is in LOS at the moment sorting out some business; I am back in the UK earning some bread. Last week her purse was stollen from her handbag by someone she knew. When the girl (an old school friend) was asked for it back, she refused. My wife then goes to the police station (there was about £200 in UK currency and some plastic in the purse). She is seen first by the desk cop etc. as you would expect. However, the seargent takes her through to the station chief and he deals with it personally. I was not there at all. My Thai friends have often had to report stolen items etc to the cops and never got much more than a report filled and a dismissive attitude.

I was not trying to whistle - yoohoo! look our special we are, I was trying to respond to the fact that some of the posters were saying that (so called) hi-so girls did not want to associate with BG's etc, in that from my perspective I see that a lot of girls in the UK (see the title of the thread) avoid what they, perhaps see, as class boundaries. Also in reponse to a poster who said that Thai can read people like a book, in that I agreed and to some extent this is carried too far.

PS: If you have enough 'bucks' for a shrink, then can I suggest you go see them about adjusting your agressive and insulting attitude. I can afford my own, and I like my delusions - it helps me forget that they don't license keyboards, but give them to anybody!

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Wolf5370, What a difference a day makes! Yesterday was an 'off' day for me, not in my nature to offend folk. My apologies for the insulting/aggressive nature of my previous post. Now I'm back to my normal, happy self - Split personality disorder maybe? Think I'll save the bucks for my own shrink. :o make love, not war - peace bro :D

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I LOS, she has a power of command. At checkin at the airport, Thai Air have opened check in desks for her (to save her queueing!). Once a passport copntrol clerk came out of the office a took her (and me) through control (from the back of a long line) and checked our passports etc at the little office instead. Took 5 minutes and no queueing. In shops she gets the attention of the sales people without a word. Don't get me wrong, she does not jump queues (like some do - especially at banks and post offices), Thais just seem to home in on her. It embarasses her sometimes. She is not famous. She is not from a well known family. She has never been on TV nor in the newspaper. No one would recognise her photo unless they knew her personally. Wierd. Still, never look a gift horse in the cake-hole!  :o

My wife is from a quite well known family(name anyway), and this sort of thing doesn't happen to her.Even when her family and I travel through the airport together (4 "na ayudhyas" and myself), we all queue like everyone else. Except on the very rare occasions that we travel first class(as the result of a loyalty points upgrade), and you get priority immigration clearance as part of the service.

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You are forgiven SiamSiam - I still love you. :D

Penelope, the airport thing only happened once, still it was a welcome surprise (I was carrying 4 tons of hand luggage at the time!).

Neither I, nor her, understand why this happens. She asks me if she looks different from the other Thais - her friends just say she 'looks ruay' (?). I think this means she has a air about her that other Thais seem to pick up and read (missread?). I do not know why, she doesn't either. It just happens. Usually works in our favour, so not too bothered. Like I said, sometimes Thai girls in the UK avoid her until either she approaches or a friend does. They DO say, when asked, that they think she would look down on them or embarras them or somesuch thing - she doesn't. She makes friends of those she likes, and is indifferent to those she doesn't (they usually havce to earn the dislike). As I said its wierd. :o

I used to travel first class to and from LOS - loved it. Wife and kids put pay to that! :D

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Attitude:The longer I live the more I realize the impact of attitude in my life.Attitude,to me is more important than the facts.It is more important

than the past,the education,the money,the circumstances,the failures,the

success,than what other people think,say,or do.It is more important than appearance,giftidness,or skill.Attitude will make or break a company,a

church,a home.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday reguarding attitude.

We will embrace for the day.We cannot change the fact that people will act

in a certain way.We cannot change the inevitable.The only thing we can do

is play on the string we have and that is our attitude.I am convinced that

life is 10%what happens to me and 90%how I react to it.

And so it is with you,we are in charge of our attitudes!

I am not the author,I just want to pass this on.


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