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hello to all forum members in cr,i am new to thailand,been here 1 month,enjoyed myself,thinking about staying here permanent.i have met many folk and i have asked where is nice to live,cr has been suggested,so here i am,and sorry i am hugely dissapointed.being here 10 days already and i am asking you,bars-girls-faranng[expats],where? i have been to jetjod rd. daytime nobody there,nighttime,still not many customers,all who were there very drunk and abusive,one irish/scottish[unsure] was screaming for his tilak repeatedly,he was crying,had snot hanging from nose and trousers had big urine patch,he asked me for a loan of money to which i refused,he got aggressive,this was in a bar called crazy joe's.the owner yes named joe was vey annoying and i had no idea what he was talking about.so kwik exit onto more bars still few people,met a thai bar owner named sam[catbar]he was very nice,good chitchat,we played pool sam talked about the c1 bar saying all expats go to this bar [check out tomorrow,was my thinking]anyway more bars more nothing,no possible oppertunities to make new aqquaintancies,and the bar girls[sorry]not pretty,not friendly and expensive too,the south in this regard being better value,so onwards to the night bizzarr all the bars were again dead quiet,no nice girls etc.etc.this was my 1st night.day 2 i went to the c1 bar,far away from town and yes nobody about,so back to town 300 baht round trip for nothing,back to jetjod rd and i seen the drunk irish/scot again but even more drunk and this was 1pm,i went to some more bars and some of the bargirls seemed to warm up a tad saying they rememered me from lastnight,but insistingly asking me to buy them ladydrinks,so being new to town i did,then they got really friendly until they asked for more,to which i said no they started speaking thai and looking at me as if i was a scumbag :o ,again not same as down south,so i again moved on undeterred to find the cr i was hearing about in positive terms.after lunch i did meet some expats they seemed a decent bunch,they mentioned another bar for expats at cr beach,so next day i went there but i couldn't find it,i asked many people but nobody was sure where :D so i am asking can anyone please help me out? i do think cr is ok,nice size,nice hotels,i just need some friendly advice and maybe meet up with some expats for a godtime and good drink.oh yeah maybe info about where the pretty girls of cr are to be discovered...thankyou kindy p.s. i was restricted with my choice of name when registering to this forum,with a tiny amount of 6 digits anyone know why

What you are looking for is best found in a sailor's town several hundred kilometers south of here. CR is more of a bring your own type of place.

I'm sure you can't mean PATTAYA. :o


Villagefarang's been here that long that when he came to Thailand it was a fishing village.

Supposing this topic reaches tomorrow in one piece I can only say to zz9 that Chiang Rai is not really a whore mongering town.

He might like to have a chat with the tuktuk lads that park at the end of the Wang Come Hotel soi and see what they suggest. There are reputably some good Thai karaoke places around but he'll really have to watch his manners.


I agree with Sceadugenga, Chiang Rai is a quiet place,possibly too quiet for you.

Village farang may be right,you be better looking for a private night counsellor in Pattaya.


:o Wiley Coyote

What you are looking for is best found in a sailor's town several hundred kilometers south of here. CR is more of a bring your own type of place.

I'm sure you can't mean PATTAYA. :o

Villagefarang's been here that long that when he came to Thailand it was a fishing village.

When I first came here, I'm not sure fishing had been invented yet. Anyway, I hope I didn't offend anybody in PATTAYA.


It must have been amazing times when you came here, the majority of the rural villages would still have been as they were a thousand years ago.

No TV, no motorbikes, no electricity, water out of the klong...


If you want a more lively scene with live music in Chiang Rai, head south about 2 km on Ratanaket Rd and look for a billboard advertising the discos on your left. With clubs named MTV, Sperm, The Womb, Hot Beat and Par Club. The Par Club is the biggest and the entrance is shaped like a UFO, I'd suggest to go there about midnight. Don't expect to see too many other Farang there, these places are full of young Thai's, but a friendly enough bunch none the less.


Well, and there you have it!

Thanks to the OP for an extremely entertaining prose style; reminds me of Charles Bukowski.

As a polite note, let's not lead this discussion into the Forbidden Zone, etc.

Good luck and sweet dreams.... :o


Your'e in the wrong town. Try Pattaya. :o

More people that might want to hook up with you there. Prices might be more competitive as well.. :D

hello to all forum members in cr,i am new to thailand,been here 1 month,enjoyed myself,thinking about staying here permanent.i have met many folk and i have asked where is nice to live,cr has been suggested,so here i am,and sorry i am hugely dissapointed.being here 10 days already and i am asking (CUT) ...of name when registering to this forum,with a tiny amount of 6 digits anyone know why

hello all,thankyou for all info bites,i would like to say,maybe i was a little harsh on my cr impressions.also i think i might have been misunderstood,which again is my too eager enthusiasm for my new found excitment[thailand].this is my 1st trip to this lovely place and it is just so exhilarating,every experience just keeps getting better and better,so about what i said yesterday about the girls etc.i am certainly not here to whoremonger,when i talked about money,value iwas meaning only flirtation and fun talk,which are my source's of enjoyment,but i do have to say,the thai girls are stunningly beautiful,i am mesmerised and cannot help myself,all the smiles and giggles are just so refreshing.also sorry but the reply which said cr is more sort of bring your own.[i'm unsure]bring your own what?wife,drink,money,friends,please explain,this is why i am on the forum seeking info from all the senior members,also my trip is just not about bars[the bars are for socialising] i have been too pai,the moutains-mae salong-toi tung,puu chee fa,waterfalls,boat trips,treks elephant riding,fishing and more,all have been totally enjoyable.so this is just to make myself more open,p.s. i am still looking for the expats-i wiil be in jetjod rd tonight,dont know which bar,but you will know when you see me.thankyou all. :o


Hi zz9,

I have to say that the various comments from the vets. sbove sre right. I moved up here to get away from all the stuf you've described. Maybe Chiang Mai would be a good compromise for you. Have fun.


I guess I meant that CR is a place where people are more likely to come with a girl they met elsewhere, than to go fishing for a new one. Traveling alone has its benefits, like mobility and flexibility to change your schedule. Traveling with a local can sometimes provide access to things you may not find on your own.

Local expats don't usually spend their nights like a tourist. You may have to make due with swapping stories with other tourists.

No hookers in C'rai? R-I-I-I-G-H-T!!!!! :o

All the pretty ones go off to work in the big city. Only the dregs and leftovers can be found in the hinterlands.


thecaman knows, and probably knows more than he is telling. :o

Apparently, talking about the oldest profession is off limits here?

One thing that never seems to change are the playboys who whore around Thailand for months or years, then decide to marry a girl they met in a bar .. then suddenly become holier than thou. TIT! :D


Yes, I thought I'd dreampt it . . Glad someone else noticed it. Thought I'd gone mad.

suspect it was moderated too quickly.

Shame , it could have been very entertaining !

Quite a sweeping statement saying 'all Farangs are gay in Chiang Rai' but whats wrong with debating it !?

We do have our fair share of 'Boy' Bars, or we did the last time I took notice. ;-)

Maybe it could boost Tourism if it was generally known that Chiang rai is a Gay Paradise ;-)

I'm certainly UNAWARE of my Homosexuality ;-)

Wheres the the post about Chiangrai's secret similar to this one about poofs here?

It was starred and looked interesting.

It bit the dust rather rapidly didn't it?. I took the limited opportunity to "out" a few members in it myself but now it's gone forever.



i have been to jetjod rd. daytime nobody there,nighttime,still not many customers,all who were there very drunk and abusive,one irish/scottish[unsure] was screaming for his tilak repeatedly,he was crying,had snot hanging from nose and trousers had big urine patch,he asked me for a loan of money to which i refused,he got aggressive,this was in a bar called crazy joe's.

My tissues were finished and I was shouting for my change OK

i have been to jetjod rd. daytime nobody there,nighttime,still not many customers,all who were there very drunk and abusive,one irish/scottish[unsure] was screaming for his tilak repeatedly,he was crying,had snot hanging from nose and trousers had big urine patch,he asked me for a loan of money to which i refused,he got aggressive,this was in a bar called crazy joe's.

My tissues were finished and I was shouting for my change OK

Crazy Joe, the first gentleman of Chiang Rai.

Wasn't he a preacher?


i have been to jetjod rd. daytime nobody there,nighttime,still not many customers,all who were there very drunk and abusive,one irish/scottish[unsure] was screaming for his tilak repeatedly,he was crying,had snot hanging from nose and trousers had big urine patch,he asked me for a loan of money to which i refused,he got aggressive,this was in a bar called crazy joe's.

My tissues were finished and I was shouting for my change OK


And where was your Tilac?

i have been to jetjod rd. daytime nobody there,nighttime,still not many customers,all who were there very drunk and abusive,one irish/scottish[unsure] was screaming for his tilak repeatedly,he was crying,had snot hanging from nose and trousers had big urine patch,he asked me for a loan of money to which i refused,he got aggressive,this was in a bar called crazy joe's.

My tissues were finished and I was shouting for my change OK

Crazy Joe, the first gentleman of Chiang Rai.

Wasn't he a preacher?


i know who pissed guy is,i think he has went home already,he was a right state,i have also met zz9 and he told me his last post was scrubbed,he's some guy.says he off to chiang mai but told me to warn chiang rai that he'll be back with proof.

i have been to jetjod rd. daytime nobody there,nighttime,still not many customers,all who were there very drunk and abusive,one irish/scottish[unsure] was screaming for his tilak repeatedly,he was crying,had snot hanging from nose and trousers had big urine patch,he asked me for a loan of money to which i refused,he got aggressive,this was in a bar called crazy joe's.

My tissues were finished and I was shouting for my change OK

Crazy Joe, the first gentleman of Chiang Rai.

Wasn't he a preacher?


i know who pissed guy is,i think he has went home already,he was a right state,i have also met zz9 and he told me his last post was scrubbed,he's some guy.says he off to chiang mai but told me to warn chiang rai that he'll be back with proof.

Maybe he was banned and you are his reincarnation.

Well, and there you have it!

Thanks to the OP for an extremely entertaining prose style; reminds me of Charles Bukowski.

As a polite note, let's not lead this discussion into the Forbidden Zone, etc.

Good luck and sweet dreams.... :o

What do you know about Bukowski?

Other than the fact that you spell his name right.

I'm intrigued. Are you a fan or a ...... whatever

Remember; "just a small atom bomb, just a small one"


Well, as the OP has been banned, and all his questions seem to have been answered, seems a most appropriate time to put this thread to rest.

Have a restful and happy evening, Ladies and Gentlemen...

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