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Sawasdee Krap!!

Uan Kun...

Oh thanks, I didn't realize I'm a big fat marshmallow, thanks for pointing it out. Actually, now that I think about it, all of the other neighbors mentioned my big midsection!! thanks for reminding me! ......I really do find this stuff funny tho.. This aspect of Thai culture will always puzzle me.

One thing I'm not cool with tho... I'm 33 years old, with a Thai wife who is an adjarn at the University here, and we live in a nice small neighborhood. Well, almost none of the other women work, so there is a TON of gossiping, etc. Since I have a comfortable financial situation, I do not work either.. Anyway, I feel a lot of resentment/jealousy from the female neighbors. They really say whatever the hel_l they want to me, and to be honest, its not so much what they're saying, cause I only understand like 40% of it anyway, but its their god damned tone.. I feel like they just say whatever they want to me cause I'm younger than they are. Its obv not every woman in the muubaan, but there's a few who are surprisingly aggressive, and I seem to be the brunt of their mouths.


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One thing I'm not cool with ... They really say whatever the hel_l they want to me...


From Sacha Guitry, roughly translated from French : "If people who say bad things about me, knew what I think about them, they will say even worse"

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Sawasdee Krap!!

Uan Kun...

Oh thanks, I didn't realize I'm a big fat marshmallow, thanks for pointing it out. Actually, now that I think about it, all of the other neighbors mentioned my big midsection!! thanks for reminding me! ......I really do find this stuff funny tho.. This aspect of Thai culture will always puzzle me.

One thing I'm not cool with tho... I'm 33 years old, with a Thai wife who is an adjarn at the University here, and we live in a nice small neighborhood. Well, almost none of the other women work, so there is a TON of gossiping, etc. Since I have a comfortable financial situation, I do not work either.. Anyway, I feel a lot of resentment/jealousy from the female neighbors. They really say whatever the hel_l they want to me, and to be honest, its not so much what they're saying, cause I only understand like 40% of it anyway, but its their god damned tone.. I feel like they just say whatever they want to me cause I'm younger than they are. Its obv not every woman in the muubaan, but there's a few who are surprisingly aggressive, and I seem to be the brunt of their mouths.


Try not to worry about them, their main problem with you is that they are JEALOUS and the fact that you are farang aswell intruding in their muubaan makes you easy prey. It could also be that they can't understand how your Lady was so lucky and why didn't they see you first!

Being big and fat around the midsection is looked on as you being rich here. The logic - How can you be big and fat if you have no money?

If you have ever been to Pattaya you will find the Ladies will always go for the oldest, fatest guys they can find. This used to amaze me until I got up the courage to go and ask them why. Since they had nothing to lose in telling me because I'm a female farang, they did.

Why? Lots of dosh and not a lot of work to satisfy them!

Chill out. Don't worry about them. Laugh about it with your wife so you can both feel Lucky.

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If you have a comfortable financial situation, as you claiming, move out from that neighborhood, cause it sounds like a low end one. Wealthy or middle class Thais will never say a word to you about anything at all. Living with them in condos in Bangkok or Pattaya is a real pleasure.

Sawasdee Krap!!

Uan Kun...

Oh thanks, I didn't realize I'm a big fat marshmallow, thanks for pointing it out. Actually, now that I think about it, all of the other neighbors mentioned my big midsection!! thanks for reminding me! ......I really do find this stuff funny tho.. This aspect of Thai culture will always puzzle me.

One thing I'm not cool with tho... I'm 33 years old, with a Thai wife who is an adjarn at the University here, and we live in a nice small neighborhood. Well, almost none of the other women work, so there is a TON of gossiping, etc. Since I have a comfortable financial situation, I do not work either.. Anyway, I feel a lot of resentment/jealousy from the female neighbors. They really say whatever the hel_l they want to me, and to be honest, its not so much what they're saying, cause I only understand like 40% of it anyway, but its their god damned tone.. I feel like they just say whatever they want to me cause I'm younger than they are. Its obv not every woman in the muubaan, but there's a few who are surprisingly aggressive, and I seem to be the brunt of their mouths.


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yeah, I think my neigbours are pretty much the same. a couple of them are really dumb but I reckon you would get that anywhere. I found just smiling and saying hello helps. try it, it might work.

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If you have a comfortable financial situation, as you claiming, move out from that neighborhood, cause it sounds like a low end one. Wealthy or middle class Thais will never say a word to you about anything at all. Living with them in condos in Bangkok or Pattaya is a real pleasure.

I live in one of the nicest neighborhood's I've seen since i've been in Thailand. My neighbors are very successful gov't and business types. So your assumption that I lived in a dump was wrong, and your assumption that the well to do's are above such things is wrong.

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I don't agree. Well-to-do neighbours do one of two things in general: if they think you're a lo-so couple they'll ignore you, or if they think you're a lo-so couple they'll be civil. Occasionally they'll look down on you and talk behind your back, rarely to your face, but it all depends on how out of place you look.

The OP doesn't give many clues at present as to why these (are they middle class?) women have taken a dislike to him. Have they taken a dislike to his wife too? Do they resent her working but him lazing around? How will we ever know if the OP is assuming they're bitching but doesn't know what about? What does the wife think the problem is?

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Let' s see, your overweight, your still a relative lad, and you don't have a job, you don't bother to learn the local language in your idleness and so you sit at home all day. I mean it is possible that you deserve their scorn even though those women neighbors of yours might be equally deserving of some scorn.

So get off your fat arse and go volunteer at a refugee camp along the border, or go work and get your financially comfortable hands dirty for some other non-profit. Crikey, I am almost twice as old as you, I am decidedly lower middle class with no hopes of an early retirement, and I still often donate my rare free time to non-profit agencies. Being idle at your age, regardless of financial status, is simply pathetic. But you will find good company here on TV. :o

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Let' s see, your overweight, your still a relative lad, and you don't have a job, you don't bother to learn the local language in your idleness and so you sit at home all day. I mean it is possible that you deserve their scorn even though those women neighbors of yours might be equally deserving of some scorn.

So get off your fat arse and go volunteer at a refugee camp along the border, or go work and get your financially comfortable hands dirty for some other non-profit. Crikey, I am almost twice as old as you, I am decidedly lower middle class with no hopes of an early retirement, and I still often donate my rare free time to non-profit agencies. Being idle at your age, regardless of financial status, is simply pathetic. But you will find good company here on TV. :D

Come on Johpa, don't beat about the bush, tell us what you really think :o

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Let' s see, your overweight, your still a relative lad, and you don't have a job, you don't bother to learn the local language in your idleness and so you sit at home all day. I mean it is possible that you deserve their scorn even though those women neighbors of yours might be equally deserving of some scorn.

So get off your fat arse and go volunteer at a refugee camp along the border, or go work and get your financially comfortable hands dirty for some other non-profit. Crikey, I am almost twice as old as you, I am decidedly lower middle class with no hopes of an early retirement, and I still often donate my rare free time to non-profit agencies. Being idle at your age, regardless of financial status, is simply pathetic. But you will find good company here on TV. :D

Come on Johpa, don't beat about the bush, tell us what you really think :o

Pfffft :D Barely winged him with the first shot. Why carry a 12 gauge double barrel if you're not prepared to let em really have it I say.

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Let' s see, your overweight, your still a relative lad, and you don't have a job, you don't bother to learn the local language in your idleness and so you sit at home all day. I mean it is possible that you deserve their scorn even though those women neighbors of yours might be equally deserving of some scorn.

So get off your fat arse and go volunteer at a refugee camp along the border, or go work and get your financially comfortable hands dirty for some other non-profit. Crikey, I am almost twice as old as you, I am decidedly lower middle class with no hopes of an early retirement, and I still often donate my rare free time to non-profit agencies. Being idle at your age, regardless of financial status, is simply pathetic. But you will find good company here on TV. :o

Let's see, I've lived here for 2 years, and have managed to learn a lot of the language, as well as read and write. I'd gather i know more Thai then 90% of people who have lived here for 2 years.

Your time spent volunteering is quite noble, thanks for letting us all know about it. How long does it take you to work into an average conversation that you volunteer at non profit orgs? I bet you just can't wait to hear "oh wow, that's great that you ________, wow.. You seem like such a nice guy." Seriously bro, you're a f'in clown.

What's weird, is that you don't know if I do or don't volunteer my time. I just said i don't work here in Thailand.

But, how I spend my time on this earth is MY business. Not yours, and not my neighbors.

FWIW, I'm pretty well liked by most of my neighborhood.

WRT my physical status, I'm probably 10 pounds overweight, can run a mile in under 6 minutes, can bench press close to 100 pounds over my weight, can do 50-60 push ups non stop, and about 10 pullups. Because I carry a lot of muscle though, if I put on some fat, and where the weight is put on my body, it makes me look fatter than I am.

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Southern dog, this all comes with the territory, ignore it. As you speak and write thai, smile say hello and go about your business. If you feel things get out of hand or the woman banter gets too "familiar", confront her with a smile and ask her what she said, you didn't hear her the first time? Let them know you understand their chit chat...atleast they will restrain themselves more when you are present. Being overweight is seen as a good thing here....and 10 pounds is very easy to lose...not the end of the world!

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I live in one of the nicest neighborhood's I've seen since i've been in Thailand. My neighbors are very successful gov't and business types. So your assumption that I lived in a dump was wrong, and your assumption that the well to do's are above such things is wrong.

I cannot fathom where you live; presuming you are in a nice neighbourhood, is it possible the people giving you stick are all the maids?

Most affluent neighbourhoods (which I mean to be 20m+ homes) you never even see the neighbours, and certainly it is unlikely you would be running into them continuously as your post seems to imply.

'FWIW, I'm pretty well liked by most of my neighborhood.'

SO...a few people don't like you? Who cares? You seem to be popular, that's good enough right?

'I've lived here for 2 years, and have managed to learn a lot of the language, as well as read and write. I'd gather i know more Thai then 90% of people who have lived here for 2 years.'

Good on you, god knows how you only understand 40%; after about 3 months most Thai language students would get at least that, but ah well....there are some who don't bother learning any at all, so you are better than those.

Presumably you are doing something to rub people up the wrong way; if you don't mind me asking, are you an American? Americans can rub people up the wrong way. Almost as much as the other type of people who have the capacity to annoy. Those are the people who are not American. :o

Get over it, suck it up. big boy. A few gossiping neighbours never hurt anyone.

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Sawasdee Krap!!

Uan Kun...

Oh thanks, I didn't realize I'm a big fat marshmallow, thanks for pointing it out. Actually, now that I think about it, all of the other neighbors mentioned my big midsection!! thanks for reminding me! ......I really do find this stuff funny tho.. This aspect of Thai culture will always puzzle me.

One thing I'm not cool with tho... I'm 33 years old, with a Thai wife who is an adjarn at the University here, and we live in a nice small neighborhood. Well, almost none of the other women work, so there is a TON of gossiping, etc. Since I have a comfortable financial situation, I do not work either.. Anyway, I feel a lot of resentment/jealousy from the female neighbors. They really say whatever the hel_l they want to me, and to be honest, its not so much what they're saying, cause I only understand like 40% of it anyway, but its their god damned tone.. I feel like they just say whatever they want to me cause I'm younger than they are. Its obv not every woman in the muubaan, but there's a few who are surprisingly aggressive, and I seem to be the brunt of their mouths.


Try not to worry about them, their main problem with you is that they are JEALOUS and the fact that you are farang aswell intruding in their muubaan makes you easy prey. It could also be that they can't understand how your Lady was so lucky and why didn't they see you first!

Being big and fat around the midsection is looked on as you being rich here. The logic - How can you be big and fat if you have no money?

If you have ever been to Pattaya you will find the Ladies will always go for the oldest, fatest guys they can find. This used to amaze me until I got up the courage to go and ask them why. Since they had nothing to lose in telling me because I'm a female farang, they did.

Why? Lots of dosh and not a lot of work to satisfy them!

Chill out. Don't worry about them. Laugh about it with your wife so you can both feel Lucky.

why do people perpetuate this myth? nobody likes fat people, even if they say they do

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Right...the sooner fat people start to pay their way in soceity the better off we will be.

Who do you think contributes more to greenhouse gases ......a skinny dude or a fat dude ??

Fat people should have their own carbin credits program.....but they would probably eat them.

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