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Can Anybody Teach Me How To Start A Small Internet Concern

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I think the guys above have given some good advice.

I concur re: the public services they recommend, bet it to help with the creditors or the mental health issues.

I've re-read the thread and:

1. SeanPhuket and LivinLos have suggested something along the outdoor work you desire: Hod-Carrying (I had to look it up, for those who don't know it appears that it involves carrying bricks at a construction site).

2. You mentioned that the building site 10 miles away was met with some questions about if you have a "card" or not. I'm assuming it's some sort of union card? What if you offer your services at a discount in return for not having the "card?" I think construction sites could always use another hand or two. Do you have a bicycle?

3. rainman posted about sending an PM to you. I don't know if that was a wind-up but from his prior posts I don't think he would do that. I'm assuming it had something to do with internet business, which I would put off for now as I don't believe such a venture would offer any added value to your stressed out mental condition.

4. LivinLos mentioned the potential camradarie and laughs of the job he described. Maybe that's just what you need. (Forgive me if it was LaoPo and not LivinLos, sometimes I get you two confused)

5. guava or mrtoad mentioned going the odd-jobs route. There has to be some work out there for you in this area.

But I must say that the above would be short-term solutions to what amounts to a larger problem. You probably could use some guidance (from the mentioned organizations or community services) as you move along the path to get your life in order. Taking that first step and getting that job outdoors (however menial it may be) would help immensely IMO. It's summer, I believe that if you keep looking, you'll find some outdoor labor work (temporary or not, it's a start and a confidence-builder).

To address one of the other issues: I think it was mrtoad that mentioned having a plan. This is really important IMO. Make a plan - doesn't have to be a grand plan, but just a plan of something you would like to accomplish and the steps needed to reach that goal. Go at those steps one by one, stick to the plan, and soon you will have accomplished your goal. The sense of accomplishment is a great confidence-builder, perhaps one of the best.

I don't really want to advise re: your Thai partner, but if you love each other then realize that two people fighting a battle is much more comforting than going it alone, and at least you have that going for you which is a lot more than you may appreciate right now.

Lastly, I must re-iterate another poster's recommendation to NOT come to Thailand in your current condition. Thailand sometimes can attract those who are lost or lacking self-confidence (under the auspices of beaches, warm weather, women, etc.) but I think most of us know the end result what happens to these people. Don't want to say more on this particular point, but again: don't come to Thailand until you've got your mental health sorted.

It could be worse. Remember that. Try to smile, listen to some music you like, go for a run, do something to get your mind off of this for awhile. Then, come back prepared to start on that plan and see it through. It can be done. You feel down now, but someday you will look at this down from a high, and then you will realize how far you've come. That's life :o Keep your head up.

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I'd like to join your pity party but I'm gonna have to pass! I don't mean to sound harsh but my friend you need to get off your ass (and computer) and take care of business. If you're unhappy with your current situation the only person that can change it is YOU! you can't tell me that there is nothing you can do......take a job at McDonalds until you find something else. Forget about the past, at this point it doesn't mean squat about how jacked up your family is (we all have fuc_ked up family members). My advice to you is, stop feeling sorry for your ass and get the donkey bucking!!! BTW.....I also smell a troll.

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Please. I am not a Troll. Excuse any lack of clarity or perceived contradiction in my post. Neither am I looking for sympahy from anyone, just a place to release my thoughts. Sorry, I always seem to use the word partner/wife interchangebly. We are married. My wife cannot give me the support I need. She is a very simple woman from Issan who doesn't understand mental/emotional issues. She is in the background just taking care of practicalities - cooking etc. But I am certainly alone with my problems. I do have serious mental health problems and right now I'm in a bad way.

Insensitve and sarcastic remarks don't help. Constructive replies have been helpful.

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The 'card' you may need on a building site is the SC60 or modern equivalent.. It allows you to be paid self employed without deductions and pay your taxes later.. I have been out of the UK for a long time but remember when these cards came in that my OK offices had to require all contractor to have them. Employees did not need them but employed labor is harder to get than simple contract labor.

Its a rare site that cant take a couple of extra hands through one thing or another unless the UK has changed more than I guess in the last 5 years..

I dont know where you are but where I lived in the south west the forestry commission used to have a workforce that some of my buddies 'jobbed' for in the summer.. Its peak summertime, ideal for outdoor working. Thier work was very 'pleasant' (but tough) working outdoor, in the trees and mud, working with timber and clearing.. Personally this kind of graft, in the green, would be the kind of mental lift I would pursure.

Now I have no idea if this has been taken over by eastern euro immigrants working for low pay, I am thinking of temp jobs buddies did 10 - 15 years ago. But I would pursue it along with site work. I would also say to pursue it physically, dont phone up much, get on some old jeans, old boots and a rough shirt, find out where they are based and get there 7am.. Speak to the foreman or chargehand directly with a firm handshake and a good eye contact. I dont know what physical shape your in but do your best to look like a grafter, the foreman often has the power to hire and fire temp labor for crews like this, put yourself out there and dont be afriad to come back after being told theres nothing, come back (again at 7) and ask him if he knows anyone else... Or other sites and locations.. Or has any input.. If I saw a man ready to work, out and ready at start time, a few days in a row, Shows your hungry and ready to try. Call every small plasterer, every scaffolding and bricky outfit, its summer time and there should be work going.

Sounds like you have a bundle of issues... I tend to think the medical systems are simply not out there to take care of these issues and its for you to work through. You need some good paying work and I would advise outdoor, physical graft where year head isnt spinning and you can just work, earn, and stablize for a bit.

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I know it has been recommended already but a postman job is ideal, it is mostly outdoors, keeps you fit and healthy. Early starts mean you finish early so you can spend the rest of the day chilling out or focusing on something new that you need to bring into your life. They always need staff! Many temping agents represent the royal mail as they are always understaffed.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I have buddies out here who trained to be LST (life support techs) 2 years ago who now make 700 USD a day.. a 6 week rotation makes about a million baht tax free.. They are living high on the hog with a full career in front of them (they trained in Plymouth, 2k GBP for the training course BTW)..

Sounds interesting...Anymore information or a link?


Razz...seems to me the only reason you are interested is because of the money mentioned....LST's look after the systems which support divers ie you are taking responsibility for someones life....and if money is your only reason for getting into this...then please stay out...

why else would anyone do it ??

Its not like you go and work offshore on some smelly rig with a bunch of roughnecks because you want to help your fellow man.. Of course you expect professionalism in a critical job.. but money is the only reason anyone would do it.

Why would an LST be involved with a bunch of roughnecks ?...different parts of the industry...Roughnecks are on drilling rigs and LST would be on a DSV or construction barge...nice to see you obviously know what you are talking about...

Of course the money offshore is a driving force, but these days every clown/loser is trying to jump on the O&G bandwagon, thinking its easy money..c*cking things up offshore and it ends up that the guys who really know what they are doing to sort out the messes created by the fly-by nights...I personally would be very worried if I was a Sat diver sitting in the chamber knowing that the guy who was looking after my well being had only been through a course very recently and his only motivation for being there was his day rate...

I was using roughnecks as in 'rough arse'.. As in rough work and usually living in rough conditions.. Not the job description.. Roughneck is defined as being a low skilled job in lots of trades as well as being a specific job within oil (just so you know what your talking about !!).. Same as roustabout etc its inst just restricted to the (mostly) seppo oil term.

Yes theres now lots of new arrivals to the industry.. But thats because the industry needs more staff than they have.. How do you propose the industry takes new people and turns them into the 'guys who really know what thier doing' without them being green at some point ?? And of course the LST's start as being junior and LST assists etc...

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As far as the LST aspect of this thread goes, ALST is where you start, you will have to take the two week course and pass the cerification test, then attend a BOSIET course and then you will have to spend alot of time reading forums and company sites to find out that nobody hires or wants ALST's around, because of this C**cking up previously mentioned, of course the only things an ALST does is operate the med lock, wash clothes for the divers bring them thier food, flush thier sewage and operate thier showers, but then maybe after a lot of experience, change the soda scrubber. No SAT divers life is going to be in an ALST's hands. and if no one wants to hire them there will be no qualified LST's to operate DC's safely.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Think you said you had tried CBT ? (Cognitive behavouir therapy )Then you know you were given a set of tools to use in situations like this, not good enough to say it hasn't worked for you. You have to START to get off the roundabout that your writings so clearly reveal your on, in your state you can't see clearly and you need to slow down in order to do so.

Your debts for example, they are probably responsible for a good part of your anxiety. Your supposed to worry about them, fret over the letters, have sleepness nights, if your NOT doing so then whats the point of the credit card companies sending you the letters ?

I mean they could get judgements against you, grab your house, your car etc...except you don't havea house or a car, so why are you worrieing....your credit record ? Forget it, if your struggling to make minimum payments now thats hardly likely to change soon, you will just go on paying money you can't afford whilst making almost zero impact on the debt.

Go bankrupt. Thats probably what CCCS the leading counselling charity would advise, contact them. For Gods sake stay clear of any of the magic wand waving outfits that will put you in a worse position. If your bankrupt those letters will stop dropping on the mat and you'll get your day off to a better start. Right now your in no position to deal with it.

Your only 33, thats time enough to start over, not in LOS, not yet but time enough.

There is a future for you but you have to start with some of the actions and advice that have been given here, in your state your in no position to train for a new career but I concurr with the others that a bit of manual work does a lot to get the endorphins going.

Good luck.

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