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Do You Think That You Will Ever Outgrow Thai Visa Forum


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I'm with Naam. I'm fast getting over it and posting less and less these days. Most of the members who I used to like to have a joust with have been banned and have gone to the 'other place' where they have got progressively more idiotic and childlike.

Oh, for a happy medium . .

Quite agree, a certain amount of pomposity is required to sustain interest otherwise who knows where it would all end up.

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I'm with Naam. I'm fast getting over it and posting less and less these days. Most of the members who I used to like to have a joust with have been banned and have gone to the 'other place' where they have got progressively more idiotic and childlike.

Oh, for a happy medium . .

I think tv is the happy medium. I have checked plenty of forums and this, for me, is the one. Re the op, will I be on tv in 10 years? If God spares me, yes.

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What about you? Do you expect to be still posting on TV in 10 years time?

based on the lack of "quality" topics i don't expect me posting in 10 months time :D

Why don't you post some "quality" topics then? :D

because hardly anybody seems to be interested.

True enough, but than you get run-away hits like GOM,

Of course there's always Jingthing hi-jinks, the occasional Russian mafia hooker hit, newbie fleecings, balcony divers, overpass beggars, and once in a while there's actual stuff about Visa's, :omod8(smoking%20pipe)a.gif

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My posting rate has nose dived lately but that's as much to do with the internet access here in central VN, not so much broadband more like brass band, as with the subject matter under discussion. Life is cyclical and a few new members of the right caliber and things will look up again.

Will I still be posting in ten years?

The more relevant question would be will I still be alive in ten years.

If the answer to #2 is no then the answer to #1 will probably also be no unless they can get a fibre optic cable across the river Styx. :o

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I joined , just over a year ago. I found that Thaivisa members held my hand through, what I would name as a 'Major Decision Time'. Now. I find myself helping others in here. No harm in that.

Doesn't that just signify the reality of internet though. It is a basic human instinct to want to impart knowledge and share information for the good of others. It only seems to get weird when opinion come into the picture.

I openly seek help through such forums in areas where I want to expand my own knowledge and offer help to others in areas where I have the necessary experience.

As for time, we all probably move forward and what was of interest in the past may no longer be, either due to our own individual change in personal interest or alternatively, the forum changing its structure/content to one we have grown out of. Usually another will take its place :o

I am very interested in Thailand and Thai culture so for now it is a good place to be. Just got to avoid the few 'egos' which exist all around us and pick out the good stuff.

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What I have noticed is when the minority of people join this forum on seeking advice they will post a few times after and then never come back. Yes I am sometimes really bored here in prison and pay attention to this.

But also it’s the people who get the advice and then they can not accept it.

Strange that.

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What I have noticed is when the minority of people join this forum on seeking advice they will post a few times after and then never come back. Yes I am sometimes really bored here in prison and pay attention to this.

But also it's the people who get the advice and then they can not accept it.

Strange that.

Yes a lot of people just nip into ThaiVisa for some advice and then they are back in the world. Others, like myself, are more retentive and will post and read just about any old <deleted>. A recent thread on the cost of toilet paper had over 2,000 views. What does that say about us?

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i have been a member only a few days, but have noticed that posts go missing often.

this is very confusing.

i'm assuming they are deleted, but some of the posts seemed rather innocuous.

not my posts by the way.

why does that happen so much?

don't think i'll be around that much longer.

To be fair. I have seen a lot of other forums tear themselves apart through abusive posting. I think that this place does well to prevent this and this is why it is so popular. Of course it is not for everyone and as they say in Ireland, 'don't let the door hurt your arse, when it slams, on your way out.

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Do you expect to be still posting on TV in 10 years time?

You are assuming that ....

- TV Forum will still be here in 10 years;

- I will still be alive in 10 years;

- and my Thai partner and I will still be together in 10 years.

What does it say about us if we are?

If time proves those things to be true, then what would it say about me?

- I'm happy and some of my goals have been achieved.

- I will probably be posting more in the Thai language and culture sections, rather than boxers or briefs discussions in bedlam.

- Life is good.

- Oh, and I would be a multi-millionaire because I invested in TV Forum when it went to IPO!! :o

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I love it here on the Thai Visa Forum. What a interesting mix of people - ranging from people I would be proud to call friend to those I believe should be locked away for their own good. :o On the other hand, it can get a bit repetitive and how much is there to say about life in Thailand. Do you think that you will ever out-grow the site? I sometimes think that maybe as I get older I will mature and perhaps no longer feel the need to respond to silly comments or annoying ones. What about you? Do you expect to be still posting on TV in 10 years time? What does it say about us if we are?

To me, most people in here are fun loving intelligent (????) and seem to enjoy repartée

To me, the thought of leaving, never.

This place, TV, is my escapism.

If tired or bored, I am instantly awake once I begin reading all the gossip in here.

Love adding my own bits too.


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I have been posting here for over 5 years now & can easily see another 5 years flying past at the same rate. In those 5 years my life has changed massively, married, moved to UK, had a child but thaivisa is a constant that I am sure will still be here in anouther 5 or 10 years in one form or another. :o

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