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As used of females in respect of their deferential manner towards men. Something like demure or serving, as opposed to servile.

Can't find spelling in the dictionary. Thank you.


Could it be อดนม, which means "wean".

อด abstain, avoid, refrain, to starve.

นม breast; milk.

Could it be อดนม, which means "wean".

อด abstain, avoid, refrain, to starve.

นม breast; milk.

I agree, "wean" would be the best word in English.


taxexile is right, 'oht norm' is อ่อนน้อม means polite, modest, humble, describes character of people in all ages, genders, not only women to men.


This old man is humble even though he is very wealthy.


ผู้หญิงคนนี้ร้าย แต่เธออ่อนน้อมต่อสามีเธอเสมอ

This woman is mean but she is always polite to her husband.


Not only the woman can "awn nawm" to her husband but also means...the students humble to the teacher, the staff humble to the boss, the younger sister or younger brother humble to older brother or older sister. ...the main point for thai culture...if you are 'awn nawm " and "jing jai"(sincere) the percentage to be unemployee or not succeed about anything in you life is....Low


Joy2 :o


i guess อ่อน means "soft". What does the น้อม mean in this?

In this case you could translate อ่อน as 'to be submissive' and นอ้ม means 'to bow, to bend'

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