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Free Carparks

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Dear All,

After spending about 1 year in Bangkok i have notice that most of the Carparks in Bangkok e.g department store Hypermarkets are Free...Unlike in Malaysia,Singapore,Philipines all the carparks in those countries are operated by a private company and its being charge per hour or per entry basis...

Well my question is that why Is Thai Goverment or Department Store Building Owner provide Free Parking services ???

If only The goverment or building owner set up a parking charge it will bring great Revenue....

So any suggestion out there...Does Thai people always wants to get everything FREE ??? FOC?? even the toilets entry here are free...



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If I visit a department store, a hypermarket or even restaurants or hotels

I do expect they provide free parking. If not available, I would go somewhere else.

Most of the office buildings provide visitors' parking for a limited time free, resp. the tenant who provides a stamp, has to pay for you.

Let's keep it like this, a nice feature in Bangkok and it keeps at least the parked cars off the roads.

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Dear Usabkk

Yeah u can suggest and maybe we could do something about ur suggestion...As i have heard rumours that in future carparks will be charge minimum entry...

Well if everyone could afford a vehicle and why not pay for carparks??? its just park of abussiness plan ...Well all vehicle drivers should think of other people too not just themself of wantng a fre parkings...

Yeah ok maybe if u spend more that 500baht in a department store it will qualify u a free parking but not all day parking...I think operators should change this System....

Just look at Singapore and MAlaysia for example everywhere is money ..tolet,Carparks,tissue papers from Food court all you have too pay...

so any suggestion out there????

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Dear  Usabkk

Yeah u can suggest and maybe we could do something about ur suggestion...As i have heard rumours that in future carparks will be charge minimum entry...

Well if everyone could afford a vehicle and why not pay for carparks??? its just park of abussiness plan ...Well all vehicle drivers should think of other people too not just themself of wantng a fre parkings...

Yeah ok maybe if u spend more that 500baht in a department store it will qualify u a free parking but not all day parking...I think operators should change this System....

Just look at Singapore and MAlaysia for example everywhere is money ..tolet,Carparks,tissue papers from Food court all you have too pay...

so any suggestion out there????

I'll be giving my custom to the shops that stamp the receipt and get me out of carparks FOC. Those other countries are talked about as other places one should move to. Give me a break.

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Who is talking about all-day parking?

Most places I know in BKK give you 1-3 hours free and you need a stamp on

your parking ticket. Over the time, you pay per hour.

All the hotels stamp your ticket for free parking, if you can prove having business with them. (Room No./Name of guest or restaurant) Or just leave your car with the doorman who will handle it for you foc (give a tip)

In Singapore? I do drive a lot over there. Except for the down-town area free parking is provided by hypermarkets, restaurants, carparks inside office buildings etc.

For areas like Suntec City or Temasek/Beach-Middle Road, I prefer not to use the carpark, as it can take ages to get in or out. Going out for ex. for seafood to areas along the ECP, of course all parking is free.

Penang/KL? Can be trouble somebut you find free parking on the kerbside.

Philippines I did not drive for a long time.

And btw. In Europe you pay for your carpark but in many places get a cash refund in the adjecent shops when you buy something. Restaurants dohave free parking, usually behind the building.

Actually, what is your problem? One of the things I like about BKK is the availability of carparks, you don't have to circle for hours to find one. And yes, it is free for genuine visitors.

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Dear Axel,

Yes well thanx for your info on carparks...WOW i think u must have been Driving alot in this World....

If there is 25 million people in this world all like you i think Thailand and the Building owner will never inprove their Financial Status..Because the reason is that

People like you who can afford a Expensive Vehicle,Earn Big $$$,Could spend food and drinks in a fancy restaurant and bar, Hook up with an Escort or Gogo girl while your wife is away but it doesnt mean u ok ..dont get me wrong its just an example...AND WHY CAN THIS KIND OF PEOPLE PAY FOR CARPARKS???

In Thialand if the economy would like to catch up with other country should re-think about thier system..

We as Building or retail owner have lost alot because the goverment implement of shutting down department store.Hypermarkets night spot earlier...

Why do we have to pay free parking for others while the goverment change the policies... And who is going to pay for maintanance,Toilet Cleanning? Staff salaries?Securities ?? and thats why i tell you we need to charge ..As we cant affort to lose anymore...

Yes i understand if u get to spend on that certain area well free parking is for you...For you info Axel The hotel in Singapore does charge for Parking...Even if ur visiting a guest or dinning in you still have to be charge for parkings...

Only if ur attending a Wedding or any function or if ur a guest then it will be FOC..

Even the Hospitals in Singapore are charging for Carparks...So please Axel Please do not think of your self you must thinik of the Building and retrail owner too...

Any Comments???

Thanksin have comment ted on the news before saying that ..Its now for the Building owner to sacrifies a little by shutting down earlier....And well we Building owner and retail owner says that ok we agrree but now..You consumenr have to sacrifies alittle maybe lets say paying for Toilet and carparks...and even Tissue papers in Food courts....

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Dear Axel

Another think in my mind...Axel you are saying that Free carparks would keep the cars off the road for not parking on the road...

Well to me Carparks charge is good coz if those vehicle are to park on the roads just to avoid carparks charge...Then the Royal Thai Police will be delighted to fined those offenders parking cars on road this will get the Goverment better revenue...

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It's an excellent source of revenue in many cases and can be an enterprise in itself: the MBK, and Siam Discovery parking garages come to mind. These two garages probably produce more revenue than most of the smaller "real" businesses located within these shopping centers.


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Dear liberiosyah, I think you should explain a bit more, what is on your mind.

Are we talking about an all-day parking or providing free parking for genuine visitors?

If you are renting out space, for dwelling or for office use, I would expect to have a place to put up a car. The number of places available, usually depends on the size of space I rent. I am quite sure the lessor includes the costs in the rental fee of the main - space.

Costs for security, maintenance etc. are, as a rule, charged by the building owner as, the word says it, maintenance-fee.

If I visit a building, being hotel or office., yeah even hospitals, I can park for a certain time, usually 1-3 hours and leave without paying, if I show a relevant chop on my parking ticket. Should I stay longer than the allowed free time or do not have the chop, I am charged hourly fees.

I am confident the reatail owners know as well how to calculate and to make sure their costs are covered. Vice versa, should I walk into Tesco-Lotus or some place and ask for a discount, because I did not bring a car?

Actually, you should say more clearly what is on your mind.

In Europe, btw, the hypermarkets advertise 'no parking problems outside in the green meadows, compared to inner city-shopping'. Makes sense to me and seems the people follow this to drive out of the city.

Singapore: Some hotels offer free parking. Why? They found out it is cheaper than to hire staff or to install expensive machines to collect the parking fee, even the fee might be charged to your card, the same you use for entering the downtown area.

Still the carparks are supervised to make sure that nobody parks the whole day long and as such mis-uses the idea.

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Dear Axel,

I am not saying ALl Day Free PArking

I am referring to PEr entry Parking..As i was so curious that most place does not have a per entry parking and they have the system of First 1-3 hour free..

Look siam area they ar doing well and yes Thailand should change the system of paying for toilet,Tissue papers in Sale in Food court too..

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