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Just Another Farang Thai Lady Story


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As Delboy would say, "Rodney, you plonker!"

Hope you learn the lesson, and keep your wits about you when you move here. You'll have plenty of "friends" who''ll help you spend your cash.

I agree, hope you learn the lesson, never mess with a Thai lady.

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Can anyone explain to me why Rodders & thousands of others use terms like " my Girlfriend " & " She was seeing another Man " etc when speaking about a Girl on the Game as she so obviously is after reading for 2 minutes ??

No offence to you personally Rodney but i haven't a clue why so many people seem to let this little minor detail slip their mind sooooooooooooooo much & behave, act & talk as if it isn't so..

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However just because someone is poor dose NOT mean they lack morals and integrity.

It depends how those are defined. When the girls sell themselves for a quick baht to help their parents and kid too, then they believe they still have morals and integrity.

While seeking stability for themselves and their extended famillies, they tend to do things that we would consider awfully short-sighted and self-defeating.

And so we really have to be cautious when dealing with them.

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As lascivious and lovely as your Thai gal appeared to be, she's basically just another passing fanny. There are literally tens of thousands - and they're particularly easy to pick up wherever retired farang hang out - because they and their little sisters know; to hook up with one or more farang is almost guaranteed big fat security for them and their immediate families.

pun intended?

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Sorry OP you look like an accident waiting to happen. I feel sure there will be a thread from you in the future about being taken to the cleaners/broken heart/dissapointed blaa, blaa, blaa. I'll chalk you up as another statistic in advance. Good luck....you'll need it.

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ok yea yea yea im a looser and all that. What because i learnt the hard way? however on the basis of things i learnt a good lesson while still keeping my wits about me. All as i lost was a bit of dignity.

For all those slating me i just think there is all a bit of bitterness. why? Did this all happen to you as well but lost a lot more than a bit of dignity? Did you all work your lives to the bone to have some girl 20 years younger than you take all your money?

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ok yea yea yea im a looser and all that. What because i learnt the hard way? however on the basis of things i learnt a good lesson while still keeping my wits about me. All as i lost was a bit of dignity.

For all those slating me i just think there is all a bit of bitterness. why? Did this all happen to you as well but lost a lot more than a bit of dignity? Did you all work your lives to the bone to have some girl 20 years younger than you take all your money?

not slating you, just saying you should have taken her up on a nice goodbye boff

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Did you meet her in a bar? Would expalin it all.

True enough.

The problem is though that a lot of guys (particularly of the holidaying variety) are so happy when they do meet a girl outside of a bar, and make the mistake of thinking that she must be a "good girl", just because of this.

Experience however teaches that a girl doesn't have to work in a bar to be a "bar girl".

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ok yea yea yea im a looser and all that. What because i learnt the hard way? however on the basis of things i learnt a good lesson while still keeping my wits about me. All as i lost was a bit of dignity.

For all those slating me i just think there is all a bit of bitterness. why? Did this all happen to you as well but lost a lot more than a bit of dignity? Did you all work your lives to the bone to have some girl 20 years younger than you take all your money?

What I do not understand is why you kept chatting with here "most of the day", long after you had established the fact that she was "no good" for you, and you already had booked a flight.

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invest your hard earned in a stable economy [euro etc], not here.

im assuming 50k gbp

that 4k pa at 8%

5000 baht a week

700+ a day

not a great deal and probably needed to be added to if you want to live it up

be warned that after 4 years here you wont want to / cant go back to some dead end job

the cruisey life gets in your blood

its also a long time to be supporting a girlfriend

find one with her own income stream [hah, good luck]

or go on the occasional hunt and stay single

[and get a copy of 'going it alone - the single handed guide to sex]

seriously, its a borderline move

can be done tho

rent long term

shop at the markets

eat at all you can eat places

tell the girls you have no money - some will want you anyway

and steer clear of trouble on that budget

chok dee kup

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Call her up and sneak round one afternoon and shag her, at least you won't have to pay the bar fine this time :D

Did you watch that episode of House when he was sniffing round his ex wife and goes round to help get rid of the rat. As he leaves he lifts up the toilet seat. :D I know it would be childish but <deleted> would it be funny :D

Also ask her for some numbers of her friends, that's sure to piss her off, especially when you let her know you've got a few million baht to spunk on them :o

payback's a bitch and so's she :D

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Banyahorn that is what i plan to do. to me it beats sitting in my dead end job for the next 4 years never know what opportunites open and I also have a plan after the 4 years so all is good.

Kurgen you are on the same wave length lad..

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What because i learnt the hard way?


Glad to hear that you have learnt something. However what is it that you have learnt and how will you prevent a reoccurrence?

Did you learn that if you let your brain drop a meter, every decision you make will be <deleted>. Usually after this, the brain returns to about half way to where it should be and most of the decisions you make here will also be <deleted>.

Start by keeping your brain above the chin and only allow some influence from half a meter down. Allow no influence from a full meter down.

It gets easier the old you get, although some people never get it right.

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it beats sitting in my dead end job for the next 4 years never know what opportunites open

If you're at a dead end in the UK, where there are so many MORE opportunities than in Thailand, you'll just be at a dead end in Thailand as well.

Keep Plan B handy.

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You say that the Girl in question blew her chance. :D

The chance of spending ( wasting ) 4 years with a guy who will then run out of money, she must be heartbroken. :D .

Looks like the ex gf in the UK had a lucky escape too, at least now she has a chance to meet a guy with a future, as does the Thai girl.

I'd advise you to stay in the UK mate, you say you've money for 4 years, that would be in reality more like 18 months, then what do you do ?

Get some money behind you first or risk becoming yet another broke farang in Thailand who has had no choice but to resort to Teaching English as a last gasp effort to survive. :o

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You say that the Girl in question blew her chance. :D

The chance of spending ( wasting ) 4 years with a guy who will then run out of money, she must be heartbroken. :D .

Looks like the ex gf in the UK had a lucky escape too, at least now she has a chance to meet a guy with a future, as does the Thai girl.

I'd advise you to stay in the UK mate, you say you've money for 4 years, that would be in reality more like 18 months, then what do you do ?

Get some money behind you first or risk becoming yet another broke farang in Thailand who has had no choice but to resort to Teaching English as a last gasp effort to survive. :o


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If the wheels are already in motion then go for it, you only live once and no one on their death bed says I wish I had worked a bit harder.

Just don't go crazy - easier said than done I know and keep a small reserve in case you have to go back to the UK.

If you run out of money in a couple of years go back to the UK and crash at a mates place till you get back on your feet then so be it. You're young enough to be able to start again.

Stay single - go on dates, buy her a meal and a few drinks - no commitment or sick buffalos. You've made one mistake, it happens just learn from it, have fun and try to be careful.

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Most likely when you are in Thailand you will find out soon enough that your money won't last four years, especially if you have all day to spend it. Sure the cost of living here is far lower than in the UK, but nevertheless it is a place where it is easy to spend a lot of money. If I were you, I would get some kind of a teaching certificate (?TEFL), and work as an English teacher, maybe till you see a more interesting opportunity.

Cheers, Kees.

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Sure, you got the experience, if you go and talk to her is your own risk to get stupid and accept her do whatever she wants with you and the other guy, in my own opinion is quite disgusting the idea of doing someone who is at the same time doing other person.. maybe an old guy? lol.. ewwwwwww... wouldn't really risk my health and stuff... Anyways, About the "coming to Thailand for 4 years" ummmmm then what? lost your house there, buy something else, start things THERE, or do you want to come, find another "Thai lady" and get ripped off little by little? after 4 years you will post here "My girlfriend loved me for 4 years, till my money was GONE"

Well... wasn't very wise for you to left a 7 year relationship for a chip butterfly, feel sorry for that, try to think with your head now, not with your manhood. lol

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All this talk about being abused by a Thai “girls” is hilarious. It is harder to swallow that a “girl” might be able to scam a grown man. They wiggle their tiny butts and farangs waddle after them. It's surreal to watch and even more entertaining to hear farangs getting upset when they are taken by these beauties. I guess it's OK to take advantage of poor girl, but not OK for her to play the game.

Personally, I think it is challenge to make a relationship work and even more so in Thailand. I look in the mirror everyday and realize I deserve the sht that comes my way. Those saints out there that never use their wealth to take advantage of “girls”and date extremely young girls back home, probably can't relate to the despair of farang ATMs.

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Interesting watching everyone on this forum running down bargirls and their ways of earning a living and supporting their families, but I think you will find that a large portion of the forum members have been involved with a bargirl in their past, no matter how hard they deny it now.

Butter wouldn't melt in their mouths.

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Interesting watching everyone on this forum running down bargirls and their ways of earning a living and supporting their families, but I think you will find that a large portion of the forum members have been involved with a bargirl in their past, no matter how hard they deny it now.

Butter wouldn't melt in their mouths.

Of course they have, hence the bitter and twisted views that many members have, they couldn't even hang onto a bargirl, what do you expect ? :D

" The Thais are only after our money "

" Thai women are all the same "

" All gold diggers and scam artists ' etc etc....

These type of phrases that are common amongst Internet forum folk are in fact their own life experiences, personal experiences that they suppose must apply to everyone cos it can't happen just to them. :o

Many Farangs who are on bones of their azz do nothing but bitch and moan about everything in Thailand, then again, if they were on the bones of their azz in their own countries they would bitch and moan also.

So it ain't really Thailand they are dissapointed in, it's the mess they have made of their own lives that's the dissapointment, and human nature dictates that they have to blame someone, anyone other than themselves.

So on this Forum, it's Thailands or Thai peoples fault they they made bad calls and screwed their lives up. :D

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