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Some weeks ago the safe removal icon on the task bar disappeared.

I eventually found an alternative in the Windows Explorer for Ejecting removable devices.

I now see the battery icon has gone. It used to pop up as soon as the main power went off.

I have checked Control Panel/Power etc and it is checked to be there, but IS NOT.........

Can anyone shed any light on these strange disappearing icons??



I'm assuming they are not lurking under the arow panel? E.g if you click on the arrow do you see other icons appear, but not these?

Right-Click on Start -> Properties ->Taskbar tab At the bottom of the panel is Hide inactive icons, which I'm assuming is checked. Click on Customize.. This will show you current items and Past ones. Options are Hide when inactive, always hide or always show {access by right-clicking on Behaviour entry for each item}.




Thanks A traveller.

Good suggestion, but not the answer, I am sorry to say.

No they are not hiding under the Arrow.

The Hide when Inactive was clicked, so I unclicked it and no change.

I am sure MS has done this to me in one of its Fixes.

I don't go poking and changing this sort of setting unless I have to.

As I mentioned the Safe Removal went AWOL about 2 months ago,

the battery one is in the last 2-3 days...........


^ Just to state the obvious you did click [Apply] when you completed and left the process. Also the icons if they were visible in the selection will only 'reappear' after a reboot.

In the old days :o pre SP1 the culprit for this was claimed to be the Plug and Play system acting up. Oddly Vista, though presumably for different reasons has similar reported 'issues'. If you want to search try system tray icons disappearing or variation thereof.


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