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Cannabis Cheese Cake


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The 27-year-old man who baked a cheese cake laced with cannabis for the eleven o' clock coffee break at Bergianska Gardens on Friday last week which caused the intoxication of 13 of his co-workers, was released from custody earlier today.

It was this past Friday that the innocent-looking piece of pastry caused a commotion at Bergianska Gardens. At the coffee break, the 27-year-old was to receive thanks for his services at the Gardens, and in observance of Bergianska tradition, he had prepared a treat for his fellow employees. However, one of the two cheese cakes was spiked with 10 grams of cannabis butter, and 13 people were taken to hospital - as the tests later on confirmed, because of cannabis intoxication.

District prosecutor Thomas Holst demanded the 27-year-old should be arrested on the grounds of grievous bodily harm, failing that causing danger to others, or causing disease. All these allegations came to nothing. Not even the narcotics offence, possession of cannabis plants and parts of plants, which the 27-year-old already had admitted to, were sufficient grounds for arrest according to the district court. Thus he was released on Monday.

During the arrest proceedings, the 27-year-old expressed his regret at the unfortunate turn of events. He tried to make clear that he does not harbour a grudge or any animosity towards his co-workers, and he never intended to make them suffer. In fact, his intention was rather the opposite.

- I only wanted for us all to share a happy time for a bit, he said.

He had baked the cake in question the night before, and as a matter of precaution he had also tasted a sample.

- I hardly noticed any effect at all. I never dreamed it would prove this potent.

He had assumed that the effects of the cannabis would wear off within a few hours. Several of his work mates were to drive home at the end of the day, by which time his co-workers surely would nhave sobered up, believed the 27-year-old.

He had prepared two cheese cakes, one laced with cannabis and another, regular cheese cake. Next to the laced cake, he had put a little note which read ”Extra spicy”.

- Naturally, I thought they (the co-workers) would ask me first or refrain from eating it on account of the note I had written. However, nobody did ask.

He also persuaded one of his younger work mates to try the regular cheese cake instead.

- I really did not intend for anyone too feel ill. I just wanted to give my work mates a pleasant experience.

But things went awry. He soon witnessed how his work mates fell ill, and one by one were sent to hospital.

- At first I tried to help out and give them something sweet to eat. Eventually though, I panicked and ran away.

He drifted aimlessly for hours before he decided that it would be best to turn himself over to the police. The police searched his apartment and summer house, finding all in all 80 plants, plant parts and baking utensils.

The 27-year-old is still under suspicion for causing danger to others and committing a narcotics offence.


Any bad English is entirely my own fault as I translated this article from http://www.dn.se/DNet/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=1...=338327&maNo=-1 .



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The police searched his apartment and summer house, finding all in all 80 plants,

they are for personal use only officer.

C is for cookie


I think fareng in country thailand might be suprised to find that it is used in cooking of the food they eat. I didn't expect to see a girlfriends grandma putting a couple of leaves in while she was cooking.


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