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Your situation sounds to be the exception and I really could give a rats arse either way. You are still using generalizations to group Thais and your last sentance use an exception to make your point. Most farangs I see aren't dating girls that work in offices. Also, I wasn't aware that office girls are not attracted to money.

I guess we don't hang out in the same places (reference to most farangs u see). You are correct, office girls from Thailand and the west are both interested in money as well. Who isn't? But my point is that those u see hanging around with farangs are doing so to support their baby that was given to them by some long gone thai male who bolted once he had his fun and is now dishing out taxi rides in Bangkok and elsewhere. Makes me feel really sorry for these guys.

No, I'm just more observant. Haven't spent much time in BK, so possibly the majority of Farangs date professionals. In CM and many other tourist areas, this isn't the case - not even close.

Most Thai guys don't knock up women and bolt. I have met women that tell their farang boyfriends that their unfaithfull Thai husband left them with their child. In many cases, it was a mutual decision based on the ability of the wife to earn substantial money in the sex industry. The reason why Thai women hang around Farangs is endless and your opinion is too simplistic.

Thailand is fortunate to have such a large number of kind Farangs, supporting abused Thai women :D . I have no issues with Farangs dating Thais of all ilks, but ignoring the reality is self serving.

So I am to understand from your second paragraph, that because women you have met tell farangs it was because the Thai husband being unfaithful was the reason for their mutual split? I am not denying that it is sure the case in some cases, however if you are willing to accept the 'truth' as gospel from them speaks volumes as well.

In your scenario, man impregnates wife and then wife finds out he was also screwing around so therefore they mutually break up so she can go earn more money in the 'business' to support their kid. In reality in Bangkok, a large portion of the youngish 17-20 year old gals in the 'business' are doing so to support kids given to them (not by there husbands) but by some Thai guy who then bolted. Don't take my word for it, go ask them yourself.

But I guess the situation in CM must be different than here. :o

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My pal (UK farang) has been married to his Thai wife for many years, they have children and have lived in Europe (mainly UK) all that time, having met in the UK. The only time he gets any problem is when they are on holiday in LOS and they attract snide comments from other farang. The thing is, they are both well in their 40's - in great shape but obviously not kids - have their children with them and yet he'll still get comments such as "I like your wife" (knwing wink, emphasis on 'wife'). I don't know how he keeps his temper.

My experience is slightly different - my wife is farang, but if I meet Thais without my wife being present, I am often asked if my wife is Thai. I'd like to think this is because they view me as the pride of farang manhood - all women want me, all men want to be me. My wife, on the other hand, takes the view that as a fat, middle-aged farang, it should be assumed that no-one with any sense would look twice at me, and that the enquirers are simply trying to warn off any unsuspecting victims of my unwanted advances. I like my side better.

Actually, I think it's a bit of a shame that such an assumption should be made, because it's based on peoples' experience and is probably not that unreasonable.

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Surprised at the continuous number of foreigners on here that think that Thai people are looking at them and their partner because they're "jealous" or because she is "beautiful". Let's be straight....90% of foreigners date women who are deemed most unattractive for Thai people. This is probably the main reason they're looking, other reasons may include age difference, clothing, size difference or general cross-cultural curiosity. Occasionally a foreigner will be with a girl to make Thai people stare nearly open-mouthed with surprise, as it's such a rare sight for a foreigner to be with an attractive classy-looking girl. Older wealthy Thais will stare disapprovingly at the girl sometimes, other people will look back and forth probably thinking "wow, a foreigner likes a white-skinned girl...how did they meet?" or possibly "wow, she doesn't look like a bargirl...maybe she studied abroad and met him there".

Motorbike taxi drivers often stare at any girls in a short skirt and if they're a dark girl with a foreigner may well be thinking "she must be easy...I wouldn't mind a go".

It's quite interesting for me how people are perceived and what people think of others, that is why I ask quite a few people their opinions when they see x and y.

FACT or FICTION - Let's be straight....90% of foreigners date women who are deemed most unattractive for Thai people

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In your scenario, man impregnates wife and then wife finds out he was also screwing around so therefore they mutually break up so she can go earn more money in the 'business' to support their kid. In reality in Bangkok, a large portion of the youngish 17-20 year old gals in the 'business' are doing so to support kids given to them (not by there husbands) but by some Thai guy who then bolted. Don't take my word for it, go ask them yourself.

A fair few of the women in the farang sex scene are the mia nois in the relationship...and then they wonder why some Thai guys cheat?!

Surely you can't be debating that the majority of the women involved in the sex industry and a significant number of the women dating foreigners and farangs in particular are the dregs of Thai society that a similarly wealthy Thai man would not look at twice (too ugly, too poor, too uneducated, etc etc).

There are plenty of successful relationships between high society/well educated Thai women and foreigners - no question. But the majority are definitely lower socio economic - a farang is their best chance at bettering themselves.

If the 17-20 year olds are as you say (and I think you'd really struggle to find many aspects of the sex industry other than perhaps the Coyote type level girls that are actual Bangkokians) getting knocked up by some Thai guy that bolted, it doesn't sound like they have even brains to get their legs shut of to get the guy to bag it.

Sounds like they would be great wife material :o:D really really smart.

Anyway I have no doubt that in some farang minds all Thai men are stupid, uneducated uncouth bums and they are their partner's soul mate saving them from a lifetime with such dolts. It all depends on what level of society you mix with I guess. A bunch of those lovely ladies seem to have no problem continuing relationships with these 'bums' long after they tie a knot with a farang.

Edited by steveromagnino
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I noticed in another thread someone brought up the issue of stigma that is attached to Thai girls if they are seen with a foreigner. It was getting off-topic but I'm curious to hear more about others peoples experience with this and how they deal with it.

I recently went to Phuket to see my Thai girlfriend. When I got there, I went to meet her at her office in Phuket Town and we went to get some lunch and I noticed the knowing looks from locals. The worst part was when a Tuk-tuk driver started to harass us. He followed us about 50 meters down the street, saying something in Thai, the only word I could recognise was in mid-sentence when he said "Patong" :D

I am ashamed to admit it but it did get to me...my girlfriend works as an architect and dresses accordingly for the office, she certainly does not look like a bar girl, she's 27 and I'm 29 so we did not look out of place together.

Never had this problem when she was working in Bkk and I would see her.

She did not want to talk about it and I'm curious to hear how some of you handle it. Ignore it? Let it eat you up inside? My apologies if this comes off as something of a rant...I guess there is no answer. Her Oz permanent residence finally came though so atleast I wont have to put up with it for too much longer. :D

Sorry to say that I am sure you will get idiotic comments like this in NZ and every other country for that matter, idiots are


Cheer up, your are luck that your difference in age is not a factor.

For myself I long ago stopped getting angry with remarks from dickheads, instead I often turn the tables on them by embarrassing the <deleted> concerned, much more fun seeing them humiliated.

As I am 20 years older than my wife ( she is lucky to have me I know! ) occassionally I come across comments from people,

not just males either.

On one ocassion my wife and Iwere passng a small group of ladies in liverpool when one Kerry katona clone amongst them loudly expressedd her opinion of older men with younger darker females etc, I usually ignore <deleted> for my wifes sake but on this ocassion for some reason I decided to challenge this <deleted> of a woman.

I guided my wife to a nearlby shop and told her to go in and buy something and went back down the road where I found this group of females, and singled out miss big gob for some grief.

I told her I heard her comments and challenged her on them, she loudly tried to stand her ground and made the usual references i.e its disgusting young asian woman with an older guy etc, so I simply let her hang herself with her comments and asked if she was finished.

I asked her if she had even considered the evidence to hand before passing her judgement, at which point she was lost, I asked her if their might be an alternative to her conclusions.

I loudly asked her why she had a problem with inter-racial relationships, to which she suddenly looked worried ( as everyone was staring at her its not suprising!) wisely she said she didnt have a problem with race simply the age difference.

To which I asked her if she had even considered the possiblity that the lady in question could be a friend, a relation or even my daughter?

Please note I never said she was my daughter but her group of friends imediately assumed she was, they ripped into their big mouthed friend, presumably for causing them embarrassement, who in turn did much grovelling whilst a few bystanders from diferent racial backgrounds were also giving her some stick .

I graciously accepted her and her friends apologies and carrie doff on my merry way.

As a foot note I was in my friends pub with my wife a few weeks later when some of these ladies also arrived, they clearly knew my friend quite well and for about an hour these ladies insisted in buying my drinks( my wife dont drink) by way of an apology dispite my assurances that it was not necessary.

Shorly after they joined in the conversation we were having with my mate who ran the pub who asked how they knew me and they explained the story to him except they referred to my wife as my daughter.

He laughed his head off and they and I also laughed with him, he told them she was my wife which I confirmed was correct and when I explained I hadnt said she was my daughter but they had wrongly assumed she was they called me a cheeky sothern ...... and laughed even more at my cheek for having them over.

My advice to people who find themselves in such situations is to either ingore it or bide you time until you can turh the tables on them.

Roy gsd :o:D:D

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Had the same dissaproving looks from overweight,frustrated spinsters when we were out in public areas

on our last sojourn to Australia for 6 months,eighteen months ago.

Obviously a 20 year age gap(51&31) in a partnership is a problem in some peoples bigoted minds.

Probably a combination of jealousy and a very closeted lifestyle on their part.

Keep your head up high and keep walking.

Yep I agree, most of us old guys wouldnt give these farang spinsters a glance

roy gsd

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I dont give a shit what people think of me. One bloke at work asked if he could sleep with my wife for $5.00. I made him cry at work when I pinned him to the wall with my forearm against his neck as he only weighed something like 10 kilos.

Clearly the guy has no grounds for complaint, if he is fool enough to try to take the piss out of your wife then he was lucky it didnt go further.

As to your statement " I dont give a shit what people think of me" I suspect this may well be true, you are clearly so procupied with your own thoughts about yourself I doubt you have room in your head for much else.

Roy gsd :o

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In your scenario, man impregnates wife and then wife finds out he was also screwing around so therefore they mutually break up so she can go earn more money in the 'business' to support their kid. In reality in Bangkok, a large portion of the youngish 17-20 year old gals in the 'business' are doing so to support kids given to them (not by there husbands) but by some Thai guy who then bolted. Don't take my word for it, go ask them yourself.

A fair few of the women in the farang sex scene are the mia nois in the relationship...and then they wonder why some Thai guys cheat?!

Surely you can't be debating that the majority of the women involved in the sex industry and a significant number of the women dating foreigners and farangs in particular are the dregs of Thai society that a similarly wealthy Thai man would not look at twice (too ugly, too poor, too uneducated, etc etc).

There are plenty of successful relationships between high society/well educated Thai women and foreigners - no question. But the majority are definitely lower socio economic - a farang is their best chance at bettering themselves.

If the 17-20 year olds are as you say (and I think you'd really struggle to find many aspects of the sex industry other than perhaps the Coyote type level girls that are actual Bangkokians) getting knocked up by some Thai guy that bolted, it doesn't sound like they have even brains to get their legs shut of to get the guy to bag it.

Sounds like they would be great wife material :o:D really really smart.

Anyway I have no doubt that in some farang minds all Thai men are stupid, uneducated uncouth bums and they are their partner's soul mate saving them from a lifetime with such dolts. It all depends on what level of society you mix with I guess. A bunch of those lovely ladies seem to have no problem continuing relationships with these 'bums' long after they tie a knot with a farang.

I forgot what this topic was about quite frankly. But I guess whatever you said above makes sense? Does it. I don't know whether to agree or disagree with you on what you have written because I don't understand it. Perhaps one of those smart uneducated types you described above can. :D

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Stigma was the point in question: Well from my experience of bieng in England with my Thai wife - i gather that most people without question assume that all Thais are prostitutes (or ex). Some people assume you bought her for a small fee - or is a mail order bride.

Sad fact is Thailand is best know throughout the planet for whores - and most people seen with younger thai partners are quite unatractive :o

Ya right, me thinks that if a brit is walking through his local Tesco back home with some 20 year old Thai bird in tow, that all the guys in the place (with or without their spouses) are salavating wishing they were that unattractive.

You are correct

Roy gsd

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FACT or FICTION - Let's be straight....90% of foreigners date women who are deemed most unattractive for Thai people

To get an answer to that you'd have to ask the opinions of Thai people - It would be no good asking Foreigners to give the opinions of Thai people bacause by definition that would be second hand information.

However, for a first hand opinion, and while I'm not Thai, I can confirm that I find at least 90% of the women dating Farang's in Thailand un attractive - It's quite rare that I see a Farang with an attractive Thai woman.

But then maybe I'm fussy.

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I dont give a shit what people think of me. One bloke at work asked if he could sleep with my wife for $5.00. I made him cry at work when I pinned him to the wall with my forearm against his neck as he only weighed something like 10 kilos.

Yeah $4 would've been plenty :D

:o lardy, you are bang out of order being rude about his wife, sure he is a bit of a <deleted> at times but maybe he is just jerking our chain ( well I hope he is!!)

roy gsd

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FACT or FICTION - Let's be straight....90% of foreigners date women who are deemed most unattractive for Thai people

To get an answer to that you'd have to ask the opinions of Thai people - It would be no good asking Foreigners to give the opinions of Thai people bacause by definition that would be second hand information.

However, for a first hand opinion, and while I'm not Thai, I can confirm that I find at least 90% of the women dating Farang's in Thailand un attractive - It's quite rare that I see a Farang with an attractive Thai woman.

But then maybe I'm fussy.

No, you just havent seen me and Mrs :D:D:D:o

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Rod Stewart marries a women 30 years younger than himself and its a celebrity wedding and everyone says how much in love they are and wishes them all the best, how lucky she is and how lucky he is ...etc etc.

Joe Bloggs from Halifax marries a Thai women 20 years younger than himself and he is stigmatised as some kind of wierd perverted sicko that should be locked up, and she's obviously a hooker.

The differences in the 2 scenarios are money and association.

People will accept Rod Stewarts situation cos he's a rich guy and money allows the rich to live a lifestyle others can only dream about, hence the acceptance from the masses who know they will never be in the same position as Rod and get on with their mundane lives thinking how lucky Rod Stewart is, so it's a totally acceptable situation.

Joe Bloggs situation is different, he's a normal guy with a normal job, people can associate themselves with this normal guy, so what the he-ll is he doing with a woman 20 years younger then himself when they have partners the same age, who the he-ll does he think he is ?

He'll be seen in a totally different light cos he's a normal guy and he has what they don't have, even though they are from similar social and economic backgrounds.

Envy is what it's all about.

so wrong.

Rod stewart's situation is fine because he is a ROCKSTAR. it's not really about the money. It's his awesome personality, fame, lifestyle that is attracting to women.

Your 70 yo friend attracted a younger bird most likely because of financial security + having a decent personality

I will never believe that anyone over 50 getting a girl under 30 is all pure love. not even in thailand, those 30yo girls that arent bar girls are gonna get hot looking guys around their age with as much money and probably more matching personalities... most of the time those snatching young birds that arent bar girls, were just lucky to be the first farang interested in a rice girl who'se never seen a 500$ bed and a lcd tv

:o Classic response. Couldn't have said it better myself.

A typical "katty" response from a female


Roy gsd

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I dont give a shit what people think of me. One bloke at work asked if he could sleep with my wife for $5.00. I made him cry at work when I pinned him to the wall with my forearm against his neck as he only weighed something like 10 kilos.

Yeah $4 would've been plenty :D

:o lardy, you are bang out of order being rude about his wife, sure he is a bit of a <deleted> at times but maybe he is just jerking our chain ( well I hope he is!!)

roy gsd

He must have balls of steel to even type something like that.

I bet your fingers were shaking also. Especially with these guns

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Your situation sounds to be the exception and I really could give a rats arse either way. You are still using generalizations to group Thais and your last sentance use an exception to make your point. Most farangs I see aren't dating girls that work in offices. Also, I wasn't aware that office girls are not attracted to money.

I guess we don't hang out in the same places (reference to most farangs u see). You are correct, office girls from Thailand and the west are both interested in money as well. Who isn't? But my point is that those u see hanging around with farangs are doing so to support their baby that was given to them by some long gone thai male who bolted once he had his fun and is now dishing out taxi rides in Bangkok and elsewhere. Makes me feel really sorry for these guys.

No, I'm just more observant. Haven't spent much time in BK, so possibly the majority of Farangs date professionals. In CM and many other tourist areas, this isn't the case - not even close.

Most Thai guys don't knock up women and bolt. I have met women that tell their farang boyfriends that their unfaithfull Thai husband left them with their child. In many cases, it was a mutual decision based on the ability of the wife to earn substantial money in the sex industry. The reason why Thai women hang around Farangs is endless and your opinion is too simplistic.

Thailand is fortunate to have such a large number of kind Farangs, supporting abused Thai women :o . I have no issues with Farangs dating Thais of all ilks, but ignoring the reality is self serving.

I'm sorry folks, but let's face it – who you are and your circumstances in Thailand will have a lot more to do with your prejudices about western men / Thai female relationships than anything. Which can be very frustrating for those of us who are able to keep our entertainment separate from our love life. I suspect the feelings of most on the subject has to do with their status. I do not mean any disrespect to anyone, but tourists and those who have retired here seem to be the most inclined to have long-term relationships that may have started and continue with a monetary transaction. Followed by teachers, followed by professional men new to Thailand. I can say with all honestly, me and my circle of friends all have completely above board girlfriends and wives. Even my wider circle of acquaintances does not have a bar girl or ex-bar girl in the mix. Though once you get to the third circle, questionable girls start to pop up – though none of the men are what I would consider professionals here in Thailand.

I think what most people fail to take into account today are the three changing elements of these relationships: 1) the changing nature of Bangkok society (not so much Thai society, but Bangkok society), whereby it is acceptable for a respectable women to date a foreigner; 2) there is an entire generation of women who have been to university and received a fair dose of western culture due to entertainment – a percentage of these women will find western more attractive for a relationship for reasons that may or may not be true, income potential, will be more committed, won't have a mia noi, will allow them more freedom, etc. and 3) there is a much larger supply of educated western men with decent to good jobs in Thailand.

As such, you have a much higher percentage of these yuppieish interracial couples.

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My current GF keeps seeing Thai farang couples and asks me over and over again why farang always seem to go with the ugly girls. This is presumably a subtle way of reminding me how lucky I am to be with her since she is seen as good looking by the Thais! So I get the problem of jealous Thai males sending wait staff over in clubs and restaurants asking for her phone number and mutterings from the Thai men when we leave. Not sure if this is normal or whether they assume that because she's with a farang she is more "easy" than a regular Thai girl. (This happens even when she's wearing her university uniform so its not that they are automatically assuming she's a bar girl but may be assuming she puts out for extra cash.)

And its not just tuk tuk drivers who are impolite. I stayed at the David Hotel in Bangkok last week and my ex GF came to visit me. She is Chinese Thai, from a well off family, university educated and works as a TV presenter and movie actress. She's also 37 although she does look younger and was well dressed. The staff at the desk recognised her from TV when she first arrived and were very polite. However, when we went down later and she retrieved her ID card the security guard asked her what bar she worked at.

She was upset so I asked the guard why he was calling her a prostitute and why he was calling me a user of prostitutes. He wouldn't answer so I called for the night manager. The girl at the front desk assuming I couldn't speak Thai and obviously not caring what my exGF thought called the night manager saying, "A farang has picked some girl up from a night club and now he has a problem" The night manager arrived asking belligerently "What's your problem?" I explained and got an insincere apology and no apology to her.

I checked out the next day and spoke to the day manager who was much more apologetic and offered to allow me to stay the remainder of my booked time for free, but as I explained to him I wouldn't stay somewhere where the staff assumed I was a user of prostitutes just because of the color of my skin and where any female visitors would be treated by the staff as prostitutes.

So this view that Thai-farang means the Thai girl is a prostitute goes right through society. I had assumed that by staying at a hotel well away from the red light areas it would be less prevalent for my visitor, but obviously not.

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Surprised at the continuous number of foreigners on here that think that Thai people are looking at them and their partner because they're "jealous" or because she is "beautiful". Let's be straight....90% of foreigners date women who are deemed most unattractive for Thai people. This is probably the main reason they're looking, other reasons may include age difference, clothing, size difference or general cross-cultural curiosity. Occasionally a foreigner will be with a girl to make Thai people stare nearly open-mouthed with surprise, as it's such a rare sight for a foreigner to be with an attractive classy-looking girl. Older wealthy Thais will stare disapprovingly at the girl sometimes, other people will look back and forth probably thinking "wow, a foreigner likes a white-skinned girl...how did they meet?" or possibly "wow, she doesn't look like a bargirl...maybe she studied abroad and met him there".

Motorbike taxi drivers often stare at any girls in a short skirt and if they're a dark girl with a foreigner may well be thinking "she must be easy...I wouldn't mind a go".

It's quite interesting for me how people are perceived and what people think of others, that is why I ask quite a few people their opinions when they see x and y.

Actual percentages aside, there is alot of truth to this post.

I took a girl who I thought was a knockout to meet my Thai friends for dinner. This was a well-educated, 30-something girl who I thought was stunning looking. During the dinner, she was able to converse on a wide variety of subjects, and she knew some of the same professors at Chulalongkorn that one of my friends had had when he was a student there. The next day at work, I asked two of my friends what they thought of her, expecting to hear high praises. Their opinion? "She is too dark."

I am not so sure that most farang men actively seek out women who might not be light enough or "Chinesey" enought to be considered super attractive by the bulk of Thai men. But I do think a girl who meets the Thai ideals will be more likely to gravitate to Thai men, either closer to their own age for love or hiso-types who can take care of her. But a darker or heavier girl who wants to meet someone, whether for love or for financial/security reasons, "knows" that farang men like dark girls or heavier girls (she "knows" because everyone around her tells her that), so she joins the farang-oriented dating sites, asks her friends to introduce her to farangs, works in the bars, whatever.

But most farangs, in my opinion, don't really care about that. They just see a younger girl who seems interested in them, and they are like giddy school kids. Light-skin or dark skin, heavier or skinny, that is not the issue. Young and available is the issue.

So you're just now finding out Thais are racist??

And again wiht the "girl " thing .

a 30 year old girl ...

girl means female child. why is this usage allowed on Thai visa??

why is this pediphiling of women's sexuality allowed unrestrained but we can' suggest.........

oh yeah, sexist censorship

old boys is ok then?

Get a life, get a dishwasher as the ad on tv used to say

:D:o Roy gsd

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INcidentally it seems the Thai standard of female beauty is a thin- lipped rabbit , look at the more popular models.

My Lawyer whom I htink is stunning has dark skin and very full lips , she has the lowest class, ugliest drunken Brit boyfriend .

I just retch & cringe whan I see them together , if she would move to the west she would have her pick of men ..

You must spend most of your time visiting your Dr quite a bit while you are in LOS then?

Sick in body and mind ............ tragic tale,

roy gsd

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I dont give a shit what people think of me. One bloke at work asked if he could sleep with my wife for $5.00. I made him cry at work when I pinned him to the wall with my forearm against his neck as he only weighed something like 10 kilos.

Yeah $4 would've been plenty :D

:o lardy, you are bang out of order being rude about his wife, sure he is a bit of a <deleted> at times but maybe he is just jerking our chain ( well I hope he is!!)

roy gsd

Well that would depend on the going rate which may be only $2 in which case its a huge compliment Guffffawwwwww, well some people can have a laugh you saddos should lighten up :D

Oh yeah Im 500lbs can bench press 3 Elephants and a Gnu and hit a dime at 1500 yards with a 185gr jacketed hollow point loaded at 1000fps, hm that should do it??.................. he's jerking your chain alright thank God I'm telling the truth.

This post has an elephant in and such is Thai related.

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I dont give a shit what people think of me. One bloke at work asked if he could sleep with my wife for $5.00. I made him cry at work when I pinned him to the wall with my forearm against his neck as he only weighed something like 10 kilos.

Yeah $4 would've been plenty :D

:o lardy, you are bang out of order being rude about his wife, sure he is a bit of a <deleted> at times but maybe he is just jerking our chain ( well I hope he is!!)

roy gsd

He must have balls of steel to even type something like that.

I bet your fingers were shaking also. Especially with these guns

No but my rib's are hurting from the laughs you give m :D:D:D:D:D e,

Roy gsd

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I've always had a soft spot for young thai men. It must be frustrating to watch us farangs date the young girls they covet. More than anything else, it is jealousy that causes the occational outbursts or glares and I would probably have the same attitude if I were Thai.

Why would you feel sorry for young thai men? Go to a non farang tourist area sometime like a Thai night club or university. You see those hot young uni Thai and chinese-Thai stunners? ..just about all of them are hanging off the arms of their thai boyfriends and guess what..most don't date foreigners.

The fact is the Thai women that I see most often with foreigners are usually types that could very easily be mistaken for bargirls. This isn't a judgement call but i've been here long enough to see the gaudy jewelry, skin tight jeans, heels, and isaan features to make an educated guess.

I'm not a person that would say anything because I certainly don't care what people get up to in their private lives but this perception isn't just a Thai one.

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I've always had a soft spot for young thai men. It must be frustrating to watch us farangs date the young girls they covet. More than anything else, it is jealousy that causes the occational outbursts or glares and I would probably have the same attitude if I were Thai.

Why would you feel sorry for young thai men? Go to a non farang tourist area sometime like a Thai night club or university. You see those hot young uni Thai and chinese-Thai stunners? ..just about all of them are hanging off the arms of their thai boyfriends and guess what..most don't date foreigners.

The fact is the Thai women that I see most often with foreigners are usually types that could very easily be mistaken for bargirls. This isn't a judgement call but i've been here long enough to see the gaudy jewelry, skin tight jeans, heels, and isaan features to make an educated guess.

I'm not a person that would say anything because I certainly don't care what people get up to in their private lives but this perception isn't just a Thai one.

Don't confuse motorbike boys to those you see in nightclubs in Bangkok. I do think the gals from 'bar backgrounds' are the spec for motorbike boys (and the like) while Chinese Thais have a different spec.

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I've always had a soft spot for young thai men. It must be frustrating to watch us farangs date the young girls they covet. More than anything else, it is jealousy that causes the occational outbursts or glares and I would probably have the same attitude if I were Thai.

Why would you feel sorry for young thai men? Go to a non farang tourist area sometime like a Thai night club or university. You see those hot young uni Thai and chinese-Thai stunners? ..just about all of them are hanging off the arms of their thai boyfriends and guess what..most don't date foreigners.

The fact is the Thai women that I see most often with foreigners are usually types that could very easily be mistaken for bargirls. This isn't a judgement call but i've been here long enough to see the gaudy jewelry, skin tight jeans, heels, and isaan features to make an educated guess.

I'm not a person that would say anything because I certainly don't care what people get up to in their private lives but this perception isn't just a Thai one.

Don't confuse motorbike boys to those you see in nightclubs in Bangkok. I do think the gals from 'bar backgrounds' are the spec for motorbike boys (and the like) while Chinese Thais have a different spec.

That's true and you do have a point. The lower socioeconomic class Thais from the NE probably don't have the sheer number or quality of women that are available to the middle to upper middle class thai/chinese-thai guys. However, the middle class Thai guys that I do know are literally bombarded with very pretty young thai women.

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However, when we went down later and she retrieved her ID card the security guard asked her what bar she worked at.

Why did she leave her ID card???? Non-working ladies don't leave their ID card at the front desk - this usually indicates they are logged into the infamous guest HOTEL Book. :o

Edited by britmaveric
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However, when we went down later and she retrieved her ID card the security guard asked her what bar she worked at.

Why did she leave her ID card???? Non-working ladies don't leave their ID card at the front desk - this usually indicates they are logged into the infamous guest HOTEL Book. :o

She wasn't a guest at the hotel and was just going up to the room to visit me as we got ready to go for dinner. She was asked by the desk staff to leave her ID in order to get into the elevator which was room key card controlled and she didn't have a room key card

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if anyone says that love with a 55-60(who doesnt look 40)+yo farang and 29yo thai girl and less is possible. I will be up to any ammount that if me or one of my friends offer that girl to live with me forever and never have to work again nor bare any child unless she really wants to. she will dump the old farang right away, yes any amount in the million bahts

Only old guy with game is hef from playboy...

never say never. you should know that at your age.lol.

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When I see old farang with sexy young thai lady - I think.......................

Good for old farang!!!! :o

Agree. But would you invite them in your home, and would your wife agree, especially if you have kids, if it's obvious the "sexy young thing" is a working girl *? Honnest answer appreciated.

*Or working boy, no descrimination here.

personally ive never seen thai girls as prostitutes. for me they are simply working girls. for my money who isnt. haveing them in my home??, for crist sake i have them in my bed. you need to get a grip, you have problems comeing to terms with the facts.

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Surprised at the continuous number of foreigners on here that think that Thai people are looking at them and their partner because they're "jealous" or because she is "beautiful". Let's be straight....90% of foreigners date women who are deemed most unattractive for Thai people. This is probably the main reason they're looking, other reasons may include age difference, clothing, size difference or general cross-cultural curiosity. Occasionally a foreigner will be with a girl to make Thai people stare nearly open-mouthed with surprise, as it's such a rare sight for a foreigner to be with an attractive classy-looking girl. Older wealthy Thais will stare disapprovingly at the girl sometimes, other people will look back and forth probably thinking "wow, a foreigner likes a white-skinned girl...how did they meet?" or possibly "wow, she doesn't look like a bargirl...maybe she studied abroad and met him there".

Motorbike taxi drivers often stare at any girls in a short skirt and if they're a dark girl with a foreigner may well be thinking "she must be easy...I wouldn't mind a go".

It's quite interesting for me how people are perceived and what people think of others, that is why I ask quite a few people their opinions when they see x and y.

Actual percentages aside, there is alot of truth to this post.

I took a girl who I thought was a knockout to meet my Thai friends for dinner. This was a well-educated, 30-something girl who I thought was stunning looking. During the dinner, she was able to converse on a wide variety of subjects, and she knew some of the same professors at Chulalongkorn that one of my friends had had when he was a student there. The next day at work, I asked two of my friends what they thought of her, expecting to hear high praises. Their opinion? "She is too dark."

I am not so sure that most farang men actively seek out women who might not be light enough or "Chinesey" enought to be considered super attractive by the bulk of Thai men. But I do think a girl who meets the Thai ideals will be more likely to gravitate to Thai men, either closer to their own age for love or hiso-types who can take care of her. But a darker or heavier girl who wants to meet someone, whether for love or for financial/security reasons, "knows" that farang men like dark girls or heavier girls (she "knows" because everyone around her tells her that), so she joins the farang-oriented dating sites, asks her friends to introduce her to farangs, works in the bars, whatever.

But most farangs, in my opinion, don't really care about that. They just see a younger girl who seems interested in them, and they are like giddy school kids. Light-skin or dark skin, heavier or skinny, that is not the issue. Young and available is the issue.

Why are you referring to fully grown woman as " Girl"

Why do most writers on this forum have such a ..prediliction for calling sexually attractive women " girls"

Thi sis to relegate them to ionferior status , no?

It's like men can't handle women , too afraid of women, women bad women are old, women aren't sexy .

Sexy women are girls can't be women

Yes Chauvanistic Pig attitudes are so prevalent on this forum , can't get women to lick your boots and serve your meals in your own countries so...

what are you on??? he,s communicating... in english... not your first language????

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Your situation sounds to be the exception and I really could give a rats arse either way. You are still using generalizations to group Thais and your last sentance use an exception to make your point. Most farangs I see aren't dating girls that work in offices. Also, I wasn't aware that office girls are not attracted to money.

I guess we don't hang out in the same places (reference to most farangs u see). You are correct, office girls from Thailand and the west are both interested in money as well. Who isn't? But my point is that those u see hanging around with farangs are doing so to support their baby that was given to them by some long gone thai male who bolted once he had his fun and is now dishing out taxi rides in Bangkok and elsewhere. Makes me feel really sorry for these guys.

No, I'm just more observant. Haven't spent much time in BK, so possibly the majority of Farangs date professionals. In CM and many other tourist areas, this isn't the case - not even close.

Most Thai guys don't knock up women and bolt. I have met women that tell their farang boyfriends that their unfaithfull Thai husband left them with their child. In many cases, it was a mutual decision based on the ability of the wife to earn substantial money in the sex industry. The reason why Thai women hang around Farangs is endless and your opinion is too simplistic.

Thailand is fortunate to have such a large number of kind Farangs, supporting abused Thai women :D . I have no issues with Farangs dating Thais of all ilks, but ignoring the reality is self serving.

So I am to understand from your second paragraph, that because women you have met tell farangs it was because the Thai husband being unfaithful was the reason for their mutual split? I am not denying that it is sure the case in some cases, however if you are willing to accept the 'truth' as gospel from them speaks volumes as well.

In your scenario, man impregnates wife and then wife finds out he was also screwing around so therefore they mutually break up so she can go earn more money in the 'business' to support their kid. In reality in Bangkok, a large portion of the youngish 17-20 year old gals in the 'business' are doing so to support kids given to them (not by there husbands) but by some Thai guy who then bolted. Don't take my word for it, go ask them yourself.

But I guess the situation in CM must be different than here. :o

Wow! Read what I wrote. Never stated, what they said was gospel and you made my point yourself. You criticize me for discussing the fact that some/many Thai women leave their kid and husband to work in the sex industry. Then you tell me to ask the women to get to the truth. Now that is an intelligent idea and I will definitely take their words as "gospel". I do know quite a few that left their husbands because they wanted to work in BK. A few are still married and maintain a relationship with the husband. My Thai wife tells me this is very common. Keep up the generalizations.

You need to get out of the tiny world you live and experience the world thee rest of us live in or keep denying reality to as a means to feel good about your actions. Does your woman have a previous child?

Edited by siamamerican
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