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Another Professor Facing Good Grades For Sex Claim

sriracha john

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University lecturer faces sex for grades claim

Student video taped alleged harassment

Ubon Rajathanee University has suspended a lecturer accused of harassing a female student by offering her good grades in exchange for sex. University Rector Prakob Wirojanagud said yesterday Assistant Professor Chakkarit Uttho of the liberal arts faculty has been relieved of his job pending a disciplinary investigation. If the inquiry finds there are ground to the allegation, Chakkarit would be fired, said the Rector. The inquiry was due to present its report within 10 days. The 3rd-year student at the faculty of business administration, whose name was withheld, sought help from police after the first alleged approach from the 41-year-old lecturer. Police suggested she pretend to accept the offer and use a video camera to record their next meeting. When the lecturer called her again, she agreed to meet him at his office. The video footage of the meeting showed Chakkarit hugging the student and allegedly trying to sexually molest her. Mr Prakob said the accused lecturer had been placed on probation before by the university after similar complaints were received from other female students. However, in the other cases no solid evidence was presented that could force his dismissal. Mr Prakob praised the student for her bravery in reporting the alleged incident.

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TU Engineering Lecturer Faces Dismissal In Oral Sex-For-Grade Scandal

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the accused lecturer had been placed on probation before by the university after similar complaints were received from other female students. However, in the other cases no solid evidence was presented that could force his dismissal


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University lecturer faces sex for grades claim

Student video taped alleged harassment

Police suggested she pretend to accept the offer and use a video camera to record their next meeting. When the lecturer called her again, she agreed to meet him at his office. The video footage of the meeting showed Chakkarit hugging the student and allegedly trying to sexually molest her.

//end quote

............. how did she get him to pose for the camera ??

................... curious ! :o

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As a former professor, I have had three MBA students offer me sex for grades. And while I turned them down, I know for a fact that one of them got at least three professors to go along with her.

I am very open-minded about sex, but this sort of thing really sticks in my craw. It is bad enough to accept an offer from a student, but to push oneself on a student as this professor is alleged to have done, well, that is pretty reprehensible.

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University lecturer faces sex for grades claim

Student video taped alleged harassment

Police suggested she pretend to accept the offer and use a video camera to record their next meeting. When the lecturer called her again, she agreed to meet him at his office. The video footage of the meeting showed Chakkarit hugging the student and allegedly trying to sexually molest her.

............. how did she get him to pose for the camera ??

It was done covertly... same as many situations involving video evidence...

The accused:


Snips of the video evidence prior to the actual alleged molestion:


Khao Sod newspaper

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University lecturer faces sex for grades claim

Student video taped alleged harassment

Ubon Rajathanee University has suspended a lecturer accused of harassing a female student by offering her good grades in exchange for sex. University Rector Prakob Wirojanagud said yesterday Assistant Professor Chakkarit Uttho of the liberal arts faculty has been relieved of his job pending a disciplinary investigation. If the inquiry finds there are ground to the allegation, Chakkarit would be fired, said the Rector. The inquiry was due to present its report within 10 days. The 3rd-year student at the faculty of business administration, whose name was withheld, sought help from police after the first alleged approach from the 41-year-old lecturer. Police suggested she pretend to accept the offer and use a video camera to record their next meeting. When the lecturer called her again, she agreed to meet him at his office. The video footage of the meeting showed Chakkarit hugging the student and allegedly trying to sexually molest her. Mr Prakob said the accused lecturer had been placed on probation before by the university after similar complaints were received from other female students. However, in the other cases no solid evidence was presented that could force his dismissal. Mr Prakob praised the student for her bravery in reporting the alleged incident.

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TU Engineering Lecturer Faces Dismissal In Oral Sex-For-Grade Scandal

So, not all teachers are W...kers then?

roy gsd

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University lecturer faces sex for grades claim

Student video taped alleged harassment

Police suggested she pretend to accept the offer and use a video camera to record their next meeting. When the lecturer called her again, she agreed to meet him at his office. The video footage of the meeting showed Chakkarit hugging the student and allegedly trying to sexually molest her.

............. how did she get him to pose for the camera ??

It was done covertly... same as many situations involving video evidence...

The accused:


Snips of the video evidence prior to the actual alleged molestion:


Khao Sod newspaper

I am pleased to see he was not a farang , expect this thai guy will be reinstated when the dust settles

roy gsd

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As a former professor, I have had three MBA students offer me sex for grades. And while I turned them down, I know for a fact that one of them got at least three professors to go along with her.

I have had the same experience. Is there such a thing as reverse sexual harassment in LOS?

I'd love to report a student or two! :o

Edited by toptuan
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As a former professor, I have had three MBA students offer me sex for grades. And while I turned them down, I know for a fact that one of them got at least three professors to go along with her.

I am very open-minded about sex, but this sort of thing really sticks in my craw. It is bad enough to accept an offer from a student, but to push oneself on a student as this professor is alleged to have done, well, that is pretty reprehensible.

I couldn't agree more. I think it is reprehensible on both sides of the coin.

As a former professor, I have had three MBA students offer me sex for grades. And while I turned them down, I know for a fact that one of them got at least three professors to go along with her.

I have had the same experience. Is there such a thing as reverse sexual harassment in LOS?

I'd love to report a student or two! :o

Yeah, I think it is widespread in LOS, on both sides.

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Professor faces molestation charges

An assistant professor at the Ubon Ratachathani University was yesterday suspended over allegations of sexually harassing a female student in exchange for a better grade.

Deputy Education Minister Boonlue Prasertsopha has instructed the Higher Education Commission and the university to start an investigation and suspend the man. He said if the teacher was found guilty, he would be fired and blacklisted.

The university's president Prakob Wirojanagud said Chakkrit Utharo, 41, had been put on probation due to an earlier molestation case and that he faced dismissal if found guilty again.

He said several students had filed complaints about the lecturer earlier, but no action could be taken due to the lack of evidence. But he said, this time the student involved had captured the episode on video.

Colonel Pratya Khongsakul from the Warin Chamrap police station said two students will be summoned to provide circumstantial evidence because they accompanied the victim on the day of alleged attack and were made to wait outside the office.

The lecturer will hear the charges tomorrow.

Deputy Social Development and Human Security Minister Chawarat Charnweerakul yesterday voiced concern about the case, but warned people against assuming that all teachers are bad.

- Daily Xpress (today)

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Victim's bravery

An Ubon Ratchathani University undergraduate who exposed a lecturer's attempts to sexually abuse her in return for good examination results has been praised for her courage. The 21-year-old, who has not been identified, has been nominated by the Social Development and Human Security Ministry as one of the nation's outstanding women for her courage in protecting her dignity, said Jitrapa Suntornpipit, director for the ministry's department of women's and family affairs. Asst Prof Chakkarit Uttho has been suspended from his job after a hidden camera photographed him trying to molest the student in his office. The girl pretended to accept his request for sex in a police plot to arrest him. "These teachers are dangerous to the education system and we encourage students to unmask them," said Mrs Jitrapa.

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the teeche may have an entrapment case, any somchai cochrans out there who want to make a name for themselves!

the student accepted his offer, whats a horny teecher supposed to think.

Edited by farang555
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QUOTE (bonobo @ 2008-07-01 12:29:00) post_snapback.gif

As a former professor, I have had three MBA students offer me sex for grades. And while I turned them down, I know for a fact that one of them got at least three professors to go along with her....

I have had the same experience. Is there such a thing as reverse sexual harassment in LOS?

I'd love to report a student or two! :o

Was your experience in Thailand, bonobo ?

Grades-for-sex does seem to be a quite widespread practice here.

Does the girl's action (and support of police and Ministry) indicate attitudes may be changing ? I expect she had much support from fellow students (though I do consider her brave; not many young Thai students might be willing to rock the boat and draw attention to themselves in this way.) We might guess she had the active support of a *majority* of students, too, which might not have been so much the case in the past. I wonder if the University administration played a role in this, seeing a need to "relieve themselves" of this serious problem.

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My experience was in the US.

I don't know if it has any relevance as three times does not give a valid population from a statistical point of view, but two of the women where Chinese and one was French.

The professors who did accept were American, though. One shortly thereafter came to teach in Thailand where three weeks later, he got drunk, tried to cross the road, and was run over and killed. One tried to hit on an American student as was dismissed when she brought up charges. And one is still teaching in his same position.

QUOTE (bonobo @ 2008-07-01 12:29:00) post_snapback.gif

As a former professor, I have had three MBA students offer me sex for grades. And while I turned them down, I know for a fact that one of them got at least three professors to go along with her....

I have had the same experience. Is there such a thing as reverse sexual harassment in LOS?

I'd love to report a student or two! :o

Was your experience in Thailand, bonobo ?

Grades-for-sex does seem to be a quite widespread practice here.

Does the girl's action (and support of police and Ministry) indicate attitudes may be changing ? I expect she had much support from fellow students (though I do consider her brave; not many young Thai students might be willing to rock the boat and draw attention to themselves in this way.) We might guess she had the active support of a *majority* of students, too, which might not have been so much the case in the past. I wonder if the University administration played a role in this, seeing a need to "relieve themselves" of this serious problem.

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The 21-year-old, who has not been identified, has been nominated by the Social Development and Human Security Ministry as one of the nation's outstanding women for her courage in protecting her dignity,

It is good to see reward (of a kind) going to someone who did the right thing for a change.

Good upon her.

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Maybe he should take the new culture and ethics class foreign teachers need to take.

All kidding aside, I can't believe they sent the girl in undercover like that. Seems reckless to me.

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Ubon Ratchathani University Lecturer Faces Sexual Harrassment Case

A lecturer from the Faculty of Arts of Ubon Ratchathani University, Associate Professor Jakkrarit Ut-tho was seized after one of his female undergraduate students informed the police about his unacceptable behavior.

The female undergraduate revealed to the Warinchamrab district police that she was lured by the associate professor to meet him in the professor's office.

However, the female undergraduate said that she had heard about the abusive reputation of the lecturer before so she used a mobile phone camera to record the events that took place during the encounter. The lecturer's adulterous attempt was reported shortly after to the police team and the lecturer was asked to meet the police for an interrogation.

The police revealed that the suspect came to the police station wearing sunglasses and a cap to protect his identity. He did not allow the press to take his picture.

The police team conducted a one-hour interrogation before filing charges of sexual harassment involving a juvenile who is older than 15 years. Jakkrarit did not want to talk to the press and said he will only give information in court.

Warinchamrarb Deputy Police Superintendent Police Lieutenant Pratya Kongsakul revealed that the police granted a temporary release to the suspect without bail because the lecturer voluntarily gave himself up to the police.

The next police inquiry is scheduled for July 15th. The police team will meet other witnesses and the investigation should be finalized within one month.

- Thailand Outlook

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Asst Prof Chakkrit Utharo at a police station to face charges yesterday

Internet redress

Sexually harassed students urged to file complaints on websites

Sexually harassed students can make complaints over the Internet, according to the Higher Education Commission. The move follows recent complaints from a Ubon Ratchathani University student that a lecturer offered her better marks for sex.

Information submitted to


will be kept confidential until it is verified, according to commission secretary-general Sumeth Yaem-noon. Complainants' names will be withheld, too.

Sumeth says he's asked other Ubon Ratchathani students to come forward if they too have been harassed. The university will then investigate before forwarding the allegations to the commission.

Council of University Presidents of Thailand president Monthon Sa-nguansoemsi says it's concerned at the allegation and will discuss it at its August meeting. He says teacher recruitment should be more thorough. He wants the commission to screen claims carefully to make sure it is not sent maliciously.

Chulalongkorn University's Sompong Jitradap says the Ubon Ratchathani student feels isolated and pressured because is prepared to speak up about her case. He wants the university to assist her.

Meanwhile, Suan Dusit University's Sukhum Chaloeysap proposes an amendment to the higher education conduct code that punishes sexually harassing teachers more severely by preventing them from working again.

Ubon Ratchathani University president Prakob Wirojanagud says the investigation will be impartial.

- Daily Xpress

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Law on lecturers 'needs to be revamped'

The law governing the behaviour of university staff needs revamping to ensure tougher disciplinary measures for lecturers who commit sexual misconduct, Deputy Rector of Suan Dusit Rajabhat University Sukhum Chaleysub said yesterday. Sukhum said the ambiguity of the existing law has enabled university staff and lecturers to escape disciplinary action for sexually harassing students. The law only stipulates that university lecturers and officials should set a good example, have a sense of decency, and not behave offensively towards students. However, it does not mention anything about disciplinary punishment for staff and lecturers whose behaviour is offensive. Sukhum's suggestion followed the sexual harassment charge levelled against Asst Prof Chakkarit Uttho of Ubon Ratchathani University, who allegedly offered a third-year female student better grades in exchange for sex. Sukhum said that by comparison, the law governing the behaviour of school teachers is far more serious in terms of punishing offenders. It even states that offenders could lose their teaching licences. He also said that sexual assaults of university students by lecturers were a social problem and pre-emptive measures were crucial to curbing the problem. In Ubon Ratchathani, Pol Lt-Col Pratya Kongsakul said police were in the process of collecting evidence relating to the alleged sexual harassment committed by Chakkarit, and the process might take one month. An unnamed liberal arts graduate told reporters that Chakkarit harassed not only females but also male students, saying the lecturer had made indecent advances towards him.

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