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Self Storage And Safety Deposit Boxes

Khun Bob

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Hi All

I hope to be spending some time in Thailand next year and wondered if anyone knows about self storage and safety deposit boxes (within a bank or very secure place) in bangkok ?

What I would like to know is :

* Are they available

* Who offers them and where are they

* How much do they cost

* What is is your experiences with the company

* How safe are they

I have done a search on google and cant find anything that looks genuine. I am concerned that if they do exist then how good are they and will they be there for a while.

Cheers and look forward to hear from you...

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If you want something very secure, you should stick with the banks - i wouldn't trust any private businesses. I had a security box at the HSBC bank in Hong Kong - they have a branch in Bangkok, but not sure if they do security boxes there.

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Udon - tnx very much for the yellowpages link - looks like there are quite a few !

Just wonder if anyone has had any experience with storage companies and if they care to share them ?

Also on a secure safety deposit box, just wonder if anyone has had one at a bank or other place in bkk, what is was like and how much it cost ?

Look forward to your replies

PS - seems like there are a few people interested in storage as there are 3 recent topics on this now !

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Safe deposit boxes of adequate size are in banks. Mine at a nearby Thai bank is only 400 baht a year, never a problem in ten years. I also found storage lockers in several bowling alleys, about 1500 a year, tho some are full. I've got most of my stuff in two of these lockers now, ready to flee if the bird flu becomes a human epidemic, or if terrorists start bombing Bangkok.

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I found that banks require you to have an account and the ones I enquired at said they had no available safety boxes or I'd need to be a 'regular' customer to qualify. I used a private company in Silom a few years ago, but was not impressed with their 2-tier pricing and the fast turnover of inedaquately trained staff. I have my own safe now, but of course you'll need to be here yourself or have someone you trust to look after it.

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