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Website Operation & Promotion


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I noticed that several of the board members operate their own Web sites. Some do it more successfully than others. So, I think it would be nice to share our knowledge/experiences in online marketing, promotion and other aspects related to the site design and operation.

Re: Beware of wrong assumptions

Recently, I have a private discussion/argument with one webmaster who told me that his site has "30,000 pageviews per day".

The number of hits the Web page/site gets is the important indicator of the site popularity. A simple calculation indicates that his site gets 900,000 + hits per month. And as an evidance he referred me to the information from his server logs.

Without going into discussion of how many sites/pages/data his server hosts...

To know the real number of the hits, the web site must have a dedicated visitor's tracking system.

I would like to recommend the free program called AXS Visitor Tracking System. The system tells you where visitors are coming from, charts their flow through your site, and tells you which links they follow when leaving. It also records visitors' server name, IP address, type of web browser, and time of visit. Tons of usefull info...

I use it myself, and do recommend it to every site operator.

Any other comments/recommendation?

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I noticed that several of the board members operate their own Web sites. Some do it more successfully than others. So, I think it would be nice to share our knowledge/experiences in online marketing, promotion and other aspects related to the site design and operation.

Re: Beware of wrong assumptions

Recently, I have a private discussion/argument with one webmaster who told me that his site has "30,000 pageviews per day".

The number of hits the Web page/site gets is the important indicator of the site popularity. A simple calculation indicates that his site gets 900,000 + hits per month. And as an evidance he referred me to the information from his server logs.

Without going into discussion of how many sites/pages/data his server hosts...

To know the real number of the hits, the web site must have a dedicated visitor's tracking system.

I would like to recommend the free program called AXS Visitor Tracking System. The system tells you where visitors are coming from, charts their flow through your site, and tells you which links they follow when leaving. It also records visitors' server name, IP address, type of web browser, and time of visit. Tons of usefull info...

I use it myself, and do recommend it to every site operator.

Any other comments/recommendation?

Only one problem with your post and your 'advice'.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

You clearly have no idea what a 'hit' is for starters. (hint: It's not a pageview, and it is almost useless information) Common mistake for clueless newbies like yourself. And your idea of a tracking system is for people who know about CGI, SSI, htaccess and shtml. I'll bet a million pounds you are clueless about any of that, too.

Re: Beware of wrong assumptions

Pay better attention to your own words.

Learn before you spout off more nonsense to everyone here. :o

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Only one problem with your post and your 'advice'.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

You clearly have no idea what a 'hit' is for starters. (hint: It's not a pageview, and it is almost useless information) Common mistake for clueless newbies like yourself. And your idea of a tracking system is for people who know about CGI, SSI, htaccess and shtml. I'll bet a million pounds you are clueless about any of that, too.

Learn before you spout off more nonsense to everyone here.  :o

First of all, you should take a lesson in civility and good manners. There is no need to be rude in public discussions.

Some clarifications:

The term pageview, was used by my opponent (refer to the topic: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?sh...ic=19681&st=30), which I merely quoted.

BTW, the term "hits" refers to the number of requests for page/graphic/data/whatever from the server. It is normally used to represent the number of visitors to the particular URL (the Web page).

I do know exactly what I'm talking about. I have implemented the visitor's tracking script on my site. For details refer to http://www.th4u.com - the link to the full site statistics page is located at the bottom and called "Website Stats". The access is free for all.

Re: I'll bet a million pounds

Actually, in regards to the Web, I'm not a newbie, and am ready to take on your bet.

Are you able to put the money where your mouth is?

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Heh let's ignore maitembot's useless and clearly uneducated comment...

I run alot of different websites: several affiliate marketing sites, a forum with 70k members, some shops, and some blogs.

Pay per click advertising has sent my profits through the roof. I now blow about $3000/month advertising with google, overture and some of the other ppc programs. Every visitor that visits my site is tracked based on how much it cost to get them there, what key words they used, and what action they took on my site (purchase, sign up, etc).

I would recommend browsing websites like webmasterworld.com or digitalpoint.com as they are invaluable resources for me. Good luck with your projects.

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Some clarifications:

The term pageview, was used by my opponent (refer to the topic: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?sh...ic=19681&st=30), which I merely quoted.

BTW, the term "hits" refers to the number of requests for page/graphic/data/whatever from the server. It is normally used to represent the number of visitors to the particular URL (the Web page).

Okay, now it's my turn to jump in. Why would you call me an opponent, or say that you were arguing with me?? It seems you could use some better manners (and honest appraisal skills) here. I never had any kind of 'opponet' issue with you. You asked me for advice and I provided it. No protracted communications beyond that. To suggest otherwise is untrue. And disrespectful to me.

The other poster is correct in saying you are wrong about the meaning of 'Hits' It is NOT used to represent the number of visitors. You are dead wrong, there. I gave you the url to my webstats where you could easily see the separate column

for Hits Files Pages Visits. I gave that to you for you to learn, to help you learn to correct your mistaken ideas. There was no need for you to misrepresent my stats.. . Why didn't you take my good suggestions and avoid putting your foot in your mouth here (again)? :o

For whatever your reason, you chose to make it into some kind of contest with me as opponent, arguing that what I've said is somehow wrong or innacurate.

Well, son, you ain't got the ammunition (experience/knowledge) to challenge me to a gunfight. I don't know everything, but I sure know what I'm talking about on this topic. As maitembot said, it is a common mistake- but not just for newbies. It took me awhile to get it right, too.

If it's your ego on the line, stop it. I bring no ego here, only straightness and a desire to support. But, I don't suffer fools lightly. Just play nice, learn as much as you can learn, and make some better choices when someone tries to help you and even provides some tools for you to educate yourself. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. :D

Monthly Statistics for October 2004 Asiarecipe.com

Total Hits 2,763,583

Total Files 2,189,640

Total Pages 712,777

Total Visits 175,820

Total KBytes 26,449,599

...................... avg - max

Hits per Hour 3,714 7,070

Hits per Day 89,147 112,422

Files per Day 70,633 88,621

Pages per Day 22,992 31,567

Visits per Day 5,671 7,394

KBytes per Day 853,213 1,182,466

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I run alot of different websites: several affiliate marketing sites, a forum with 70k members, some shops, and some blogs. 

Pay per click advertising has sent my profits through the roof.  I now blow about $3000/month advertising with google, overture and some of the other ppc programs.  Every visitor that visits my site is tracked based on how much it cost to get them there, what key words they used, and what action they took on my site (purchase, sign up, etc).

I would recommend browsing websites like webmasterworld.com or digitalpoint.com as they are invaluable resources for me.  Good luck with your projects.

What are your urls? I'd like to check them all out. Maybe I can learn something myself :D

If there was one word of truth in what you said... :o

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Some Basic Stats Definitions


Main Headings

Hits represent the total number of requests made to the server during the given time period (month, day, hour etc..).

Files represent the total number of hits (requests) that actually resulted in something being sent back to the user. Not all hits will send data, such as 404-Not Found requests and requests for pages that are already in the browsers cache.

Sites is the number of unique IP addresses/hostnames that made requests to the server. Care should be taken when using this metric for anything other than that. Many users can appear to come from a single site, and they can also appear to come from many ip addresses so it should be used simply as a rough guage as to the number of visitors to your server.

Visits occur when some remote site makes a request for a page on your server for the first time. As long as the same site keeps making requests within a given timeout period, they will all be considered part of the same Visit. If the site makes a request to your server, and the length of time since the last request is greater than the specified timeout period (default is 30 minutes), a new Visit is started and counted, and the sequence repeats. Since only pages will trigger a visit, remotes sites that link to graphic and other non- page URLs will not be counted in the visit totals, reducing the number of false visits.

Pages are those URLs that would be considered the actual page being requested, and not all of the individual items that make it up (such as graphics and audio clips). Some people call this metric page views or page impressions, and defaults to any URL that has an extension of .htm, .html or .cgi.

A KByte (KB) is 1024 bytes (1 Kilobyte). Used to show the amount of data that was transfered between the server and the remote machine, based on the data found in the server log.

Common Definitions

A Site is a remote machine that makes requests to your server, and is based on the remote machines IP Address/Hostname.

URL - Uniform Resource Locator. All requests made to a web server need to request something. A URL is that something, and represents an object somewhere on your server, that is accessable to the remote user, or results in an error (ie: 404 - Not found). URLs can be of any type (HTML, Audio, Graphics, etc...).

Referrers are those URLs that lead a user to your site or caused the browser to request something from your server. The vast majority of requests are made from your own URLs, since most HTML pages contain links to other objects such as graphics files. If one of your HTML pages contains links to 10 graphic images, then each request for the HTML page will produce 10 more hits with the referrer specified as the URL of your own HTML page.

Search Strings are obtained from examining the referrer string and looking for known patterns from various search engines. The search engines and the patterns to look for can be specified by the user within a configuration file. The default will catch most of the major ones.

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Ajarn mon ami,

I regret if I misrepresented you as an opponent in our discussion. It's simply because English is not my native language. Really, it was not my intend to bring up any personal matters into this dicussion, just to highlight some common mistakes. With the full respect to your straightness and a desire to support, I would try to use a better wording in the future, albeit the fact, as far as I can see, yourself is a master of sarcastic langauge and misleads...

If you just read correctly what "the other poster" said, you should not put your words in the maitembot's mouth be telling "you are wrong about the meaning of 'Hits'..." (it beams like the 'maitembot' is acting on your behalf. Or maybe, you also want to bet?).

You calling me "son", and by putting your ego on the line, showing how childish you really are, a truly infantile behavior.

I just hope, you will have enough courage and courtesy to admit your mistakes, if any, and to apologize as well.

This topic, however, isn't about the language skills, or the matters of pride...

Now, to the issues at hand...

I'm not sure who could be the authority to judge who is right and who is wrong.

Would you please suggest one. Or, maybe we can get some recommendations from the board members.

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Ajarn mon ami,

I regret if I misrepresented you as an opponent in our discussion. It's simply because English is not my native language. Really, it was not my intend to bring up any personal matters into this dicussion, just to highlight some common mistakes. With the full respect to your straightness and a desire to support, I would try to use a better wording in the future, albeit the fact, as far as I can see, yourself is a master of sarcastic langauge and misleads...

If you just read correctly what "the other poster" said, you should not put your words in the maitembot's mouth be telling "you are wrong about the meaning of 'Hits'..." (it beams like the 'maitembot' is acting on your behalf. Or maybe, you also want to bet?).

You calling me "son", and by putting your ego on the line, showing how childish you really are, a truely infantile behavior.

I just hope, you will have enough courage and courtesy to admit your mistakes, if any, and to apologize as well.

This topic, however, isn't about the language skills, or the matters of pride...

Now, to the issues at hand...

I'm not sure who could be the authority to judge who is right and who is wrong.

Would you please suggest one. Or, maybe we can get some recommendations from the board members.

Boy, just full of insults, aren't you? And a bit thick, it seems, too. In that case, kindly piss off. As I said, I don't suffer fools lightly

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Hits are generated by each graphic , java applet , items on a webpage.

So mostly you get several hits per pageview. Each user browses several pages wich generate different hit's per page.

Most website owners brag about their hit's because it's the biggest number. It doesn't mean <deleted>.

Those 30.000 hits will probably be about 90 users or similar in a day. that's nothing.

More important are indeed pageviews, even more unique users, entry pages and even pages tracking throughout the site.

The single pageviews on your index page needs to be deducted from the total because, that were people who were not interested and went straight to a new site. Only people who look at several pages or return to the same page regularly are important for your biz.

So i must concurr with maitembot and says that you don't know what you're talking about Condo_bk :o

Besides your recommended program is very poorly also. if you want some real reporting (if you can pay it) have a look at www.webtrends.com , i've been using it since 1995.

btw.. http://www.th4u.com/ could use some design work, it looks like a site from the early 90's , typical amateur stuff.

Edited by Darknight
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I am a long time webmaster, but really did not know that people can get that emotional about hits and definations.

I understand that people get emotional if we would discuss who is the worse president or something like that, but really no reason to get unpolite about such technical terms......

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Hits are generated by each graphic , java applet , items on a webpage.

So mostly you get several hits per pageview. Each user browses several pages wich generate different hit's per page.

Most website owners brag about their hit's because it's the biggest number. It doesn't mean <deleted>.

Those 30.000 hits will probably be about 90 users or similar in a day. that's nothing.

More important are indeed pageviews, even more unique users, entry pages and even pages tracking throughout the site.

The single pageviews on your index page needs to be deducted from the total because, that were people who were not interested and went straight to a new site. Only people who look at several pages or return to the same page regularly are important for your biz.

So i must concurr with maitembot and says that you don't know what you're talking about Condo_bk :o

Besides your recommended program is very poorly also. if you want some real reporting (if you can pay it) have a look at www.webtrends.com , i've been using it since 1995.

btw.. http://www.th4u.com/ could use some design work, it looks like a site from the early 90's , typical amateur stuff.

I like WebTrends, too. The main reason why I use Webstats http://asiarecipe.com/webstats/ is that my hosting company provides it for free, and doesn't count the file size of the stats against me. I also tried Axs. It is okay for small sites, but it's measurement of hits was useless to me, and the only way I could see to measure visits was to count each IP number- Anyway, I used axs when my site was small, and it was fine for that...But as my site grew, so did the axs logfile... My website was actually shut down twice because AXS had a file size of well over 100 megabytes. That was the main reason I dumped it.

Darknight, who is your hosting company? I use powweb.com now, but I've used others over the years. Powweb seems to do a pretty good job for me since they raised their file size limits and their sever usage limits. something like $8 dollars a month by the year

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Most website owners brag about their hit's because it's the biggest number. It doesn't mean <deleted>.

Those 30.000 hits will probably be about 90 users or similar in a day. that's nothing.

Correction: It was cited 30.000 pageviews per day, not the hits. And I agree with you, if the hits were stated, it would be a different story.

The single pageviews on your index page needs to be deducted from the total because, that were people who were not interested and went straight to a new site. Only people who look at several pages or return to the same page regularly are important for your biz.

Sorry, but I am not exactly clear what are you trying to say here.

Index.html (or any other entry page) isn't the only page the visitors may come to your site at first. Actually, it could be any page on the site a visitor enters your site first, and goes (or not) to other pages from there.

That is why, one needs a visitor's tracking system to see the flow of visitors on the site. It shows the page (URL) a visitor enters into the site, and the URL of the other pages, if a visitor goes further. In addition, it displays other important info, if available: timing, referral URL, search keywords, visitor's IP, etc., etc.

So i must concurr with maitembot and says that you don't know what you're talking about Condo_bk :o

Besides your recommended program is very poorly also. if you want some real reporting (if you can pay it) have a look at www.webtrends.com, i've been using it since 1995.

btw.. http://www.th4u.com/ could use some design work, it looks like a site from the early 90's , typical amateur stuff.

I fully agree with the motion that we should restrain from being unpolite, and thus will not comment on the above...

Just a simple question, what are the advantages of the other program?

Over the years, I have tried several tracking programs, and did not find a better one for the sites with the medium size traffic. It also well maintained and supported.

For comments of other users on AXS Visitor Tracking System one may visit their forum at: http://forum.xav.com/viewforum.php?f=4&sid...38cb282ab55b958

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Finding a good, reliable and not too expensive host is another important issue for webmasters to consider. I know that George recommends cablan.net - a Canadian company, where he rented a dedicated server. But I also heard several complains on reliability of that host, from people using virtual hosting plans.

BTW, it is also one of the common mistakes to relay on the data provided by hosts for the site's stats.

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I like WebTrends, too. The main reason why I use Webstats http://asiarecipe.com/webstats/ is that my hosting company provides it for free, and doesn't count the file size of the stats against me. I also tried Axs. It is okay for small sites, but it's measurement of hits was useless to me, and the only way I could see to measure visits was to count each IP number- Anyway, I used axs when my site was small, and it was fine for that...But as my site grew, so did the axs logfile... My website was actually shut down twice because AXS had a file size of well over 100 megabytes. That was the main reason I dumped it.

Darknight, who is your hosting company? I use powweb.com now, but I've used others over the years. Powweb seems to do a pretty good job for me since they raised their file size limits and their sever usage limits. something like $8 dollars a month by the year

Hi ajarn,

I started with webtrends when it was still in it's childhood. I used to be a webmaster then with some 400 sites under my control (95,96). It was very profesional even then and also capable of on demand reporting started by the website clientel.

It has grown a lot since then but also a lot in price :o

I host my sites ( about 8 for myself) on a dedicated server in LA. Company is calpop.com. Very good value for money , no problems yet, but i administer everything myself. I have a pentium 4 2.4ghz 500 ram, 160 gb hd for 88 dollars a month with 1000 GIG !! bandwith monthly. it runs a database, mail, dns and the websites. One of the sites is http://www.Asian-art-shop.com were i sell handicraft stuff.

I also download some torrents from there bacause of the large bandwith i can't consume, better then paying extra for 5 more gig locally :D

Hi condo_bk

Sorry, but I am not exactly clear what are you trying to say here.

Index.html (or any other entry page) isn't the only page the visitors may come to your site at first. Actually, it could be any page on the site a visitor enters your site first, and goes (or not) to other pages from there.

That is why, one needs a visitor's tracking system to see the flow of visitors on the site. It shows the page (URL) a visitor enters into the site, and the URL of the other pages, if a visitor goes further. In addition, it displays other important info, if available: timing, referral URL, search keywords, visitor's IP, etc., etc.

I meant that in reading logs or reports you also have to subtract unwanted or unnessesary visitors.

For example i SEO heavy on google on keywords that have nothing to do with my site. I get a lot of unique users or pageviews , but they all dissapear with the next click. Sure i have a lot of pageviews but tracking through the site will be very low.

No reason to ask/pay a lot of money for a site like that. Low added value.

Substract also spiders, mail crawlers ect and you get a more realistic figure.

Just a simple question, what are the advantages of the other program?

Simply put better graphics and reports, cross values from advertising clicks ect.

It is very pricy though with the cheapest license starting at 495$ up to 9999$.

In the end all logging is limited by the logs that a webserver can generate. Apache or IIs only can substract all rfc codes from the html header and you can generate some reports from there. No more info exist up till now as the headers are limited.

I personally download my logs through ftp to my workstation and do my reporting there. much easier then installing and maintaining on site.

Be aware that these statistics company's also use your data for marketing reasons to other company's.

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Those 30.000 hits will probably be about 90 users or similar in a day. that's nothing.

I never said anything about 30,000 hits per day. That was someone misquoting me. I said 30,000 page views per day. A horse of a completely different colour. For banner companies, the original point to my involving myself in this topic, they don't care about hits at all. They only care about # of visits and # of pageviews.

Some banner companies seem to prefer 'sticky' sites, some prefer not too sticky, from my experience. Some sites that are very sticky get a lot of defaults from their banner company. Burst is one of those, in my experience. Fastclick seems to have plenty of advertisers for my category, since I only have less than 5% defaults vs 80%+ from Burst. And my site is fairly sticky. Average visitor on my site views 4-5 pages per visit. Needless to say, when I dropped Burst and went exclusively Fastclick, my income shot up...

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Re: Webpage Counter Vs Web Stats

I think it will be worthy to differentiate between these two terms.

The Webpage Counter in most cases simply counts the number of hits to the specified URL. At times, as I implemented it on my site (the counter is located at the bottom of the http://www.th4u.com/index.htm page), it could count the hits to all pages (URLs) on the site. It simply counts the number of visitors. Just try to enter (click the above link) twice, and if no other visitors entered during that time interval the counter will count that additional visitor(s). In addition, my counter is also showing the visitor's IP address (using a simple SSI call). Meaning, you can see your IP showing there.

SSI, BTW is stands for SERVER SIDE ICLUDES, and my site is SSI enabled, even without the s in front of htm/html extension.

It is important to point out that the hits counted by counter are for the URLs (Web pages) only, no graphics or other stuff embedded on the page is counted.

The counter is a rather good indicator of the site popularity, even though it also counts the web bots (not only human clicks) entered to the site.

The disadvantage is that the counts are shown without time limits (unless the date is installed manually). So, one don't realy know if the total numbers are accurate/real.

The Web Stats provided by visitor's tracking systems is a more sofisticated application that enables site operators to gather a huge range of important information and use it to further promote the site.

Sorry 'Darknight', but you are missing a big picture amongst small and worthless details.

Not only that the AXS Visitor's Tracking System is free, but it indeed provides lots of most useful info.

It shows you where your visitors are coming from (be it search engines/directories, reciprocal links from other sites, etc.) and what search terms visitors use to find your page. If they were referred by Google or Yahoo, you also know if the link to your page was on the 1st, 2nd, etc., page results. And a lot more...

You can also authomate the process of restrictions, if you don't need/want some specific stats of robots (as you mentioned), for example. You can also track only the pages of your interest, and not all the stuff that is not relevant (which are counted in the server hits/logs). You can track links from your email or ads campaign, and more...

Properly using the tools this system provides, enable you to enhance your site rankings on the search engines.

This is the main propose of Web stats, isn't it.

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Those 30.000 hits will probably be about 90 users or similar in a day. that's nothing.

I never said anything about 30,000 hits per day. That was someone misquoting me. I said 30,000 page views per day. A horse of a completely different colour.

The fact that it was the 'Darknight' that misquoted you, has been already established. He was probably trying to do that in order to defend you/your ego.

In fact, as far as I can see, nobody here believes that your numbers are realistic.

Isn't it a time to admit your mistakes?

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Those 30.000 hits will probably be about 90 users or similar in a day. that's nothing.

I never said anything about 30,000 hits per day. That was someone misquoting me. I said 30,000 page views per day. A horse of a completely different colour.

The fact that it was the 'Darknight' that misquoted you, has been already established. He was probably trying to do that in order defend you/your ego.

In fact, as far as I can see, nobody here believes that your numbers are realistic.

Isn't it a time to admit your mistakes?

Gawd, you really are thick! You have the url to my server stats. Think they're fake? :o

I see now that it's jealousy that's eating at you. What a waste of your energy. :D

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Gawd, you really are thick! You have the url to my server stats. Think they're fake?

I see now that it's jealousy that's eating at you. What a waste of your energy. 

I have to agree Ajarn , i'm not gonna spend anymore time on this bozo ? :o

Sure Condo You are the best webdesigner around.... you know it all.

Maybe you could tell me why your "design" (if you can call it that)

Is ancient...

Never heard of tables ??

Uses about 10 different font sizes (sure easy to read :D )

your Code looks like the cat dragged it in

Keywords and placement is surely also something you never heard of.

Sell a lot do you ???

"The site is optimized with the HTML Shrinker and promoted using several Internet packages and online marketing & positioning tips found at the Web Mastering title"

You sell Search engine optimization ??? what a rip off :D


Have a look at this ajarn , you'll laugh your head off :D

You're no web designer in a long run :D , keep practising dough but don't come here to shoot your mouth off.

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Gawd, you really are thick! You have the url to my server stats. Think they're fake?

I see now that it's jealousy that's eating at you. What a waste of your energy. 

I have to agree Ajarn , i'm not gonna spend anymore time on this bozo ? :o

Sure Condo You are the best webdesigner around.... you know it all.

Maybe you could tell me why your "design" (if you can call it that)

Is ancient...

Never heard of tables ??

Uses about 10 different font sizes (sure easy to read :( )

your Code looks like the cat dragged it in

Keywords and placement is surely also something you never heard of.

Sell a lot do you ???

"The site is optimized with the HTML Shrinker and promoted using several Internet packages and online marketing & positioning tips found at the Web Mastering title"

You sell Search engine optimization ??? what a rip off :D


Have a look at this ajarn , you'll laugh your head off :)

You're no web designer in a long run :D , keep practising dough but don't come here to shoot your mouth off.

I had a look :D:D:wub:-_-

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Gawd, you really are thick! You have the url to my server stats. Think they're fake?

Just to remind you, the question was: I'm not exactly clear what's the meaning of "30,000 pagviews per day". How do you obtain such info?

And your answer was: "page views...like in how many pages are viewed. A page is an individual address. For 'hits', it's 100,000 + per day. Information comes from my server logs http://asiarecipe.com/webstats/ "

Do you really think that your site has 100,000+ hits per day?

You must be kidding!

I see now that it's jealousy that's eating at you. What a waste of your energy.

How this issue is related to jealousy, is really beyond my comprehension.

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I see you are using the Comersus ASP shopping cart for your Asian-art website. Which package do you have?

Can you give some comments on its use, ease of customizing and support for paypal/creditcard or other payment options.

There are a lot of packages available and would appreciate hearing experiences from actual users.

Khun Jean

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I see you are using the Comersus ASP shopping cart for your Asian-art website. Which package do you have?

Can you give some comments on its use, ease of customizing and support for paypal/creditcard or other payment options.

There are a lot of packages available and would appreciate hearing experiences from actual users.

Khun Jean

Darknight, I'd also like to hear your experience... Are you using a Thai bank to accept cc payments? I've heard that SCB can setup accounts to take online credit card payments. Are you doing something like this?

Like your website, too. Reasonable prices for the stuff I've seen locally. :o

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I see you are using the Comersus ASP shopping cart for your Asian-art website. Which package do you have?

Can you give some comments on its use, ease of customizing and support for paypal/creditcard or other payment options.

There are a lot of packages available and would appreciate hearing experiences from actual users.

Khun Jean

Hi jean,

For comersus , i'm pretty pleased with it now but it took a lot of customizing of myself to get it like i wanted it. Which now gives me the problem that i can't upgrade that easily as they just overwrite the ASP pages with new ones so your personal customization is lost. It has a nice backoffice and works pretty well.Support for credit card payments is very good , calculation of shipping cost as well. The only problem i have with it was the time of the customization and the long track before actual payment (6 pages).

I chose comersus cause i'm a Microsoft network consultant and my experience is exclusively on windows 2003 server and sql and was looking for a shopping cart to run on that. Customer care is adequate, not bad, they have a forum where you get answered every day by the designers of the product. price was ok be it a litlle on the high side. I use 2checkout.com as a merchant provider.

Currently the shop is closed due to a move to europe again. i still have to adjust the shipping calculations.


I see you are using the Comersus ASP shopping cart for your Asian-art website. Which package do you have?

Can you give some comments on its use, ease of customizing and support for paypal/creditcard or other payment options.

There are a lot of packages available and would appreciate hearing experiences from actual users.

Khun Jean

Darknight, I'd also like to hear your experience... Are you using a Thai bank to accept cc payments? I've heard that SCB can setup accounts to take online credit card payments. Are you doing something like this?

Like your website, too. Reasonable prices for the stuff I've seen locally. :o

No 2checkout.com as said. I like the money to stay outside thailand in a corporation there. the thai side is actually selling wholesale to the website (common practice in los, most company's use a second corporation in Hong Kong)

2checkout is easy for the setup and cost , and even for their commission it's reasonable 0.4 $ per transaction + 4.5 % i thought it was. Only wire transfer is expensive for low amounts but free over 1000$

If anybody's intrested i still have a comersus license available at reduced cost and hosting also if needed.

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The same as we put little or no attention to barking of street dogs, it is better to disregard some comments attempted to divert this discussion.

After all, this topic is about Web site operation and promotion.

So, let's see how Web stats could be utilized in enhancing Web site/page online promotion. The major keys in this 'game' are the hyperlinks (links to other pages) and keywords/phrases found on your page that allow search engines to rank it.

While analyzing your stats, you can see the search terms, which bring visitors to your page. To achive higher ranking on that relevant to your site search term, it will be very helpful to get links from sites ranked above you. It is well known that not all links (and not only links) are equal. Some do very little, some even harmful, those that ranked above you are most helpful.

Let's say, someone entered in Google the search "Pattaya, Thailand". And you see that the surfer was referred to your page (i.e. http://www.th4u.com/pattaya.htm). Another surfer, was searching for "Thailand fun" and also was referred to the same page. That way you can see which search terms are indeed relevant and bring more visitors to your site. Simply put, it will help you to identify the keywords (you wasn't aware, at first, of) that your potential customers use in their searches.

To be continued...

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