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Quickly Go Outside!


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Ok all,

I am in BKK at this very moment and let me tell you what happened.

I was at my desk and with the door to my balcony open, suddenly their whaps a strong wind.

I needed a break so I decided it was time to enjoy the cool breeze.

I was looking at the low clouds speeding by while the clouds a bit higher up did not move as fast.

There was a plane (737) flying by which is very unusual as I am not in any flight path; it was very low as well.

And then suddenly I saw it, a light!

It was just above some of the clouds and at times it disappeared behind it.

The strange thing was that it showed multiple colors and changed slowly.

It stayed more or less in the same position and I kept looking at it for several minutes and suddenly realized I had to make a few snaps of it.

So I made a few snaps and posted the message here hoping some of you would be able to see it as well.

Went back to take a few more snaps.

And then suddenly it just disappeared.

Went to a friend that has some forensic photo software and he is now busy analyzing the snaps.


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And then suddenly I saw it, a light!


:o this picture reminds me of Frankie goes to Hollywood song"'the power of love"" :D when it was a hit on the early 80ies; I used to go around the house wearing my mum's Victorian sterling silver bowl over my head to look holy divine as those kids in that picture :D

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Dear all I dunno what you all are drinking but I really have some strange stuff to show.


Cannot post the snaps yet as the camera is with my friend.

Edited by AlexLah
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Forensic software??? Analyzing the pics?? What agency does he work for..

Come on, if there is something to see, i first download it on my own computer, instead of taking it to a friend .

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No, donot know anything about your background, that is what we have in common.

I re-read the topic.

My conclusion: You take pics of something, You post here, You want us all to go outside and see for ourselves, You give your camera to a friend who has a forensic program......and we have no pics, so what is it all about??.

Now to answer your last question if i could do the things you asked me, the answer is yes.

I donot think that my remark about first downloading the pics before handing my camera to someone else is strange, now is it?


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How many words are we supposed to add in this sci fi thread????

Perhaps it is not a sci-fi thread after all but a "How much do you have to drink before you start seeing things" thread. :D

:o:D that is the only fact here :D

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I hope some of you guys are not still outside, because we still have absolutely no idea what it is we are looking for.

Oh well, things must have got lost in forensic space, too bad it could have been the evidence everybody is waiting for....

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