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Iphone 1g/2g 2.0 Firmware


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I put this info in the 3G thread but realise that should be about 3g and not the older phones running the new 2.0 so I'll put it again here and add some information.

UNLOCKING the new 2.0 on 1G and 2G phones using windows:

I was unlocked with ziphone on 1.4 (shouldnt make a difference) and upgraded and unlocked 2.0

1. I downloaded a custom 2.0 firmware (used a torrent from piratebay) but you should be able to find a direct link to one.

2. Then I put my phone in RECOVERY mode (NOT dfu mode) using Ziphone 3.0 but you can do that by holding the right keys down and plugging it into your pc but ziphone way is easiest and surest, one button and its done.

3. Then I shift clicked RESTORE in itunes 7.7 and browsed to the downloaded custom firmware. I let the computer and phone do its thing all the way to completion (make sure phone is finished before you click on anything on the pc... at one point it will ask to load up your old phones settings from your last sync, dont do that, let the phone finish and then it will go back to that after and you can reload your old phones settings and contacts etc..) And that was it.

http://sleepers.net/news/2008/07/20/pwnage...-windows-users/ READ ALL THE COMMENTS, theres alot but you can see that alot of people landed up using the same method I used and it worked for them, the begining of the thread suggests a more complicated way... if you read the comments you see that is was unnecessary. Try to download the torrent link from piratebay if it is still working. If not try one of the direct download links in the comments.

2.0 is buggy....

Oh, and although I really like 2.0 it is fairly full of bugs... apple really messed up on this one... very surprising. Bugs that I can live with until they update to 2.0.1 which should be REAL soon heh. Things like crashing for no reason occasionally, some issues with wifi not working for many people..... cant think of any others at the moment. just FYI, many people have reported these problems which is a good thing since Apple cant claim they are intentional "working as intended" and will fix them asap.

2.0 positives

Might as well list some of the good things with 2.0 so maybe you can decide if you want it. You can save pics from the internet now and it will save them in your photo section. You see a pic on a webpage you like and you clik and hold your finger on it and an option to save it comes up. The appstore has alot of interesting and cool apps, plenty of free ones Im still trying out, I'll investigate the paid apps later but some look useful. I am going to sign up for the 2 month free trial of mobile me. This will allow you to push your emails, contacts, calendars, pics, files etc. all the time to a cloud server that you can access and will sync with your pc's, macs. It also allows you to host 20 gigs of files that anyone can download if you want them too as well as host pics for friends to not only see but also upload to if you want to give them the right to upload. If you have ms exchange server the phone now supports that and will sync with that. Supports a ton of languages now, contacts search in contacts, easier to manage emails (mass move and delete).

Some good apps from Appstore:

So far YOUNOTE is my favorite free app from the appstore.... its really quite amazing. It allows you to make written note, voicenotes, picture notes, webshot notes and hand written/drawn notes that can all be tagged, colourised and edited. It is a great program for orgnising all kinds of information and offers so much for one little free program. You can make notes offline as well. Im shocked this one is free......

Evernote is similar but you cant edit your notes on the phone so.... kinda sucks, the good thing being the pc/mac version is pretty good and syncs with your iphone and is also free, I prefer YOUNOTES as I like to edit things directly on my phone. Also you have to be online to use evernote on ANY platform.

Currency is a very handy listing of many money exchange rates from around the world.

Writing pad is something im just starting to fiddle with but it is a very fast way to type words without actually pressing buttons, you just drag your finger along the keyboard and it matches the word based on the keys you stopped at... I was amazed that it knew what word I was trying to spell every time, and its much faster than actually typing.

Zenbe list is an excellent list app that you can sync online and work on your lists on your pc using their website if you like.

There are many networking apps and organising apps, games etc... but I havent checked them all out.

Edited by Sabum
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