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Unwelcome Int'l Students


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Take a look at the topic in the link above. Is it true? Why Dutch students are too mean?..kinda bad weasel.

What's wrong with Int'l Students?? We even pay more than you nearly about 10 times for tuition fee, and mostly we come from underdeveloped countries. For example, you dutch pay 1000's Euro while int'l students pay 10000's euro.

I understand that it's hard to find a place to live in Utrecht, however, It needs not to bitch us in this imbecilic issues.

You guys even say that you may lost social-interaction with us. Moreover, you said we have no responsible. I say it is racist even you think you don't. Kinda prejudice. Some of you may have bad experiences with int'l flat mates. Just don't do obsess it as stereotype.

How sad int'l students have suffered as you guys call us as "short stayers" .We have to face on it and we have no choice. Although we do not like that, we have to bear on it.

Fair enough, you can moan, you have your right and it is ok. I have my right to moan back too!

Me, myself is going to study in UU for 18 months. If i am a kind of short stayer and SSH helps me for making a place to live , i thanks for it.

Being bullied by ducth students is not fun anyway.

hey, i am going to study not to go to be a "big brother" as a house mate.

Could you please put your feet into our shoes.

Duizend maal dank

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I am gonna split my venom back to them if it is necessary. I am not a prey and do not like being bullied.

That sounds like a wonderful way to gain their acceptance and show them that are wrong about foreigners! :o

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I wouldn't be bothered much about that.... It is just a couple of students having found the way to the press and usually a) are representing a small group and B ) are educated by their environment (parents?) to always be hateful to foreigners.

This is not really a surprise. You have this behavior all around the world (I am not only talking about students).

Those small groups try to dominate but ALWAYS are a minority...

veel succes!

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Its happens in all countries of different skin tone.

Farangs will feel like there visiting country are very racist and other races will think farang land is very racists etc.

People who claim that Thai's are more racist etc are full of it, I guess its hard to know as when your in your home country you dont get racially abused to much as you will be the majority (in most cases)

I do think white people are alot more racist then any other race (part from the african americans). But that is just what I have seen. Everyone has different opinions.

My opinions are based on general people

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it is racist
That's grand! A Thai calling others 'racist'. :o

Don't worry Bambina. After the Dutch see your impressive 'qualities' shown in your avatar, I'm sure they'll welcome you with open arms. :D

As a recent member you might want to know that at least in this forum Bambi will have a sypathetic ear as she has helped many-a-TV member.

Feel sorry for you Bambi, it's not nice no matter where you cop a bitching complaint like this, it happens everywhere in every country. Don't fight back, fight the negative with a positive and make more friends as we know you can. Keep your head up girl.

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Hi BambinA

Maybe you are just having a bad day but you have completely misinterpreted the article you refer to.

The long-term residents are NOT complaining about their fellow international students; they are NOT being racist at all. They are complaining that the increasing percentage of short-stay students is negatively impacting on the social cohesion of the long-stay students. The crux of the problem is the length of stay, not the nationality of the students. The fact that the short-stay students happen to be foreigners is not relevant to the complaint of the long-stay students. It seems likely that the long-stay students would be making the same complaint were the short-stay students Dutch.

As an 18-month student, I don’t think you would even be regarded as a short-stay student. One student quoted complains he can’t get to know his fellow students when half of them leave at the end of their 6-month stay.

I am not Dutch but I was a student at an international college in the Netherlands 31 years ago for 2 years. I had a great time – made many Dutch friends there. I'm sure you will too.

Kind regards


Edit: It appears that no other respondent here has bothered to read the article.

Edited by Khonwan
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Dutch students get a government loan, and will have to pay that back in time, that is something what cannot be done for foreign students.

The link and it`s contents...I think you are overreacting Bambina. I am sure you will see that studenthousing is or can be a problem, but i am also sure that you will be welcomed in the Netherlands to study.

Small groups like the one you read about now get attention, especially now because ity is holiday time. So Ufo`s and other stupid things are more on the foreground, simply because there is nothing else to write about.... Donot worry about it.

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Sorry to hear of your troubles, Bambi. Welcome to school in the West, where everything is up for discussion, debate and criticism. I agree with Khonwan above; the residents seem concerned about short-stays and not foreigners, but of course that can be a smoke screen if all of the short-stays are foreigners.

Don't worry about what the intolerant people think, Bambi. These types are everywhere, and you merely have to avoid them when you can to accomplish your mission and find the people worth knowing. Don't waste your energy or emotions, save it for school and people worth your precious student time. :o

spelling edit

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Hi BambinA

Maybe you are just having a bad day but you have completely misinterpreted the article you refer to.

Edit: It appears that no other respondent here has bothered to read the article.

Hi Bambina,

The above from Khonwan is the only sensible reply so far on your topic. You are indeed overreacting.

It's not about not wanting foreigners, it's about fear that the atmosphere of the whole community might change if to many

short stayers would be allowed to move into their perceived cocoon.

Don't worry about it the Dutch are very welcoming as long as you don't make an a$$ of yourself, but I guess that's the same all over the world.

Good luck (and keep your claws under control).


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Hi BambinA

Maybe you are just having a bad day but you have completely misinterpreted the article you refer to.

The long-term residents are NOT complaining about their fellow international students; they are NOT being racist at all. They are complaining that the increasing percentage of short-stay students is negatively impacting on the social cohesion of the long-stay students. The crux of the problem is the length of stay, not the nationality of the students. The fact that the short-stay students happen to be foreigners is not relevant to the complaint of the long-stay students. It seems likely that the long-stay students would be making the same complaint were the short-stay students Dutch.

As an 18-month student, I don’t think you would even be regarded as a short-stay student. One student quoted complains he can’t get to know his fellow students when half of them leave at the end of their 6-month stay.

I am not Dutch but I was a student at an international college in the Netherlands 31 years ago for 2 years. I had a great time – made many Dutch friends there. I'm sure you will too.

Kind regards


Edit: It appears that no other respondent here has bothered to read the article.


Khonwan is right. Read the article closely and you will find that the other young people in the flat are not so much worried about international students but about short stayers of 6 months or less. I got the impression that they believe most foreign students won't be staying long and will therefore not contribute much to the community atmosphere that they have developed in this place. This may be a good thing. Since you will be staying for 18 months I doubt if the other students will even consider you to be in the "short stayer" category anyway. I Googled "Warande in Zeist" and found that there are 800 rooms in this flat. If only 124 to 200 of the rooms are for short stayers (less than a quarter of the total) I really don't think they have much to worry about regarding the break-up of "social cohesion". The two quotes from other foreign students that I found through links at the Warande site were by students from Denmark and the United States, so I really don't think racism has anything to do with their concerns. It looks to me that you are just a little nervous about your new school and how you will fit in. That is totally natural. Just relax and take it easy...you'll do fine. In fact, judging from the helpful nature of your posts that I have seen in the past, I am confident that everyone there will see you for the lovely person that you are and that you will quickly make a lot of friends. Best of luck kiddo. Keep us updated. We are rooting for you.


Edited by Groongthep
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As a recent member you might want to know that at least in this forum Bambi will have a sypathetic ear as she has helped many-a-TV member.
'A recent member'?   :o
Edit: It appears that no other respondent here has bothered to read the article.
It appears it's a good idea not to make foolish incorrect assumptions as well. Edited by RusticCharm
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Take a look at the topic in the link above. Is it true? Why Dutch students are too mean?..kinda bad weasel.

What's wrong with Int'l Students?? We even pay more than you nearly about 10 times for tuition fee, and mostly we come from underdeveloped countries. For example, you dutch pay 1000's Euro while int'l students pay 10000's euro.

I understand that it's hard to find a place to live in Utrecht, however, It needs not to bitch us in this imbecilic issues.

You guys even say that you may lost social-interaction with us. Moreover, you said we have no responsible. I say it is racist even you think you don't. Kinda prejudice. Some of you may have bad experiences with int'l flat mates. Just don't do obsess it as stereotype.

How sad int'l students have suffered as you guys call us as "short stayers" .We have to face on it and we have no choice. Although we do not like that, we have to bear on it.

Fair enough, you can moan, you have your right and it is ok. I have my right to moan back too!

Me, myself is going to study in UU for 18 months. If i am a kind of short stayer and SSH helps me for making a place to live , i thanks for it.

Being bullied by ducth students is not fun anyway.

hey, i am going to study not to go to be a "big brother" as a house mate.

Could you please put your feet into our shoes.

Duizend maal dank

Indeed I can put myself in your shoes. That's pretty much how it can feel as a foreigner in a Thai University, including Thailand's "top universities". Now extend that to the many other aspects of Thai society and the other system establishments.

It's not nice to be on the receiving end, and yes I know exactly how you feel, having been through it myself here in Thailand. You also expect more from an academic institution where people should be more open-mided and challenge what is right and wrong. Understand the intentions behind it, rather than the actions... :o

The most constructive thing I can offer is: Remember that feeling. How you feel now. And make sure you never do the same to foreigners in your home country. Also point it out to your friends and family that they shouldn't either. That's how we get rid of it... :D Don't be one of those people who wants revenge or perpetuates it.

Bambina, sounds like you are getting an all round real education. Be very thankful for that. Wisdom is something people expect to learn at university. It's a powerful combination when added to compassion and empathy. You sound exactly the sort of person we need to challenge and improve things... turn it into something positive... :D

Edited by AFKAFSinLOS
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I think I am over exaggerated then :o

Thanks you guy for the comments

do international students really have to pay 10 times as much for tuition? that sounds like a lie.

Ok, for my master's programme I have to pay 12000 euro while dutch pay 1500

(not exactly 10 but you know waht I mean)

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Welcome to my world Bambina.... now you know how it feels for farangs living in Thailand....and you don't even get half of it!

reactionary post deleted

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I think I am over exaggerated then :o

Thanks you guy for the comments

do international students really have to pay 10 times as much for tuition? that sounds like a lie.

Ok, for my master's programme I have to pay 12000 euro while dutch pay 1500

(not exactly 10 but you know waht I mean)

On the fees, I have less strong feelings on this, and there is a much wider picture.

Remember for Dutch students their families pay taxes to the state, which help fund their education. Additionally there is a strong likelihood that the Dutch students will pay higher taxes in their country in the future as a better educated person. In the long term if anything, they will probably end up paying more than you for education in Holland. On the other hand a foreigner usually comes in and will not contribute financially thru taxes and other contributions to the country. A Dutch person may contribute more to society in non-financial terms as a result of their education, throughout their hole lifetime, say 75 years. You will contribute to society in Holland for a couple...

If you are committed to staying and working in Holland for many years afterwards, and contributing to Holland thru knowledge as well as financially for many years to come, you might have a stronger point... :D

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it is racist
That's grand! A Thai calling others 'racist'. :o

Don't worry Bambina. After the Dutch see your impressive 'qualities' shown in your avatar, I'm sure they'll welcome you with open arms. :D

As a recent member you might want to know that at least in this forum Bambi will have a sypathetic ear as she has helped many-a-TV member.

Feel sorry for you Bambi, it's not nice no matter where you cop a bitching complaint like this, it happens everywhere in every country. Don't fight back, fight the negative with a positive and make more friends as we know you can. Keep your head up girl.

it appears you are unable to read dates, the recent member of whom you speak joined TV a week after you did. Just because you have managed to blat out an incessant number of posts in no way makes you senior.

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Ok... I will be more an optimistic person.

Having read a comment as

At the Warande, there have been many problems with international 'students'. So much even, that the police did not even dare to drive slowly, while on patrols. Can you imagine, if the law enforcement is afraid, how should it be for students living there, every day?

How many examples do I need mention:

- A foreign student who killed the cat of a Dutch student.

- Foreign students who refuse to pay power bills, so that the entire household was without power for several months. The same thing with the telephone.

- A foreign student who was convinced that when furniture was for 'general use', that implied that he could take the television somewhere out of the house, never to be seen again.

- Foreign students who threaten to beat their more peaceful Dutch counterparts into the intensice care.

- Foreign 'students' who do not actually study, but use their room as a base for illegal practises, and the police to frightened to intervene.

And the list goes on. Dutch students are sick of such events piling up, without intervention from any authorities.

Ah, well, those problems all involved only male students from the Dutch Antilles. I am sure that, when you enter your new room, and you show to your roommates that you have some social skills, and that you will actually know the concept of 'kindness' and 'honesty', when you demonstrate knowledge of the fact that Dutch students are not only made to be bullied around, beat up and steal from, show the civility to not have your music very loud at 4. a.m., every night, and threatening anyone who may tell you to turn it down, they will undoubtedly be more than glad to show the same cordiality to you.

I wish you a happy stay in the Netherlands and good luck with your studies.

I will do my best for my dutch flat mate then. Atleast, some of them may think positive with atleats one of int'l student.

I know that we can not make all people in the world like me/us, atleast makes 1 love me/us, that is priceless :o and I will do my best on it

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You should have come to the US instead, then you won't have problems with the dutchs. :D

Ohh...Bambi, why don't you?

Dear P' Teacup,

Studying in USA is more expensive. The University that i am going to study is quite in the high ranking as it's 39 of the world ranking.

I had better not moan more then..(really gratefully that they asked me to study there)

I think I will learn more about the world ..not lalaland as I dream of it.

I think I will survive

I think... not sure ..Just hope so :o

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Are you getting cold feet Bambina? No need for that, you will be fine in the Netherlands, except for the weather, temperature can be a `bit` lower.

I will let you in on a secret, cook them a Thai meal...and from that day on they will be eating out of your hands...

Donot worry, they are all human, so are all the other foreign students there. You will be fine, and i am sure that you will be very welcome, just as others are.

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You should have gone to the University of Guelph for the M.A. It is a small agricultural town near the big city of Toronto - one hour away. Just joking.

Do you miss Thailand or what? And if you do miss Thailand, what are the things you miss the most?

Have a memorable stay, study hard and be yourself. You'll have a great time!

Chok dee na khap

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P Bam, good luck kha

I have had good experiences with Dutch people Ive met (granted mostly men....but still they havent been bad)

and ofcourse the fact that I support the Dutch national team puts me in their good books to begin with :o

all I say is .. 'Ik ben voor Holland'

(translates to I am for holland.... implying I support Holland) usually does the job and get them laughing or discussing who I think the biggest dutch football player is :D

take care, and come back to the ladies forum if you wanna chit chat :D

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Hey girl,

You have come so far, and accomplished so much already, that your stay in Utrecht will be one more good chapter in a long and successful life. Some of us suspect that most Dutch people are not as racist as most Thai people.

A friend of mine earned 3 of his 4 academic degrees at state unis in America, and spent 35 years serving his country and paying taxes with the purpose of thankfully repaying his country for its investment in his free education.

By the way, this graduate course might be the most challenging chapter in your academic career. But I am sure you can do it.

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