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Noo's Nasty Problem

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My cat (named Noo -he should be the only one of its kind at home) has a persistant diarrhea.

He looks OK, acts OK eats OK drinks a lot but ...

I do not know what to do, I tried to change its food (he likes ONLY Me-O cat food) but without success.

Can anyone advise me if there could be a solution ?

(I will bring him to the vet if I can't find a solution)


Edited by MengWan
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I would birng him first to the vet for a full check up. Also bring the feces for a microscopic and a lab check.

Based on their findings (hopefully) I would search further for a solution.


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I think this can be something as simple as too much water intake or possible blockage such as a furball or or other foreign object, also have you considered colitis, this can be caused by certain bacteria such as Salmonella and Campylobacter, viruses and fungi. Did your cat lose weight? I would recomend a visit to your vet without hesitation these things are usually easy to diagnose and complications resulting in delayed diagnosis are often difficult to rectify. I am sure your cat will be fine but please get him checked.

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