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Low Flying Jet Over Chiang Mai Very Early This Morn


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Now I am sure I did not imagine this, but early this morning (4am'ish I think, maybe earlier), I was woken by a very loud jet that seemed to be very low indeed over Chiang Mai. Did anyone else notice this?

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There has been at least 2 threads on this rather boring subject in the past 6 months. Why start another?

Because the OP wanted you to post again with the same boring reply we always hear from you when someone occasionally posts information/questions that were in a previous post. :o

To the OP, was the jet any lower than the commercial flights over Big C?

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There has been at least 2 threads on this rather boring subject in the past 6 months. Why start another?

Well, Blinky, not everyone is bored enough to follow thru threads day in and days out. Anyway, I am bored enough today to reply to this.

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There has been at least 2 threads on this rather boring subject in the past 6 months. Why start another?

Sorry there Blinky, unlike you I must have a life outside TV. Silly me should have trawelled through all the post over the last 6 months to see if it had already been posted on an earlier post. If it is not too much of an inconvenience could you PM your contact number so that in future I can call you to see if a post has already been covered. Thanks would be great, thanks in advance.

ps. Dingdong it was very low indeed, and it sounded like a commercial jet, not military.

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There has been at least 2 threads on this rather boring subject in the past 6 months.

Correction: that should be 'there have been', as you are speaking of two or more threads, not one.

As I recall, you wish to have your spelling mistakes corrected whenever they occur. I trust and assume that you have the same desire with respect to your grammatical errors.

You may point out that here, too, there have been at least two posts on the rather boring subject of grammatical and spelling boo-boos in the past six months. I will continue to believe, though, unless I hear from you otherwise, that your wish to see improved spelling and grammar on this forum trumps the ennui that envelops you when a subject that has been raised once or more before is raised yet again. :o

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There has been at least 2 threads on this rather boring subject in the past 6 months. Why start another?

Well, Blinky, not everyone is bored enough to follow thru threads day in and days out. Anyway, I am bored enough today to reply to this.

You might have replied but what is the value in your reply ?? You haven't really added anything to the thread "have you" :o

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There has been at least 2 threads on this rather boring subject in the past 6 months. Why start another?

Well, Blinky, not everyone is bored enough to follow thru threads day in and days out. Anyway, I am bored enough today to reply to this.

You might have replied but what is the value in your reply ?? You haven't really added anything to the thread "have you" :o

Similarly to you. :D And what have you contributed to this thread. :D

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There has been at least 2 threads on this rather boring subject in the past 6 months. Why start another?

Looking at the forum front page I didn't notice any recent topics started by you. So if you aren't up for engaging us with your flaccid wit, why constantly whine about others?

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There has been at least 2 threads on this rather boring subject in the past 6 months. Why start another?

Well, Blinky, not everyone is bored enough to follow thru threads day in and days out. Anyway, I am bored enough today to reply to this.

You might have replied but what is the value in your reply ?? You haven't really added anything to the thread "have you" :o

Similarly to you. :D And what have you contributed to this thread. :D

You have both contributed enormously to my day! :D

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Because the OP wanted you to post again with the same boring reply we always hear from you when someone occasionally posts information/questions that were in a previous post.

Tingtongrb, why would anyone bother post a thread on the same subject time and time again. Plenty of dementia in CNX these daze.

Well, Blinky, not everyone is bored enough to follow thru threads day in and days out. Anyway, I am bored enough today to reply to this.

Seagull, I'm a speed reader and have amazing powers of recollection, an unusual skill amoungst many of our dear TV member friends.

Sorry there Blinky, unlike you I must have a life outside TV. Silly me should have trawelled through all the post over the last 6 months to see if it had already been posted on an earlier post. If it is not too much of an inconvenience could you PM your contact number so that in future I can call you to see if a post has already been covered. Thanks would be great, thanks in advance.

Richoz, In my boring life outside TV I have flown well over 80,000 miles on commercial flights not to mention the 100's of hours I spend on company aircraft in the past 12 months. In between reading repeated posts on TV since this time last year I have worked in Papua New Guinea, Iraq, Cyprus, Holland, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Australia, United Arab Emirates and Italy. I have also managed to spend consirable time with my wife and son in Indonesia and time with my 17 daughter as well as my girlfriend in CNX. I also managed to make the 2 great nights sponsored by Thai Visa at Tuskers.

Pretty boring lifestyle really, isn't it? I'll give you my number at the next Thai Visa BBQ if you turn up.

Correction: that should be 'there have been', as you are speaking of two or more threads, not one.

As I recall, you wish to have your spelling mistakes corrected whenever they occur. I trust and assume that you have the same desire with respect to your grammatical errors.

You may point out that here, too, there have been at least two posts on the rather boring subject of grammatical and spelling boo-boos in the past six months. I will continue to believe, though, unless I hear from you otherwise, that your wish to see improved spelling and grammar on this forum trumps the ennui that envelops you when a subject that has been raised once or more before is raised yet again. Correction: that should be 'there have been', as you are speaking of two or more threads, not one.

Yeah, yeah Razza. Your kreteks will be at Tuskers on the 29th. Be there!!

You might have replied but what is the value in your reply ?? You haven't really added anything to the thread "have you"

Finally some sense. Thanks JBG.

Similarly to you. And what have you contributed to this thread.

seagull, JBG only has to touch the keys of his computer to add vital info to any thread.

Looking at the forum front page I didn't notice any recent topics started by you. So if you aren't up for engaging us with your flaccid wit, why constantly whine about others?

Gravelrash, I haven't started a new thread since the recent extremely important Poll on "Turd of the week" (Of which I was the winner) and the "Nicest Guy or Gal Award in Chiang Mai" (which I didn't win). However, of the few threads of which I have been the OP, there have never been repeated, boring subjects.

Now I am sure I did not imagine this, but this afternoon I was put to sleep by a very boring argument that seemed to be very pointless indeed over the Chiang Mai Thaivisa forum. Did anyone else notice this?

Ollie.........Wake up!!

You have both contributed enormously to my day!

The kreteks will cost you 3 Beer Lao's and 2 Tequila's.

It's probably the same aeroplane as mentioned in the previous 2 boring threads on this subject.

Edited by Blinky Bill
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Thanks for that, Blinky. However much others may contribute to my day, it is as nothing compared with the joy that reading your posts brings to my heart!

Correction: that should be 'there have been', as you are speaking of two or more threads, not one.

As I recall, you wish to have your spelling mistakes corrected whenever they occur. I trust and assume that you have the same desire with respect to your grammatical errors.

You may point out that here, too, there have been at least two posts on the rather boring subject of grammatical and spelling boo-boos in the past six months. I will continue to believe, though, unless I hear from you otherwise, that your wish to see improved spelling and grammar on this forum trumps the ennui that envelops you when a subject that has been raised once or more before is raised yet again.

Yeah, yeah Razza. Your kreteks will be at Tuskers on the 29th. Be there!!

Excellent! Good to know I understand correctly your desire to improve.

You have both contributed enormously to my day!

The kreteks will cost you 3 Beer Lao's and 2 Tequila's.

I would be delighted and honoured to treat you to your opening round at Tuskers.

. . . In my boring life outside TV . . . and n between reading repeated posts on TV . . . I have . . . managed to spend consirable [sic] time . . . with my 17 daughter [sic] . . .

Out of my special affection for you (but don't push it too far), I offer two spelling corrections. You meant 'considerable', not 'consirable', and 'daughters', not 'daughter'. :o

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Back on thread- that would be the KAL Chiang Mai to Seoul. Departure 2 AM.

And yes, it has been mentioned a few times before....it's a 747 or a large Airbus, so it flies low and slow; rattles windows on takeoff.

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Back on thread- that would be the KAL Chiang Mai to Seoul. Departure 2 AM.

And yes, it has been mentioned a few times before....it's a 747 or a large Airbus, so it flies low and slow; rattles windows on takeoff.

Thanks Mac, I am guessing that was it then... Case Closed.

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Back on thread- that would be the KAL Chiang Mai to Seoul. Departure 2 AM.

And yes, it has been mentioned a few times before....it's a 747 or a large Airbus, so it flies low and slow; rattles windows on takeoff.

Thanks for the tip, McG - I'll avoid that flight. What with pieces falling off Quantas 'planes, I wouldn't feel too safe sitting in a KAL 'plane with the windows already rattling on takeoff......... :o

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