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Arent You Afraid Of Getting Aids?


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First of all, AIDS is NOT "huge" here - many Countries, particularly in Africa, have much higher rates of infection.

Last of all, DNFTT, PapiRico joined the Forum yesterday and all his Posts (27 to date) clearly indicate he's a young guy from hicksville USA with absolutely no idea about the world outside.


Hmmm, interesting, I dont think that me joining yesterday (thanks for taking your time to check out my profile,you must care) has anything to do with what I know or dont know, yes AIDS is huge in Africa but its also HUGE HERE! duh! and no patrick and i am not from hickbill whatver, unless NYC has been classified as that lately....

Oh and my answers were googled, I am sure googleknows way more than you patrick.

"Google" does not "know" jack-shit...it just hits on keywords.

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What do you figure the infection rate is among female sex workers? I have read 40 percent for the male sex workers.

I have also heard that the Thai HIV strain is much more deadly and quicker than the western strain; yes. there are different HIV strains, so, no it is not like having a cold.

Back when I was in my 20s there was no treatment at all, so people were dying like flies, often within months of diagnosis.

I dont know, let me google that for you...hold on.....ok i dont know the right % number but here is an idea..

As of January 2004, 231,712 AIDS cases had been reported, of whom nearly 80% were in the age group 20-39 years

At the end of 2003, an estimated 1.7% of the adult Thai population aged 15-49 years was infected with HIV

According to projections for the next five years, nearly 50,000 new AIDS cases will occur in Thailand every year.

According to UNIFEM, almost one third of adults living with HIV/AIDS in Thailand are women, and a large proportion of them are women who would otherwise appear to be at very low risk of HIV infection

ok so this is what i just found, i guess you can make your own % number...so sad.

Oh yes,he only joined yesterday from Yanksville and here he is depressing everyone with stats on aids in Thailand.

Mods,i resectfuly ask can this guy be banned,i dread to think what his next post will be on.Suicides in Thiland pherhaps?

Banned? for what? just cause youdont like what the thread is about, dont read it man. its simple.

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Im married and will never cheat of my wife, so no Im not worried, also I have massages there all the time and I cant see how I could catch it.

Im a very loyal man and I dont have any sympathy for people who KNOW the risks but still rolls the dice.

Well obviously this excludes you and i, but I am not talking about if you would cheat or not, but rater why they do it and risk everything....and no you cannot get AIDS from a massage, but a lot of these Massage parlors are a front for sex houses, so if you chose to be with these girls, what drives you to risk you life? That was my question..

You should not ask these questions on TV, as nobody here is in Thailand for the girls. :o


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First of all, AIDS is NOT "huge" here - many Countries, particularly in Africa, have much higher rates of infection.

Last of all, DNFTT, PapiRico joined the Forum yesterday and all his Posts (27 to date) clearly indicate he's a young guy from hicksville USA with absolutely no idea about the world outside.


Spot on.

PapiRico, here at the Forum you are referred to as a "Troll".

Meaning you post up some nonsensical topic to get reactions.

Bye-bye Troll

I'm with you Huggy . Sounds like a fishing adventure to me. The slowwww troll! Bout to end quick!

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The picture of the motorcycle must beg the same question? Why?

Its the bike i had In America, now i ride a CBR here,but just like to remember the good ol riding days with such a beauty of a bike that is the MVAgusta..thats all.

Its good its the only thing you ride now :o

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So most single farang who come here, and even the married ones,decided one time or another to go with these Bar girls, massage girls and stright up prostitutes,and have sex, but dont they know they are playing with fire? i mean they must know or herd that AIDS is HUGE in Thailand, and yet decide to play with their lives, why I ask?

I mean is your 2 minutes of drunk enjoyment worth dying for? or even worse infecting others? lik eyou wife or kids?

Why do this at all? i want to know what drives men to risk everyting(your life, your marriage,your health, your future partners) for a prostitute...is it that you are just praying to the "luck gods" to help you decide which one might be clean?

All I am saying is, why risk everything for nothing.....

Best of luck with your illness mate,with new medincines they say you can live for years now so it aint all bad,chin up.

Why would you say something so stupid like that? idiot. I cant stand jokers and clowns like him, oh well I guess he IS one of the many unfurtunate souls...watch out girls for a guy name JOHN

Who you calling an idiot pal?? Why start a morbid thread about aids on a saturday afternoon?? Do you not have anything better to do? And why are you so interested in discussing aids??

You're a mug!

I am calling you and Idiot and you aint my pal, and if you dont like this thread then dont read it man, its that simple,and yes I catually had to go and ride today but its been raining so now i am stuck here at home replying to you clown.

Well, I think we are gonna get a message from the mods pretty soon. :o

Settle down folks, I am about to clean up this thread, if the flames are still flying when I get back to here,I will close it.

See, I told you so. Behave yourself. I have been banned once, I wouldn't want it happening to you fellas. :D

Anyway, it is good that PapiRico bring this topic up as a reminder to all about aids. Whether it is Saturday or a Monday, h_ll who gives a toss. Africa has more aids victim ? No, we are in Thailand. Hence, this topic about aids in our beloved LOS. :D

If OP is a troll, then absorb the thoughts of a troll for a moment, if this topic might in a way affects your well-being. Stay healthy. :D

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Posts have been removed , you all know the policy regarding discussing bar girls and prostitution.

Aids is a worthy topic if somebody wants to start such a thread but slagging off of bar girls ,prostitutes,gays etc will not be tolerated.

This thread is now closed.

One final point,,many of the topics here lately are becoming nonsensical flame fests, please try to keep a bit of decorum present, unless of course as dirty harry says,"Are you feeling lucky".

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