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What Are The Thai Press Like?


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I'd like to know what the Thai press is like. I'm just wondering if I can expect the same there as you can find here. In the in UK, we've got many tabloids, and one of their many facets is reporting on the behaviour and goings-on of the rich and famous.

I don't honestly know if the practise is the same in other countries, probably, but I'm not sure if it's to the same extent. I think the British press is perceived as one of the worst offenders actually.

I hear that the Thai press is a free one, but they do tend to exercise self-censorship on what they report. So, when it comes to celebrities and the rich and famous, what can I expect? Do they dog celebrities and report on all their indiscretions? Things like, illicit sex, extramarital affairs, drugs (would they get incarcerated on the findings of a newspaper?), parying too hard - so basically the daily life of a celebrity :o.

Maybe they distinguish between celebrities and politicians, I don't know, you tell me.

Now folks, I'm not asking for you to single out and name any celebrities or recount incidents in details, since TV may get cited for slander. Keep that in mind.

I'll also be interested to see what the differences are when it comes to 'real' news. I'm guessing that they'll probably focus more on news from the region (east/south-east asia) and news that concerns Thai interests. International affairs will be an interesting one, but I already know the sport will cover the Premiership! :D

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The Thai press is not much removed from the British press, more than enough coverage of the rich and famous, not enough discussion on things that matter.

As for being a free press, well yes to an extent. This priminister has run roughshod over press freedoms, including the press freedoms of some international journals.

Your perception of the press intruding on the liberties of individuals needs some examination.

For a start, the rich and famous want press coverage - only they want to dictate what the press say about them. Calls for restricting the press' freedom need also to be examined.

A free press is an essential part of the machinary required to maintain the freedom of people in any state. i would much rather some minor Royal, major Royals too had their privicy invaded than the press be restricted and the freedoms and liberties of the whole nation be threatened.

One thing different in Thailand is when a reporter, photographer or cartoonist causes offence to people in power they very often wind up shot or deported.

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So, when it comes to celebrities and the rich and famous, what can I expect?

Maybe it would help to tell us a bit more about what you do and or who you are. If that is possible.


If you are a rock star who would get swamped in America or the UK and you were walking in my wife's little hometowm. You would probably be met with an attitude of "Who's the Farang?" and no one would have a clue who you were. Where if you were a Thai music star you would be swamped.

A lot depends on your attitude and the way you handle yourself in Thailamnd. If you ride around in a limo people would wonder who you are and you will attract a curiosity croud, if on a honda dream no one will notice. Most Thai people in the country, especially, are just too polite to say anything or approach you. Although small kids like to talk English with the Farang all over the country. LOL

Edited by penzman
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Thanks RDN for the links, not seen the Nation Mulitmedia before.

Lol lukamar! I'm no celebrity of any sort, unfortunately, or maybe not. I was just wondering if I could pick up a National Enquirer of sorts... not that I'm into gossip - strictly research of course, getting culturally acquainted and such. Yeah... that sounded passably believable :o.

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One thing different in Thailand is when a reporter, photographer or cartoonist causes offence to people in power they very often wind up shot or deported.

Though I agree with the rest of the posting, I don't think this quote is really a fair statement of the current or recent-past scene. Yes, reporters have been shot in the past, but many reporters are also heavily involved in 'dark' activities, making it difficult to say for sure why they might have been shot. In the last few years, I'm not familar with any deportations off-hand... Though I don't doubt it has happened, I don't feel the situation is common enough to be labled as 'very often'.

In fact, there are a number of reporters who regularly trash the people in power without any obvious retaliation except public criticisms and likely lots of bad vibes sent out :o . This government seems to prefer economic punishment in such cases... And many would say that Thaksin's control of so much advertising money has been very effective at quieting much of the bad press. We don't even know of some of the worst stuff, I'd venture to guess.

In a current case, one reporter is being sued by Thaksin for defamation(?) But, so much dirt has come out during the trial, I imagine Thaksin will think twice about taking that road again...

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I think I was lead to believe some time back that the Thai laws on libel are a bit different than in the UK.

My understanding is that UK politicians, celebrities and others who make their living in the public spotlight can't expect the same level of protection from public comment or criticism that a private citizen can. No such distinction is made in Thailand, so what would be a fair comment or observation about a public figure in the UK is more likely to be a libelous one when the venue is Thailand and the subject is a Thai.

Not completely sure of this, but think I heard it from what I considered a reliable source at the time. Perhaps a TV member who is from the legal profession can comment.

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