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How To Take Cash Assets Out Of Thailand?

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Bot I can see his guy and the BOT at odds. Not even going to try to go into all of this, it covers several day of news releases. I found it interesting that you can transfer up to $20,000 on line. Which leaves an intertign question. Say you want to leave ( I don't just curious) you sell all your holdings here and you haev say three million Bhat in the bank. What are the methods available to take them out of the country?

Lets say you immigration in the states with $75,000 on cash. I would think you better have some supporting documentation where it came from these days.

By the way I never found anything in the articles about 20K on line

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Probably isn't one I think they are talking about the new law that went isto effect. But as I said the heading says that but I didn't see anything, in the reports. You know clear as mud, if your already doing it, I doubt there is a problem.

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