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Farming 50 Rai Of Rice..what To Do Next ?

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Well here goes,

Some months ago I decided to enter into farming rice right at the time when the price per tonne was 12000 baht..today if only!!!!

My father in law assured me that this would be easy!!! well it should have been,but of course none of us could foresee the amount of rain that has fallen over certain areas of Thailand in the last few months..All that aside we now have 50 rai of rice planted,after I bought a new tractor(well second hand)new to me and various other things to facilitate this years crop..I am writing this a little tongue in cheek as I did not expect it to be easy,but well, its been more that hard work this year...

I am therefore looking to change direction in January and go over to Sugar cane as I am told that this is an easier crop and require less maintenance year on year and only needs to be planted once in four years..

Can anyone advise if this is the case and what the approximate seed costs are per rai..

Thanks new to farming and eyes now wide open..!!! :o

Edited by Nickthegreek
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This is the same land as the rice was planted on, or is it different land?

Cane is planted not from seed, but from "sets" - which are lengths of harvested sugarcane - if you type in "maizefarmer" and "sugarcane" in the search section of the farming in Thailand part of the forum, you should come up with the notes I wrote a couple years back on the subject of cane/types of/how to plant/soils/when to plant ect ect .. the same threads will contain the input of other members - some pretty good notes all in.

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I was hoping to get a price for the crop as well..I realise that this year has been extremely hard regarding rice in certain areas,but before I go full on to sugar cane,I will need to work out the cost base..

In answer to your question,yes it will go into the land previously used for rice.

I am lead to believe that sugar cane has no issues with excessive water once established and I have seen this with my own eyes.

The only issue with the current land is I will need to buy water and apply in the early months..

I am currently 50/50 on whats best...

I will search for your posts as recommended..

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  • 1 month later...

ok so growing the crop is less of a problem but what about when u go to sell it what about them long lines of trucks ive seen waiting for hrs,i thought u had to get the crop to the mill fast before it started loosing its value. maybe im wrong

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