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Britons Abroad - Latest Figures


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We seem to get arrested a lot in the US proportianletly and raped a lot in Spain, Greece and Turkey (well not me personally of course)

Given the amount of Brits in Singapore it doesnot even get a mention - I wonder why :o

Edited by Prakanong
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Surge in arrests for badly behaving Britons in Spain

The number of British people arrested in Spain has surged by a third in a year after a police effort to "clean up" the Costas.

By John Bingham

Last Updated: 12:23AM BST 12 Aug 2008

Official Foreign Office figures showed that just over 2,000 Britons were arrested in Spain last year - more than any other country in the world other than the UK itself - after a crackdown on petty crime in resorts led to an increase in arrests for drunken behaviour.

Hundreds more holidaymakers from Britain also found themselves in trouble with the law in Cyprus, Greece, America, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) according to a report on the nation's behaviour abroad.

Spain - which is now home to more than 760,000 British expatriates - also topped Foreign Office tables for the number of Britons ending up in hospital, reporting a rape and dying.

Spanish police detained 2,032 British people between April 2007 and March 2008 - the vast majority believed to be for minor offences involving drunk or disorderly behaviour - compared with just 1,549 a year before.

The spate of arrests in Spain coincided with a surge in popularity with British holidaymakers, tempted back to the country by a string of new low-cost airline routes. Last year around 17 million Britons travelled to the country - up from 13.8 million a year before.

Foreign Office officials were also called on to deal with 5,470 serious issues involving British citizens including just under 700 who ended up in hospital, 1,591 who died and 29 who reported a rape.

But Cyprus - another popular destination for short breaks and group holidays - was the country where British people were proportionally most likely to be arrested, ahead of the US and the UAE, a popular transit point for flights to the Far East where many travellers with small amounts of drugs found on their person have been detained.

The surge in arrests in Spain is thought to be a by-product of a deliberate effort by Spanish police to clamp down on petty crime in the Costas, attributed to Eastern European gangs.

"In Benidorm there has been a spate of muggings and last year there was an increase in the police presence, especially in the hotel areas," James Parkes, editor of the English language Costa Blanca News said.

"It is a knock-on effect of a general clean-up in the Costas."

With a large population of elderly expatriates, a total of 1,591 British people died in Spain last year, a 20 per cent increase in a year.

Meanwhile Thailand and India, which continue to be popular with gap year travellers and backpackers, proved to be the most deadly destinations with 0.3 deaths for every thousand British visitors to Thailand and 0.2 for India.

While evidence shows more Britons opting to holiday at home because of the economic situation, Spanish resorts remain packed with British holiday makers attracted by cut-price deals and cheap flights.

But a separate study published by the Foreign Office showed that two thirds of Britons travelling abroad this year are planning to temper their spending because of the credit crisis.


disclaimer .

sickening photo follows.

if you have no forearm tattoos or a beer gut or you are easily upset then should close this window now.

taxexile will not be held responsible for any nausea , curmudgeonly outbursts or persistent erections brought on by viewing this photo.

some playful young slapperati enjoying their vacation in the only way they know how.

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In the absence of modifier identification, the stats really don't reveal very much.

Do the math and factor in age of the visitors, and driving and you see hy the numbers are what they are. Let me put it another way; If the average of the visitor was in the early 30's and not skewed to the 50's and the visitors didn't drive, there would be very low numbers.

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In the absence of modifier identification, the stats really don't reveal very much.

Do the math and factor in age of the visitors, and driving and you see hy the numbers are what they are. Let me put it another way; If the average of the visitor was in the early 30's and not skewed to the 50's and the visitors didn't drive, there would be very low numbers.

Sorry do I not get you - are you saying most of the deaths in Thailand are from RTA's?

My view would be the majority of natural causes but I still bet its the highest per capita rate per visitor of unlawful or suicide deaths in Thailand too.

At an average of almost 12 per month this is the same figure we were given at the Embassy when we reported a friends death back in 99 - the Consular Officer then told us she had about 120 to 12 a month. If that were true then the rate of deaths must have fallen given the larger number of visitors recently - ?

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The figures don't surprise me. It's nothing to do with Thailand inherently; I suspect instead that it's directly related to the TYPE of Brit Thailand attracts. You only have to walk around Pattaya to see the social misfits from the old country lording it over the locals to see why so many get into strife. Those are the types likely to get arrested or end up in trouble in the UK; why should we expect them to have a similar fate here?

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My post above should read 10 to 12 a month - typo

Bendix - if my math is correct the arrest rate in Thailand and Spain are pretty much the same - 1 in circa 7000 visitors - maybe we have the same demographic visiting but i think not in the main.

However the arrest rate in the USa is much higher - who do we have visiting there? :o

Edited by Prakanong
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No mystery here. If Brits travel to Thailand, lifestyle issues will cause problems for at least the male vacationers. I lived near the Walking Street in Pattaya for a year and they were a constant source of entertainment. Name a crime that can be fueled by alcohol, there are plenty and you could watch the carniage every night if you stayed up late. Sometimes you felt sorry the young Brits who were set upon by groups of Thai boys or men after a violation of the social code. From my own observations it appears the biggest violation was hitting the Thai girls. Second was non payment of bar tab and third was non payment of bargirl. The girls tried to get the money up front from the Brits and Africans with little success for a time.

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Bendix - if my math is correct the arrest rate in Thailand and Spain are pretty much the same - 1 in circa 7000 visitors - maybe we have the same demographic visiting but i think not in the main.

I think it's pretty much the same demographic. 30-60 years old. Skinhead haircuts. Tattoos. Thick necks. Social inadequates who's idea of making the locals understand them is to speak in their native accent even lounder, liberally sprinkled with a 'faaaaark orffff you asian c**t.'

Charming people really.

It's the same people who head to spain every summer. I sometimes suspect those who end up in Thailand actually think they're on a beach just round the corner from Benidorm.

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"30-60 years old. Skinhead haircuts. Tattoos. Thick necks."

Bloody hel_l can you see me :o

Diffrerent accent though - more County Durham

The Asian girls I work with are amazed though if they find out I have tattoos - they only know from one sticking out my cuff or through a white shirt. They do think its cute I am from Billy Elliot country to be in my position now.

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Bendix - if my math is correct the arrest rate in Thailand and Spain are pretty much the same - 1 in circa 7000 visitors - maybe we have the same demographic visiting but i think not in the main.

I think it's pretty much the same demographic. 30-60 years old. Skinhead haircuts. Tattoos. Thick necks. Social inadequates who's idea of making the locals understand them is to speak in their native accent even lounder, liberally sprinkled with a 'faaaaark orffff you asian c**t.'

Charming people really.

It's the same people who head to spain every summer. I sometimes suspect those who end up in Thailand actually think they're on a beach just round the corner from Benidorm.


I visited the Canary islands alot years ago.Didnt have the most peaceful of nights.Seemed like a fair bit of spite floating around.I have to say,the locals there must also be very tolerant people,i once had a taxi driver in tenerife ask me why the english like to go out & fight so much.A bit embarrasing.

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There were muggings and plenty of fights in spain as early as the late 70,s so this is not new.Also necklace stealing was rife and what did we do,not wear the bleeding stuff.


you must be going somewhere different than me????

I see some guys who are a bit lairy,and i have a skinhead due to how hot it is here,not because i want to fight.In 5 years of living in Pattaya i have seen a couple of scraps,well handbags at 10 paces.I do agree though if you dont keep your nose clean you can be in trouble like most places in the world and i know we all get naffed off with these thai sellers but stay calm and say no thank you.A couple of my mates nearly get a heart attack when they are driving and cursing anybody and everybody,thats not new.Its called road rage in the uk and downright dangerous here lol.

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"i once had a taxi driver in tenerife ask me why the english like to go out & fight so much.A bit embarrasing. "

I have been asked this by taxi drivers and others in a few places also.

I even had a Singapore taxi driver asking me the other week why the "English are so fierce" and he will have only seen it on TV

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So just over 1 in every 3000 people that visit Thailand pr year end up dead...

They are pretty bare bones statistics and its hard to make conclusions from them (but we try :o ).

An epidemiologist looking at these would need a lot more data points.

Even on bare bones numbers it is the highest deaths per visitor number though

Spain is every 11000 and with more retirees so I would guess they should be higher - then again wrinklies might return home to die easier from Spain

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Bendix - if my math is correct the arrest rate in Thailand and Spain are pretty much the same - 1 in circa 7000 visitors - maybe we have the same demographic visiting but i think not in the main.

I think it's pretty much the same demographic. 30-60 years old. Skinhead haircuts. Tattoos. Thick necks. Social inadequates who's idea of making the locals understand them is to speak in their native accent even lounder, liberally sprinkled with a 'faaaaark orffff you asian c**t.'

Charming people really.

It's the same people who head to spain every summer. I sometimes suspect those who end up in Thailand actually think they're on a beach just round the corner from Benidorm.


I visited the Canary islands alot years ago.Didnt have the most peaceful of nights.Seemed like a fair bit of spite floating around.I have to say,the locals there must also be very tolerant people,i once had a taxi driver in tenerife ask me why the english like to go out & fight so much.A bit embarrasing.

Maybe this is your answer

From correspondents in London

August 12, 2008 02:16pm

Article from: Agence France-Presse

BAD behaviour abroad, often fuelled by excessive drinking, has sent the number of Britons arrested overseas soaring, a report by the Foreign Office showed today.

In its annual report, British Behaviour Abroad, the Foreign Office said "many arrests" of Britons abroad were due to "behaviour caused by excessive drinking".

Arrests in Spain went up by a third (32 per cent) to 2032 - the highest number of any country - in the April 2006-March 2007 period reviewed.

The report found that on a proportional basis Britons were most likely to be arrested in Cyprus - home to British sovereign military bases.

The Daily Mail called it the "shame of binge drinking Brits abroad", in a front page headline.

"Drunken and loutish holidaymakers have sent Britain's reputation abroad plunging to new depths," the paper said.

<H4 style="MARGIN: auto 0cm"> </H4>

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"i once had a taxi driver in tenerife ask me why the english like to go out & fight so much.A bit embarrasing. "

I have been asked this by taxi drivers and others in a few places also.

I even had a Singapore taxi driver asking me the other week why the "English are so fierce" and he will have only seen it on TV

Should have kicked his head in!!!!! Oh no, sorry!!!!! :o

(Disclaimer: Do not kick any head's in - unless your a Brit then that's OK!!)

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"i once had a taxi driver in tenerife ask me why the english like to go out & fight so much.A bit embarrasing. "

I have been asked this by taxi drivers and others in a few places also.

I even had a Singapore taxi driver asking me the other week why the "English are so fierce" and he will have only seen it on TV

Should have kicked his head in!!!!! Oh no, sorry!!!!! :o

(Disclaimer: Do not kick any head's in - unless your a Brit then that's OK!!)

I am not into S&M and not old enough not to be caned in Singapore :D

I wonder if Max Mosely comes here for a caning in September at the Singapore GP?

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I added another column and calculated the number of deaths per million visitors. I am pleased to say, Thailand comes out top, streets ahead of its nearest rival India

Country British visits (millions) Deaths Deaths per million visitors

Thailand 0.86 269 312.79

India 0.6 126 210.00

Germany 2.37 294 124.05

Australia 0.7 76 108.57

Spain 17 1,591 93.59

Cyprus 1.5 81 54.00

Pakistan 0.28 14 50.00

UAE 1.1 51 46.36

Italy 3.5 156 44.57

Greece 3 131 43.67

Turkey 1.92 69 35.94

France 14.8 385 26.01

US 6.5 95 14.62

Indonesia 0.14 2 14.29

Netherlands 1.9 18 9.47

Let’s be careful out there!


Edited by ade100
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I added another column and calculated the number of deaths per million visitors. I am pleased to say, Thailand comes out top, streets ahead of its nearest rival India

Country British visits (millions) Deaths Deaths per million visitors

Thailand 0.86 269 312.79

India 0.6 126 210.00

Germany 2.37 294 124.05

Australia 0.7 76 108.57

Spain 17 1,591 93.59

Cyprus 1.5 81 54.00

Pakistan 0.28 14 50.00

UAE 1.1 51 46.36

Italy 3.5 156 44.57

Greece 3 131 43.67

Turkey 1.92 69 35.94

France 14.8 385 26.01

US 6.5 95 14.62

Indonesia 0.14 2 14.29

Netherlands 1.9 18 9.47

Let’s be careful out there!

very scary information :o

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Bendix - if my math is correct the arrest rate in Thailand and Spain are pretty much the same - 1 in circa 7000 visitors - maybe we have the same demographic visiting but i think not in the main.

I think it's pretty much the same demographic. 30-60 years old. Skinhead haircuts. Tattoos. Thick necks. Social inadequates who's idea of making the locals understand them is to speak in their native accent even lounder, liberally sprinkled with a 'faaaaark orffff you asian c**t.'

Charming people really.

It's the same people who head to spain every summer. I sometimes suspect those who end up in Thailand actually think they're on a beach just round the corner from Benidorm.


I visited the Canary islands alot years ago.Didnt have the most peaceful of nights.Seemed like a fair bit of spite floating around.I have to say,the locals there must also be very tolerant people,i once had a taxi driver in tenerife ask me why the english like to go out & fight so much.A bit embarrasing.

Maybe this is your answer

From correspondents in London

August 12, 2008 02:16pm

Article from: Agence France-Presse

BAD behaviour abroad, often fuelled by excessive drinking, has sent the number of Britons arrested overseas soaring, a report by the Foreign Office showed today.

In its annual report, British Behaviour Abroad, the Foreign Office said "many arrests" of Britons abroad were due to "behaviour caused by excessive drinking".

Arrests in Spain went up by a third (32 per cent) to 2032 - the highest number of any country - in the April 2006-March 2007 period reviewed.

The report found that on a proportional basis Britons were most likely to be arrested in Cyprus - home to British sovereign military bases.

The Daily Mail called it the "shame of binge drinking Brits abroad", in a front page headline.

"Drunken and loutish holidaymakers have sent Britain's reputation abroad plunging to new depths," the paper said.

<H4 style="MARGIN: auto 0cm"> </H4>

Let`s not forget the wonderful footbalfans....when talking about Britain`s reputation, Europe mainland has been on the verge of not allowing them in anymore to "watch" a game.

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I think it's pretty much the same demographic. 30-60 years old. Skinhead haircuts. Tattoos. Thick necks. Social inadequates who's idea of making the locals understand them is to speak in their native accent even lounder, liberally sprinkled with a 'faaaaark orffff you asian c**t.'

Charming people really.

It's the same people who head to spain every summer. I sometimes suspect those who end up in Thailand actually think they're on a beach just round the corner from Benidorm.

I think there are more older people coming to Thailand than Spain. I certainly wouldn't go anywhere near Benidorm, but Pattaya and Phuket are OK.

I wonder how many of these statistics include deaths due to "old age" (including heart attacks while... you know...)

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I added another column and calculated the number of deaths per million visitors. I am pleased to say, Thailand comes out top, streets ahead of its nearest rival India...

If you factor in the population of the country, Cyprus looks rather unfriendly and Thailand comes in 6th:


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I think it's pretty much the same demographic. 30-60 years old. Skinhead haircuts. Tattoos. Thick necks. Social inadequates who's idea of making the locals understand them is to speak in their native accent even lounder, liberally sprinkled with a 'faaaaark orffff you asian c**t.'

Charming people really.

I have a skinhead and thickneck but the last time i was in BKK it was 4 middle class, ex-pat executive types grabbing some young girl in an after hours bar and putting her in extreme distress making trouble, hence i had to get her to sit by me and make it clear not to do it. (the fact she's a pro makes no difference you dont treat people like this)

There is no denying the British have a drink, violence and respect problem, but its people from every walk of life, from 14 yo schoolgirls to 50 yo exec types.

As for the comment about British football hooliganism, youre about 20 years too late for that, there are no football hooligans anymore.

Edited by boiledegg
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I think it's pretty much the same demographic. 30-60 years old. Skinhead haircuts. Tattoos. Thick necks. Social inadequates who's idea of making the locals understand them is to speak in their native accent even lounder, liberally sprinkled with a 'faaaaark orffff you asian c**t.'

Charming people really.

I have a skinhead and thickneck but the last time i was in BKK it was 4 middle class, ex-pat executive types grabbing some young girl in an after hours bar and putting her in extreme distress making trouble, hence i had to get her to sit by me and make it clear not to do it. (the fact she's a pro makes no difference you dont treat people like this)

There is no denying the British have a drink, violence and respect problem, but its people from every walk of life, from 14 yo schoolgirls to 50 yo exec types.

As for the comment about British football hooliganism, youre about 20 years too late for that, there are no football hooligans anymore.

Come on, where have you been the last 20 years, just from memory; Euro 2000 the English team almost were send home because of the " fans"..remember? ??

Maybe it is because you are not in Europe on the mainland, but whenever the the British mob comes over it is "party time" for them. They are scum, no other words for them.

No more hooliganism or English disease as it is sometimes called?? No, sorry B. egg , but we disagree.

It happens in every country but still the Brits really take the cake. Sometime I have the feeling they still want to live up to the old name and times when it was really really bad.

It has become les we can agree on that, but it for sure is not over, or doesn't exist anymore.

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I think it's pretty much the same demographic. 30-60 years old. Skinhead haircuts. Tattoos. Thick necks. Social inadequates who's idea of making the locals understand them is to speak in their native accent even lounder, liberally sprinkled with a 'faaaaark orffff you asian c**t.'

Charming people really.

It's the same people who head to spain every summer. I sometimes suspect those who end up in Thailand actually think they're on a beach just round the corner from Benidorm.

I think there are more older people coming to Thailand than Spain. I certainly wouldn't go anywhere near Benidorm, but Pattaya and Phuket are OK.

I wonder how many of these statistics include deaths due to "old age" (including heart attacks while... you know...)

Nah - many more wrinklies retire to Spain than Thailand

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