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What Is Your Favourite Thai Tv Ad?

The Gentleman Scamp

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The best and funniest one I have seen, features an old plump businessman in a suit visiting a cemetery to place a bananna in front of the tombstone of a recently deceased chimpanzee.

He looks down sadly before turning around and walking back to the limousine like a chimp, stooping with his arms waving losely above his head and doing a head-over-heels before bounding into the waiting car.

Very good portrayal of monkey mannerisms and very funny indeed.

I know many of you must surely have seen this one too but can anyone tell me what the ad is all about ? It doesn't seem to be promoting a product of sorts.

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The TV ad I like the most is one you've never seen because they never show it. I would describe it to you but I can't because I've never seen it. Yes indeed the TV ads I like the best are the ones they DON'T SHOW.

Definitely don't show....definitely

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