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Australian Citizen Vandalises Shop Sign In Temper-

libya 115

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SOURCE: Pattaya People: August 16th 2008

Lover’s Tantrum

On the 15th August to investigate a report that a foreign man was having a tiff with his Thai girlfriend and was getting very emotionally upset so much so that he made a statement by breaking a sign outside the shop.

True enough, on arrival they found Mrs Sudarat still having an argument with her Australian boyfriend. Nearby was the broken sign which the Aussie had smashed with a brick, probably due to an over indulgence in the amber nectar.

After calming the couple down, and inspecting the damage, they were invited to go along to the police station together with the salon owner to sort out the compensation for the damaged sign.

Photograph courtesy of Pattaya People


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Nearby was the broken sign which the Aussie had smashed with a brick, probably due to an over indulgence in the amber nectar.

I am so very disappointed. :D I thought that the Aussies were so tough that he would have surely broken the sign with is head and eat the glass.... :o

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Nearby was the broken sign which the Aussie had smashed with a brick, probably due to an over indulgence in the amber nectar.

I am so very disappointed. :D I thought that the Aussies were so tough that he would have surely broken the sign with is head and eat the glass.... :o

the "DON" would
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I'm surprised that this made the newspapers, smashing a sign is pretty mild these days.

Was waiting for the '..then he smashed her head in with a bottle' or something similarly awful.

"Daddy daddy, is that a kangeroo?

"No son, that's a whippet having a sh*t".

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I'm surprised that this made the newspapers

Me too. I'm more surprised that Libya feels the need to post it on here..............actually no I'm not, he must have such an exciting life.

It never surprises me what they report at news in the Pattaya Mail. Libya was trolling on this one...wanted to have a dig at Aussies.

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