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Nana Bts Station


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"My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with a girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious."

Didn't see anything, haven't heard anything.

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I don't know; I read the newspaper. It wasn't much of a story. The farang is known to do this sort of thing with remarkable regularity.

Yes but I've never heard of anyone doing it from the BTS station. It intrigues me because I always look down from there and wonder if anyone has ever jumped. I guess at least one has.

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The farang is known to do this sort of thing with remarkable regularity.

This particular farang or farangs in general?

My local shop had sold out of the Bangkok Post today, did the story say if the chap, presume it was a chap, survived the jump or fall?


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"My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with a girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious."

Didn't see anything, haven't heard anything.

And does anyone know what vice president richard nixon called it? Something d o o economics, voo doo economics.

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If it's short, anybody care to type and post the news story here?

Or can anybody provide a link anywhere online? Google is giving me nothing.

I don't have the story but read it today in the Post. The article said they thought he was an American between age of 50-60 and that he was taken to a local hospital by "bystanders". They weren't sure of the circumstances of how he ended up on the ground and were investigating. Believe they said he was in a coma.

The first year the BTS opened, an American was goofing around one night and walking on the railing bar on the upper level and fell to the street and died. That is the only death I can recall.

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It was reported in the Bangkok Post today. Farang fell or jumped. As yet to be resolved.
Maybe he had finally had enough of people standing directly in front of the door as he tried to exit the car, taking up the entire staircase while walking as slow as possible and weaving back and forth, stopping for a full second or two in front of him and staring down before stepping foot onto the escalator on the way down and then fumbling through their purses and wallets for half a minute looking for their BTS card while standing IN the exit gate and he decided to end it all. I'm not saying that these things would ever bother me, of course, just a possibility. Then again, maybe he just got unlucky :o
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The first year the BTS opened, an American was goofing around one night and walking on the railing bar on the upper level and fell to the street and died. That is the only death I can recall.

I remember in 2001 because I seen it from my car (after the fact). Rajdamri skytrain at about 630am some Canadian who just arrived the day before fell from the upper level to the street below and died from massive head injuries. I seem to recall that from the cctv he entered the station and pulled himself up to sit on the railing and slipped right over. I remember looking for the story the next day in the Post. This still gives me shivers when I think about it.

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I have a friend who works for BTS at one of their stations on the Sukhumvit line. In fact, there were a couple of jumper suicides just earlier this year, but more up around Piyathai... In one instance, it ended up snarling traffic in the area because the person landed on the street. Not all that uncommon, from what my friend says... PS - I was out of town over the weekend, so I didn't hear anything about Nana....

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The first year the BTS opened, an American was goofing around one night and walking on the railing bar on the upper level and fell to the street and died. That is the only death I can recall.

I remember in 2001 because I seen it from my car (after the fact). Rajdamri skytrain at about 630am some Canadian who just arrived the day before fell from the upper level to the street below and died from massive head injuries. I seem to recall that from the cctv he entered the station and pulled himself up to sit on the railing and slipped right over. I remember looking for the story the next day in the Post. This still gives me shivers when I think about it.

I recall it was Radamri also but thought it was an American from Seattle. I could be wrong, and often am.

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The first year the BTS opened, an American was goofing around one night and walking on the railing bar on the upper level and fell to the street and died. That is the only death I can recall.

I remember in 2001 because I seen it from my car (after the fact). Rajdamri skytrain at about 630am some Canadian who just arrived the day before fell from the upper level to the street below and died from massive head injuries. I seem to recall that from the cctv he entered the station and pulled himself up to sit on the railing and slipped right over. I remember looking for the story the next day in the Post. This still gives me shivers when I think about it.

I recall it was Radamri also but thought it was an American from Seattle. I could be wrong, and often am.

Hmmm. Well it was 7 plus years ago. Now that I think of it...he could be American and from Seattle! Not sure why I'm thinking Canadian.

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It was reported in the Bangkok Post today. Farang fell or jumped. As yet to be resolved.
Maybe he had finally had enough of people standing directly in front of the door as he tried to exit the car, taking up the entire staircase while walking as slow as possible and weaving back and forth, stopping for a full second or two in front of him and staring down before stepping foot onto the escalator on the way down and then fumbling through their purses and wallets for half a minute looking for their BTS card while standing IN the exit gate and he decided to end it all. I'm not saying that these things would ever bother me, of course, just a possibility. Then again, maybe he just got unlucky :o

I could not agree more with everything you have written, would like to add certain people who talk on their phones so loudly that you can hear them in the next car.

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It was reported in the Bangkok Post today. Farang fell or jumped. As yet to be resolved.
Maybe he had finally had enough of people standing directly in front of the door as he tried to exit the car, taking up the entire staircase while walking as slow as possible and weaving back and forth, stopping for a full second or two in front of him and staring down before stepping foot onto the escalator on the way down and then fumbling through their purses and wallets for half a minute looking for their BTS card while standing IN the exit gate and he decided to end it all. I'm not saying that these things would ever bother me, of course, just a possibility. Then again, maybe he just got unlucky :o

That would explain the number of "person under a train" incidents on the London Underground, as all those things are normal here.

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I wouldn't have thought it was high enough.

You wouldn't think so.. Not like jumping off Baiyoke II where you know it's pretty certain that you'll die reqardless of whether there's an ambulance available to scrape you up.

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I wouldn't have thought it was high enough.

I knew a girl who died of a fall from 15 feet. It depends on the way you fall. Also, if you're at the top of the BTS station, they're pretty high up. Probably some of them are at least 100 feet. That's plenty enough to kill you.

Wish I could have seen this story myself. Wanted to get the name.

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I asked a motorbike taxi driver who works the closest stand. He mentioned an older farang who, while descending the stairs from the concourse level to the street, stumbled and fell down at least one of the three sets stairs. Pretty badly banged up. I am not sure if this is the same incident referenced in this thread as I asked two days after the alleged incident, and it didn't sound like a jumper.

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