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Changing Citizenship And Pledging Allegiance Thailand.

maccaroni man

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There was a post some time past about getting Thai citizenship to relieve the hassle of immigration. He went on to explain that he was required to sing the national song and pledge allegiance to Thailand. The Op was congratulated and many well wishers sent him kudos. I was not one of the well wishers and was scolded by the mediators immediately. My post simply said: I don’t get it. What I meant to say is why would anyone want to be a citizen of a country that will never accept you as one of their own? I may be silly or out of step but I believe the responsibility of citizenship includes a willingness to die protecting what my country stands for. Every country has it’s own indoctrination as to what should be cherished so the question is not what is to be honored the query is; would you be willing to pledge allegiance to Thailand and in doing so be willing to die for it?

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Every country has it's own indoctrination as to what should be cherished so the question is not what is to be honored the query is; would you be willing to pledge allegiance to Thailand and in doing so be willing to die for it?

I am a sort of a pacifist what comes to all kind of violence. Including state run violent acts. I also acknowledge that there always may come situations that one needs to protect himself.

We as gays know probably better than most what it's like to be 'contra mundum'. But die for a cause? I am not a martyr. Or maybe I am? One doesn't know until the moment is coming. Some people grow to the level of occasion but i think most are just afraid and try to dodge the inevitable.

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I think it's possible to congratulate someone else for taking such a big step, even if I wouldn't want to take the step myself. If one of my friends had a sex change operation that they had been saving up for for years, I would congratulate them, even if I don't want an operation myself.

So what if you don't get it... it isn't your decision to get nor do you have to live with the consequences. :o

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