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A Father Writes To Stickman , Re


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A father writes.

As a father of a young daughter I read with interest a recent posting by a qualified teacher who points out that the only way to earn serious money as a teacher in Thailand is to teach at an international school. He's right, of course. My teacher friends earn over 100,000 baht a month, they live in large flats in Sukhumvit costing more than 50,000 baht a month, and they get free flights back to the UK, and free tuition for their children. They love it, and have a great lifestyle. All are well-qualified, professional teachers. And none of them has ever set foot inside a gogo bar. Ever. My understanding is that most of the international schools have it written into their teachers contracts that they are not to visit gogo bars and the like. Even being seen in a sex-for-sale establishment is a sackable offence. Most schools prefer to hire husband and wife couples who are both teachers, for obvious reasons. Even so, if I were ever to see a teacher from my daughter's school in a gogo bar bouncing a teenage hooker up and down on his knee, I would be in the headmaster's office the next day demanding his resignation. And I am confident I'd get it, too. All of my friends with children feel the same way. It might be hypocritical, but then I'm not in Thailand to teach children. If you want to be a teacher in Thailand, then teaching in an international school is the most lucrative way to do it. But please don't think for one moment you can do that and hang around Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy picking up prostitutes. Us dads will make sure of that!


but how would he know if a teacher was in a bar bouncing a young girl on his knee ?

he would have to be there in the bar to observe the randy teacher , and those bars can be dark so how could he be sure ?

and he would be just as bad ...

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A father writes.

    Even so, if I were ever to see a teacher from my daughter's school in a gogo bar bouncing a teenage hooker up and down on his knee, I would be in the headmaster's office the next day demanding his resignation. 


Will it count if a teenage hooker with dildo is bouncing the teacher

up and down on his knee, would you demand the poor teacher resignation :o

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Well.. I just take it as further notification that such people do indeed exist.. (As if that wasn't clear enough after a certain country had elections recently)

They seem to mix up going to bars (or even going with hookers) with paedophelia.. Complex religious & sexually repressed basket cases, those.

I think for my kids I'd take a teacher who's in-tune with Thailand and enjoys his time there over some imported missionary religious zealot. So there. :o

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Expats beware!

Anyone seen in Nana Plaza would seduce or rape your daughters given half a chance!

Do not allow these godless animals, nor the liberal sympathisers who excuse their evil actions to work as teachers, visit your homes or walk in the same street as our wives or children do. :o

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Expats beware!

Anyone seen in Nana Plaza would seduce or rape your daughters given half a chance!

Do not allow these godless animals, nor the liberal sympathisers who excuse their evil actions to work as teachers, visit your homes or walk in the same street as our wives or children do. :o

Personally I would take it further. To instill a sense of professionalism I would make all male teachers be castrated or hang their balls up in the headmasters office and get them back on the flight home.

Of course in the Uk they would never go on weekend breaks to Amsterdam, Hamburg, get drunk, do drugs, beat their wives, seduce students and get them pregnant and they all go to church on sundays like nice little godfearing people. :D:D:D

Is this a letter that cojones has written or is this a letter from someone else to stick? If its cojones, I wonder if cojones has the balls to report seeing someone in a gogo? What would his employer have to say about that?


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Why all of a sudden has stickmans site become an anti teaching forum. From what I can gather the last few posts on his site are

1. Teachers aren't allowed to go in go-go bars.

2. Teachers in Thailand will never lead a happy life and should all give up and go home.

3. There are no jobs left for teachers.

Is the man suffering from depression or does he want Thailand all to himself and therefore is trying to scare off anyone from coming here.

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Why all of a sudden has stickmans site become an anti teaching forum. From what I can gather the last few posts on his site are

1. Teachers aren't allowed to go in go-go bars.

2. Teachers in Thailand will never lead a happy life and should all give up and go home.

3. There are no jobs left for teachers.

Is the man suffering from depression or does he want Thailand all to himself and therefore is trying to scare off anyone from coming here.

1. Bullshite

2. Bullshite

3. Bullshite.

Never heard so much of it in my life.

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Why all of a sudden has stickmans site become an anti teaching forum. From what I can gather the last few posts on his site are

Maybe hes trying to put off any potential competiton.

It does sound more and more like he needs a spell at home to get things in perspective.

I find his U turn on the whole sex trade an interesting one. He started off as an enthusiast, if not an active participant, and now talks as though BGs and their punters are life's greatest evil.

Maybe hes just reached one of those fabled 'stages' of expat life where you become simply better than everyone else!

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I suspect that there is a subtle pressure applied to web site owners who run sites (perceived as) critical of Thailand - that they might find themselves to be declared "Personna Non Grata" if they persist.

Thus the sudden turnaround in many Thai-related sites.



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The parent continues to write:

"Do you get it now? Guys who come to Thailand for the purpose of screwing Asian girls are not suitable to teach my children. Or any children."

The guy wites a second quite lengthy article a lot of which is understandable, he doesn't want bad teachers teaching his daughter, of course who would.

But I have two major problems with the above statement. First being in a go-go bar or even shagging a go-go girl does not mean you came to Thailand for the purpose of screwing Asian girls. Secondly the idea that wanting to screw asian girls means you shouldn't teach children is quite frankly insulting.

That would rule out every Thai male heterosexual teacher for starters.

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Stick's a complete hosebag who's made his entire wellbeing off naugty nightlife here in Thailand. He's a <deleted>' hippocrite

I think his site is like a lot of sites about Thailand, a complete waste of time and boring, fuelled by Trolls and old cynical losers. But if a guy has not been to Thailand or knows little about Thailand, someone may think they are learning something.

They are the same sort of guys that read ' Private dancer ' and ' Money number one ' and think that they now have the ultimate knowledge.

But Stickman makes money from the suckers that log in, and the Authors of those books make money from people that buy them, good luck to them all.


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That would rule out every Thai male heterosexual teacher for starters.

Hehehe! Spot on!

It shows just how little the letter writer knows about the country hes in.

I reckon the whole letter is a wind up anyway as surely no one could have such an unrealistic viewpoint. He'll be saying that he doesn't want teachers teaching their kids if they've had an erection in the past week.

On a serious note;

What a teacher does in their own spare time as long as it is within the law is not the business of anyone. All the parents should be concerned about is the quality of teaching in the classroom and the conduct of staff in the school

I had a teacher who was a raging alcoholic, often drunk in the classroom. His problems were common knowledge but he was an outstanding teacher and had an unblemished teaching record.

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I think his site is like a lot of sites about Thailand, a complete waste of time and boring, fuelled by Trolls and old cynical losers

I couldn't agree more DJ. Some of the sites on Thailand one sees are dire in the extreme. Full of recycled bar room cynicism and of no benefit to man nor beast.

The trouble is that the un initiated use these as research tools and when they get to Thailand and get into the scene themselves, they then perpetuate this bullsh*t!

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Stick's a complete hosebag who's made his entire wellbeing off naugty nightlife here in Thailand. He's a <deleted>' hippocrite

I think his site is like a lot of sites about Thailand, a complete waste of time and boring, fuelled by Trolls and old cynical losers. But if a guy has not been to Thailand or knows little about Thailand, someone may think they are learning something.

They are the same sort of guys that read ' Private dancer ' and ' Money number one ' and think that they now have the ultimate knowledge.

But Stickman makes money from the suckers that log in, and the Authors of those books make money from people that buy them, good luck to them all.


Just for your info "Private Dancer" is available for free on the writers own site so no money to be made there.

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Maybe hes just reached one of those fabled 'stages' of expat life where you become simply better than everyone else!

I think you've hit the nail right on the head there.

maybe he is just getting under the thumb from his good girl missus.

But I do have to agree with Withnail, it is somewhat hypocritical that he is becoming more and more anti whoremongering when he is promoting club hombre - the number no 1 sex club in the world ( or whatever their slogan is ) and other porno sites.

This is quite a good anti Stick rant - Ajarn Blog from the mans own teaching community

PS - apols to cojones.

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think his site is like a lot of sites about Thailand, a complete waste of time and boring, fuelled by Trolls and old cynical losers. But if a guy has not been to Thailand or knows little about Thailand, someone may think they are learning something.

They are the same sort of guys that read ' Private dancer ' and ' Money number one ' and think that they now have the ultimate knowledge.

But Stickman makes money from the suckers that log in, and the Authors of those books make money from people that buy them, good luck to them all.

Here Here!

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A father writes.

    As a father of a young daughter I read with interest a recent posting by a qualified teacher who points out that the only way to earn serious money as a teacher in Thailand is to teach at an international school.  He's right, of course.  My teacher friends earn over 100,000 baht a month, they live in large flats in Sukhumvit costing more than 50,000 baht a month, and they get free flights back to the UK, and free tuition for their children.  They love it, and have a great lifestyle.  All are well-qualified, professional teachers.  And none of them has ever set foot inside a gogo bar.  Ever.  My understanding is that most of the international schools have it written into their teachers contracts that they are not to visit gogo bars and the like.  Even being seen in a sex-for-sale establishment is a sackable offence.  Most schools prefer to hire husband and wife couples who are both teachers, for obvious reasons.  Even so, if I were ever to see a teacher from my daughter's school in a gogo bar bouncing a teenage hooker up and down on his knee, I would be in the headmaster's office the next day demanding his resignation.  And I am confident I'd get it, too.  All of my friends with children feel the same way.  It might be hypocritical, but then I'm not in Thailand to teach children.  If you want to be a teacher in Thailand, then teaching in an international school is the most lucrative way to do it.  But please don't think for one moment you can do that and hang around Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy picking up prostitutes.  Us dads will make sure of that!


but how would he know if a teacher was in a bar bouncing a young girl on his knee ?

he would have to be there in the bar to observe the randy teacher , and those bars can be dark so how could he be sure ?

and he would be just as bad ...

This guy is a bummer

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I think Stickman was trolled.
He could well have been trolled but the letter seems to fit in with his current agenda so it seems a case of publish and what the ######.
I've never met anyone with such an extreme attitude as the writer of the piece

I have met a few people with a similar attitude but its all pure BS. Theres a nice line in that blog which says something along the lines of 'theres nothing worse than an ex smoker preaching on the ills of smoking and the same goes for whoremongers'

How true this is! You'd be amazed how many blokes, as soon as they settle down with their BGs tend to preach on how sad whoremongers are. I know a bloke just like this, yet everytime he's in BKK he can be found in NEP with his hands down some BG's bikini. Hypocrisy is a vile thing.

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