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PAD Lay Siege On Government House, NBT TV Station

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Phuket, Krabi airports remain closed

The Phuket and Krabi international airports remain closed Sunday, Thai PBS channel reported.

In its morning report at 7 am, the station said the chiefs of two airports considered that it would be unsafe to allow the planes to take off and land at the airports.

The station added that Thai Airways International also cancelled flights to and from Surat Thani airport.

- The Nation

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About 150 pro-government demonstrators rally in front of Parliament

Thai PBS reported at 7:55 am Sunday that some 150 members of the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship rallied in front of Parliament in support of the Government.

Many protesters led by the People's Alliance for Democracy also rallied there, the station said.

Policemen were positioned in the area to prevent clashes between the two groups.

The Nation

150 pro-government protesters. If I were PAD, I would be very afraid of that huge garner of support for PPP.

source: http://nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/r...newsid=30082037


Bangkok Post

Airports still shut, trains not running

The two southern airports at Phuket and Krabi remained closed for a third day on Sunday because anti-government protesters have seized some approach roads and endanger runway operations.

In addition, train service across the country remains halted for a fourth day, despite government attempts to convince workers back to the job.

Thousands of passengers trying to visit or leave Phuket and Krabi have been stranded or looking for alternate transportation since backers of the People's Alliance for Democracy took over the international airports on Friday.

A third airport, Hat Yai International, was closed on Friday but officials managed to convince protesters to back off and allow flight operations to resume on Saturday.

Phuket and Krabi are the two busiest airports at southern resorts, and many of the stranded passengers are foreign tourists lulled into taking a trip to Thailand before the PAD demonstrations turned more aggressive last week.

On Saturday, Transport Minister Santi Promphat ordered the State Railways of Thailand (SRT) to meet again with its labour union and try to get workers to stop their nationwide sick-out in sympathy with the Bangkok protests.

The SRT said operations have ground to a halt on 76 services - in other words all important trains. Again, foreign tourists have taken a brunt of the difficulties, because long-distance passenger trains to the North and South have ceased operations.

Mr Santi said he had ordered the SRT board and its executives to urgently resolve the problems and hold talks with the labour union leaders to ask the workers to work as normal.

About 150 pro-government demonstrators rally in front of Parliament

Thai PBS reported at 7:55 am Sunday that some 150 members of the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship rallied in front of Parliament in support of the Government.

Many protesters led by the People's Alliance for Democracy also rallied there, the station said.

Policemen were positioned in the area to prevent clashes between the two groups.

The Nation

150 pro-government protesters. If I were PAD, I would be very afraid of that huge garner of support for PPP.

source: http://nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/r...newsid=30082037

Maybe they have jobs instead of being paid to protest.

For those that think the PAD will go home because they are tired I suggest you follow this link to Australia's international news channel SBS. It shows Protesters being fed and even handed out vitamins. There is even a medical unit set up in cse of injury. If indeed they are also being paid a daily fee then why would they go home? They look pretty comfortable to me.They are also subject to constant speeches and ra ra and you know if your told something often enough there is a brain wash effect. this link isn't direct so click on watch videoes (top right page),news,aussies stuck in Thailand


Thailand is a real joke. If they stopped the road blockages 2 months ago things would not have develped this far. Also, now this uprising has reached these proportions, to allow the 'mob' to use the government toilet facilities and bring food and drinks into government house area, is crazy. I'm sure the police could have made a seige, and kept these law breakers in their compound. I think this staged uprising would be finished by now.

Faranglandoz :o

104 pages of bullshite...the only things worth reading are the factual things that are reported.

As "Farangs" you can have absolutely NO INFFLUENCE on what happens here...you are all guests of the Thai Authorities.

I have been on TV for years but don't comment on anything that I have no influence over,,,so you all flame each other, argue, and MISS THE POINT.

You are wasting youyr time and taking up valuable space on TV with your drivel...you can't control waht's going down and you don't have a say in it.

If this was happening in your own country then your comments would be worthwhile...but this IS NOT your homeland, so why do you waste valuable space saying "Shoot them, <deleted> them...kick him out" ...you CANNOT do it, so just LEAVE IT ALONE..listen to the news and..


I NEVER get involved in Political <deleted> as i know I cannot change things...maybe some of you think you are special...but I doubt it.

Listen to the Thai People like the good lady that owns City Life.....she is upset about what is happening in HER country, but it is HER COUNRTY, not yours..so BUT OUT...listen to the news and make your plans accordingly

Oh. Sorry. What about sports? We can't affect the outcome of that either. Just let us know, please. We will be waiting for your instruction.

I am not going to call you an idiot.....you are missing the point I am trying to make....you can talk all you want but you can't change anythiing

And when has that ever stopped people commentating ??

Remember the rain thread ?? And how long was that.. Are we all rain makers now ??

And I can change something.. My presence or not is a change.. I can persuade my GF to not go or to go, that is a change.. I can educate my GF on the news and issues I read that she is completely unaware of, discussion ferments ideas, ideas create change.

While I cant vote that means little.. Look at how the Thai votes made so much difference.. Say I go along to the PAD rally today with 100,000 baht, that wont change anything ?? Say I provided 100k baht in free food and water and transport for some anti PAD head crackers to a location near thier rally, that wouldnt change anything ??

A more stupid statement on ThaiVisa I have not read in a while.. And boy are there some contenders.

104 pages of bullshite...the only things worth reading are the factual things that are reported.

As "Farangs" you can have absolutely NO INFFLUENCE on what happens here...you are all guests of the Thai Authorities.

I have been on TV for years but don't comment on anything that I have no influence over,,,so you all flame each other, argue, and MISS THE POINT.

You are wasting your time and taking up valuable space on TV with your drivel...you can't control what's going down and you don't have a say in it.

If this was happening in your own country then your comments would be worthwhile...but this IS NOT your homeland, so why do you waste valuable space saying "Shoot them, <deleted> them...kick him out" ...you CANNOT do it, so just LEAVE IT ALONE..listen to the news and..

<deleted> ( I'm sure you know what that means)

I NEVER get involved in Political <deleted> as i know I cannot change things...maybe some of you think you are special...but I doubt it.

Listen to the Thai People like the good lady that owns City Life in Chiang Mai.....she is upset about what is happening in HER country, but it is HER COUNRTY, not yours..so BUT OUT...listen to the news and make your plans accordingly

Maybe she could use her pulpit to talk about what goes on in her country. When last I heard her comment on the subject she didnt want to make waves. Sells a lot of ads though I guess.

ThaiPaulys post looks rather arrogant to me. Of course, Im guest in LOS, but Im not forced to stay on.

Posts like this make me wanting to pack up and move out.

I may relocate to say Cambodia, The Philippines or even go home to Europe, switch on TV and see the "wonderful and unique" home country of ThaiPauly going up in smoke and be taken over by whatever anarchist and insane leader... and will I keep my mouth shut, just to follow the advise of ThaiPauly.

ThaiPauly says she never gets involved in political <deleted>...given that a majority thinks like her, this may be a reason why LOS doesnt develop as it cud. Remember some 30 years ago, Thailand has been on par with Korea and S'pore...needless to state where the 2 nations stands now...


Samak denies promising to hold press conference after returning from Hua Hin

Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej denied Sunday that he made an appointment with reporters to hold a press conference after returning from Hua Hin Saturday night.

He said the media jumped to its own conclusion that he would hold a press conference after he returned from having an audience with His Majesty the King.

Speaking during his Talk Samak Style programme on NBT Channel, He said he has never held a press conference after granted audience with His Majesty.

He said he did not have a plan to attend the meeting of coalition partners' leaders Saturday night either.

The Nation

He's still on NBT. Sure more news will follow.

For those that think the PAD will go home because they are tired I suggest you follow this link to Australia's international news channel SBS. It shows Protesters being fed and even handed out vitamins. There is even a medical unit set up in cse of injury. If indeed they are also being paid a daily fee then why would they go home? They look pretty comfortable to me.They are also subject to constant speeches and ra ra and you know if your told something often enough there is a brain wash effect. this link isn't direct so click on watch videoes (top right page),news,aussies stuck in Thailand


You could have once applied this to Thailand, before the realisation that it is possible to have ones own opinion and the blatant rolling of the state coffers was exposed, along with who was to benefit from it all...........................

Surprise, Surprise, they realised it was the greedy, unprincipled, brain washers. :o

Nowadays most places in the upper North, North East and in particular from a personal point of observation, yep you hit the nail on the head with this part quote of your post as the brainwashing continues at present

We now have a scenario that could if it,s not solved soon, that is and make no mistake, being orchestrated by the ex CEO of the last goverment, who was in my opinion, stopped just in time, before he had a chance to realise his dictatorial ambitions, controlling the ongoing mayhem, leaving these beloved citizens on the brink of disaster with all that is unfolding, and taking Thailand into the depths of despair.

Thank god there are those of influence who,s presence is highly respected, looking out for the protesters who some would believe are unimportant and possible human collateral to forward the selfish agenda / s.

They are not, in any way, complimentry to Thailands good in futuristic terms and only care about short term enrichment and changing the constitution to allow them to escape the newfound ability to punish and encarcerate them, and rightly so.

May the Voters he has and is still brainwashing via his bought / paid for, ( from his war chest of stolen country assets ect.ect. ) so called leaders of the the local communities, wise up and genuinely start caring for their beloved country, and not their greedy selfish selves while accepting their 50 satangs worth of bribery.

Yes, we all know it,s a few baht more, but this figure i quote is purposely meant to cheapen the acceptance of such, by those who are not starving and still don,t give a sh*t about what is taking place.

I for one by the way refuse to accept we can do nothing and should therefore keep out of it all, Children , Wives and Family Obligatiions would not, first of all allow me to do this and second, i was not brought up to ignore the plight and abuse of others, especially by unprincipled scum that should have been in jail long, long ago.

Don,t give me the crap that this is Thailand, to justify the actions of the chosen few and expcect me to walk away from my responsibities, like many of our caring, principled members we will not, so perhaps as in all cases where one can choose, if the involvement of Non Thais, with Family Ties are considered unworthy and useless....

Don,t read, let alone post on the thread and just like the old television, change the channel / thread and go onto something you obviously approve of non Thais doing, may a humbly suggest one of the sport related threads for starters. :D

Then again the B*S*A*D who is responsible for the present state of the country, is also underminding this as well, with his questionable connections to a certain footbal club.

Sadly while ever he remains the owner, both sport / football wise, that is, and politics Thai wise cannot be seperated.

Now that must be a real pain in the arse for the unfortunate supporters of the club, but also for many others who love the game and reside here in Thailand.

Just maybe certain members will be sleeping / have slept a bad hangover, kick the dog sort of day, off and will wake up in a better mood.

Choice, if nothing else, you must agree, we can get on our beloved Thai Visa Forum.

marshbags :D

Thailand is a real joke. If they stopped the road blockages 2 months ago things would not have develped this far. Also, now this uprising has reached these proportions, to allow the 'mob' to use the government toilet facilities and bring food and drinks into government house area, is crazy. I'm sure the police could have made a seige, and kept these law breakers in their compound. I think this staged uprising would be finished by now.

Faranglandoz :o

Yes, my thought exactly on the LACK OF ACTION 2 months ago when they decided to camp out in the street. I walked down there at that time and saw all of the government resources (police patrol, road blockades, etc) devoted to allowing this group to just sit in the middle of the street! I couldn't believe what I was seeing! If you don't draw the line there, OF COURSE they're going to push things and see what else they can get away with! Thailand, I'm convinced, has the whimpiest police force in the history of mankind. No wonder nobody in this country has an iota of respect for the boys in brown.


Doesn't sounfd like a man submitting his resigination today to me. There is a real wild card out there now, the DADD I think is the name anyway pro goverment protestors. The don't have to answer to the public.

"Samak lambasts security officials of Phuket airport

Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej Sunday lambasted security officials of the Phuket International Airport for failing to prevent protesters from shutting down the airport.

Spekaing during his live talk programme on NBT, Samak said the protesters were unarmed so the security officials, who have been trained to cope with terrorists, should have removed them from the airport.

He said the protest at the airport damaged Thailand's reputation as the most favourite tourist destination.

He said the protesters also affected the economy of their own province.

The Nation"

ThaiPaulys post looks rather arrogant to me

i thought his post was the most relevant one on the thread.

read some of the nonsense being spouted by individuals who have no understanding of what is going on.

most thais cant fathom thai politics , so how can foreigners here develop their own opinions of the situations.

unless they can read and understand the thai press , which very few can , then they are just repeating what they have been told by others or what they have read in the papers.

foreigners cannot do anything to alter the situation here , apart from the intelligent analysis and reporting by a very small group of posters the level of drivel on this thread is astounding.

Thailand is a real joke. If they stopped the road blockages 2 months ago things would not have develped this far. Also, now this uprising has reached these proportions, to allow the 'mob' to use the government toilet facilities and bring food and drinks into government house area, is crazy. I'm sure the police could have made a seige, and kept these law breakers in their compound. I think this staged uprising would be finished by now.

Faranglandoz :o

Yes, my thought exactly on the LACK OF ACTION 2 months ago when they decided to camp out in the street. I walked down there at that time and saw all of the government resources (police patrol, road blockades, etc) devoted to allowing this group to just sit in the middle of the street! I couldn't believe what I was seeing! If you don't draw the line there, OF COURSE they're going to push things and see what else they can get away with! Thailand, I'm convinced, has the whimpiest police force in the history of mankind. No wonder nobody in this country has an iota of respect for the boys in brown.

The problem is that are invoking their right to protest according to the constitution and the government decided to let it go on to avoid a confrontation. But when they started getting violent and took over NBT and then government house things changed.

This is just another part of the constitution that needs amending to clarify what that privilege is. It certainty doesn't mean blocking streets and etc. that has gone on starting in Feb. of 06. Even the railroad strike could be justified by invoking their constitutional rights.


I'm beginnig to see a clear direction here. If the cops are fair a required they will do no more to control this group then the other. We have already seen the results of that Udon. Sad and it is up the thai's to resolve this not us.

"DAAD counter-rally sets up its own shop

By The Sunday Nation

Published on August 31, 2008

A pro-government rally was staged yesterday afternoon at Sanam Luang urging people to oppose the overthrow of the Samak Sundaravej government through "anarchist means" by the People's Alliance for Democracy.

The group's leaders vow to oppose any new administration installed by the PAD if the current administration is ousted by street rallies. The rally was attended by thousands wearing red, but the crowd grew by the evening.

Deputy government spokesman Nattawut Sai-gua said the group would hit a gong to call for a mass rally instead of blowing a whistle as the PAD did.

"The PAD shouldn't think that its whistles alone are capable of staging a mass rally. We will beat a gong to announce our democratic move. We won't hand over our country to the PAD. If the government falls due to anarchist activities by the PAD and is replaced by a new regime supported by the PAD, then we shall consider it a nominee of the PAD and will call for an even bigger protest to oppose it," he said.

Nattawut is a former leader of the pro-Thaksin, anti-coup Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship (DAAD). He said DAAD had yet to discuss whether to fully revive the movement.

A group calling itself "Taxi for Democracy" set up a stage nearby to denounce PAD actions. The group is also gathering signatures in support of Samak and will have them handed to the embattled premier amid speculation over whether he will resign.

The group said it could not remain idle any longer when the PAD had done such damage to the country."

What we have here and now in Thailand is a situation where by less than 0.1% of the voters are mounting a campaign of civil unrest and violence in an effort to force their will on the other 99.9% of voters.

Your post is well-written and fairly well thought out. Why would you end it with a meaningless statistic that you can't possibly defend? The fact of the matter is that nobody really knows how many people the PAD represent.

Well, we do know that a Bangkok University poll published last week found that 75% of respondents were opposed to the PAD's occupational tactics of comandeering airports, streets, etc..and wanted them to go home. How's that?

The pro-PAD arguments seem to boil down to two things.

1. The poor majority in the country are stupid and only voted for TRT/PPP because they were paid to do so. Conclusion: Paying money to voters at election time has been going on for years but is unlikely the reason that poor people in their masses voted for TRT/PPP - more likely they felt these parties, unlike the others, listened to them and then did things to improve their lives - village funds, etc, (remember Thaksin staying in a different village one night eeach week and his 'mobile cabinet meetings')?

2. The Bangkoko PAD movement is a huge movement like those of other 'popular revolutions' (e.g. Philippines, Poland, etc) that sweeps up people from all walks of life and is a legitimate body to force and elected Government from office. Conclusion: First, TRT and PPP were popularly elected Governments with the former enjoying a huge majority - these other examples involved unrepresentative military governments or other styles of dicatorships (e.g. communist). While PAD does have poor people as well as middle class in its rank and file - the backers are clearly the elites and the feudalists - as Sondhi admitted in his interview with Shawn Crispin. The fact they can't muster more than 30,000 people in a country of 60+ million belies the rubbish of this claim (30,000 is the average size of an average Isaan town).

Democracy = one person one vote. There is no 'other' kind of democracy. And to deny people their right to vote will lead to an uprising. Do not advocate an end to one person one vote.

....... do much heavier things - such as shutting down Thai TV stations 3, 7 and 9. If ordinary Thais don't get their daily soaps, they WOULD press for a resolution to the problem VERY QUICKLY. May sound funny, but sadly is not. As of now, Somchai just isn't interested in what's going on as long as his own daily life is not affected.


Yes Thanh probabaly too true.

My dear wife prefers the soaps to the drama in the street too.

She echos another opion of a fahrang above,

she can't do anything about it so why even look.

I live here, and have some investment, family in the works and many friends,

I care what happens. If my discussing things calms or informs anyone,

and that trickles down to someone who CAN do something my time is not wasted.

If we can't even influence our wives, as has been implied, then we are a lost lot.

In a proper world we learn from them they learn from us.

If my discussion shuts up even one inflamatory twit that could piss off Thais,

and give more reason to hate farangs, even better. The truth has many sides,

but spouting mis-truths hurts all, and if those engender loud calls for violence

it hurts the WHOLE fahrang community.

I am sure if this bile is spuwed here it gets spuwed inpublic

within Thai earshot too. Mai sabai!

Doesn't sounfd like a man submitting his resigination today to me. There is a real wild card out there now, the DADD I think is the name anyway pro goverment protestors. The don't have to answer to the public.

"Samak lambasts security officials of Phuket airport

Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej Sunday lambasted security officials of the Phuket International Airport for failing to prevent protesters from shutting down the airport.

Spekaing during his live talk programme on NBT, Samak said the protesters were unarmed so the security officials, who have been trained to cope with terrorists, should have removed them from the airport.

He said the protest at the airport damaged Thailand's reputation as the most favourite tourist destination.

He said the protesters also affected the economy of their own province.

The Nation"

For maybe the first time since he became PM, I agree with Samak.

PAD will force a confrontation if Samak does not initiate it

Sadly I fear you are correct, especially if this quote from Bloomberg is representative of PAD views:

"We want violence,'' said Pinyapat Jariyasettakarn, a 45- year-old teacher who has joined the protests all week. ``We are tired and we know violence will end things. Win or lose, it's OK; at least it will be over.''


Samak says he never seeks help from military

Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej said Sunday that he has never sought help from the military to control the situation following the seizure of the Government House by the People's Alliance for Democracy.

He said he chaired the Defence Council meeting following the raid of the Government House but he never uttered a word to seek help from the military because he knew that his government could control the situation.

Samak said the PAD tried to invoke the government to use violence against them so that the military would come out to topple the government, but the plan would not be successful because he has good ties with the military as the defence minister.

The Nation

The airport occupation has alienated some PAD members in Phuket who were upset that the province's tourism was being affected. Some have disowned the movement and called for an end to the closure.

LOL, why am I not surprised? Hits a bit too close to home...

Everybody faces making sacrifices at times... and more so now....

It's 21.35 now and I just got some important news, (but as yet unconfirmed). A colleague tried to drive their car off Phuket Island and over the Sarasin Bridge which connects Phuket with the mainland (PhangNga province). however, they were turned back by PAD protesters who have shut the bridge!

I can only confirm this by driving up to the bridge - so I might do this and report back.


no airport, no bridge....Phuket faces isolation.... perhaps dissolving Parliament is warranted

This of course ignoring the 10,000 boats encircling the island LOL.

And tourists can't get out as well as can't get in. Status quo for tourists.

Don't worry folks we'll extend your reservation, and the daily rate.

Maybe the season is so low they want more coming in.

Well so far no sign Suvarnabumi is being affected.

PAD will force a confrontation if Samak does not initiate it

Sadly I fear you are correct, especially if this quote from Bloomberg is representative of PAD views:

"We want violence,'' said Pinyapat Jariyasettakarn, a 45- year-old teacher who has joined the protests all week. ``We are tired and we know violence will end things. Win or lose, it's OK; at least it will be over.''

That does fit the norm for protest groups world wide. Protesting without confrontation gets no media attention. You must always push the establishment until they react. If you get lucky they will overreact and you will get the sympathy of the masses.

what changed the coalition's mind about asking Samak to step down?

Kuhn S. whined on about his lost face, being their lost face too.

Why take the risk he's right?

Then Dr. T. called;

so TRT III is coming up, how much y'all need for the next election,

Back Sammie or I pull plug the coffers...

Have a nice weekend.


I don't think it is that we don't car for a lot of us this is home, of course we care. But in the end we have no influence we are still guests, like it or not. My wife watched five mins. of Mr.Samak's speech and went and did her laundry. Does that mean she doesn't care, no she heard all she needed to understand.


The Nation has a bunch of breaking news reports taken from Samak's show. It's to much to try and post so I would suggest if anybody is interested the reea them their selves.

Unless we want to see constant gridlock we need to hope for something, but it will require a PPP faction to switch

Why not have a PAD faction to switch. you only suggest a leftist solution.

Couldn't that be seen as an anti-Kleptocracy solution too?

Adding to the growing concern that Samak may be retreating from his earฌlier plea that force would not be used to quell the PAD protests, a rival group is gathering in Sanam Luang where, according to a People Power MP, Jatuporn Promphan, up to 100,000 progovernment demonstrators are expected to arrive today.
some 150 members of the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship rallied in front of Parliament in support of the Government.

That's going into the rarely-matched realm of the Thai Elite Card goal attainment rate.

What you said has merit, but now let's talk about the real world as it relates to Thailand (this is a Thai forum after all). The last two elected governments have been thrown out (OK, the second one is on the way of being thrown out). The first one by the military and this one by the people. So, what kind of democracy is this? Perhaps a different one than we are used to and therefore one requiring a different structure until it develops further.

My "modest" proposal would help us get there. It forces education to become a priority while for the time being, mitigates the threat of power groups seeking to overthrow the next government and then the next government. The value of education gets elevated in the eyes of local village headman and heads of families as it creates a brand new incentive. If you can vote you can elect people that further your needs.

I realize the quality of education is a completely different issue, however, the more people get their minds around getting an education, they more they will learn about the type of education they should seek.

Nothing is perfect, but this elect a government - remove a government BS is getting old. Finding things wrong with proposals is fine, but come up with other solutions instead of saying this won't work and that won't work. What we have now doesn't work, that I can say for sure.

You are failing to understand the concept of democracy, and on top of that you are making some sweeping value judgements about the less educated.

If you keep the common man from voting, it is feudalism even if you dress it up like democracy. Fuedalism is the ball and chain keeping Thailand in this banana republic identity; when by now, it could be competing with progressive Asian nations.

The reason for this recent protest is that the big money Thais, can't accept they are equal in rights to the farmers, so they keep shaking the tree until someone that will look after their personal ambition ends up in power. It is not because less educated people choose badly. They are choosing very well because by their experience the TRT and the PPP have made some effort to consider what they need. Were the last two elected governments corrupt? yes of course, but they all have been corrupt, so the point is moot.

Put in a condition of education requirement to vote and you will ensure Fuedal policies and exploitation of the lower classes for another 50 years.

Thailand needs nothing more than lift it's self deluded head out of bronze age policies and start a massive education and integrity initiative. Wouldn't it be great if diligence and integrity were considered values here instead of face and geneology.

I agree with your post. I think it is also important to note that there were no demonstrations in support of TRT after the coup. I think that is because it was a military government that did not allow protests or allow assembly. There was also heavy censorship. Anyone who spoke out against the coup could have been shot.

I'd be willing to bet money that if the PAD get their way and the elites (via PAD or the military) are able to force out the popular choice of the people to install their own feudal proxy the reaction this time to the military intervention (or whomever is the 'force') will face a much different response than last time. My guess is people won't be scared - and there will be fury. The lone taxi driver who drove his cab into that tank a year ago will be seen as a martyr of the last coup - and this time around they'd be doing a lot more than driving cabs at tanks. The feudals really need to stop and think about this. It's time to end this threat of an end to democracy and stop ignoring the legitimate needs and aspirations of the masses. It's inevitable that the masses will win eventually - whether this year, next year or a few years from now. Why don't the elites take a page from their own book and try to reconcile rather than try to force their minority position on th rest of the country? Before it's too late..

About 150 pro-government demonstrators rally in front of Parliament

Thai PBS reported at 7:55 am Sunday that some 150 members of the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship rallied in front of Parliament in support of the Government.

Many protesters led by the People's Alliance for Democracy also rallied there, the station said.

Policemen were positioned in the area to prevent clashes between the two groups.

The Nation

150 pro-government protesters. If I were PAD, I would be very afraid of that huge garner of support for PPP.

source: http://nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/r...newsid=30082037

Wait didn't PPP / DAAD anounce last night 2,000 people going to parliment this AM... hhhmmm

Comes out as 7.5% of projected support... from the Taxi Driver army no less

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