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Mountain Dew (made By Pepsi Company) Sell In Thailand? Where?

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I was curious what the status of my beloved Mountain Dew was in Thailand, and found this thread. I was gutted when I couldn't find Mountain Dew in the LOS. So here is the feedback page to Sermsuk, the Pepsi manufacturer/distributor for Thailand. I think everyone who misses the Dew as much as I do let them know. Who knows, maybe they will start making it. I heard they used to but the Thai's didn't like it.



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So I guess that is a no on the mountain dew factor. At least it has real juice(small percentage in its makeup- opposed to straight phosphoric acid. And I don't care what any reports of shrunken nads. I probably consumed tons of Pete & repeats mountain dew & never seemed to loose any mass in the nad dept. My days of sucking down liters of Vodka I am sure has had a lot worse affects on my body.

But on the off chance anyone finds any Mountain Dew in Thailand ----let me know so I can get a lorry & go pick a full truck load up. The real shelf life has got to be 10 years or so. :)

This is an unhealthy subject...I am an Mountain Dew addict (not in remission). I'm bringing a friend to Siam but my last 3 visits, I couldn't find Mountain Dew (made by Pepsi) anywhere in bangkok or Roi Et...or even Cambodia!

Anyone see this soda pop for sale in all of the land of smiles?

I even packed my suitcase but American customs dumped most of it on my clothes. Just looking for my unhealthy fix for me and my friend next visit (when I get married and he looks for a fiancee).

Thanks in advance!

Working overseas from LOS we can buy MD in KFC, maybe worth a try as KFC stock same! same! world wide ....................I think. :)

I was curious what the status of my beloved Mountain Dew was in Thailand, and found this thread. I was gutted when I couldn't find Mountain Dew in the LOS. So here is the feedback page to Sermsuk, the Pepsi manufacturer/distributor for Thailand. I think everyone who misses the Dew as much as I do let them know. Who knows, maybe they will start making it. I heard they used to but the Thai's didn't like it.



Your right it does not seem to be on their menu!

This is an unhealthy subject...I am an Mountain Dew addict (not in remission). I'm bringing a friend to Siam but my last 3 visits, I couldn't find Mountain Dew (made by Pepsi) anywhere in bangkok or Roi Et...or even Cambodia!

Anyone see this soda pop for sale in all of the land of smiles?

I even packed my suitcase but American customs dumped most of it on my clothes. Just looking for my unhealthy fix for me and my friend next visit (when I get married and he looks for a fiancee).

Thanks in advance!

Living in LOS and working Egypt we can buy here in Egypt at KFC, maybe give them a try as KFC pretty standard worldwide, if not maybe the can order!!!!!!!!! worth a try. :)

It is available in Cambodia. Bayon Market on Monivong in Phnom Penh have it as well as Dr. Pepper, Cherry Coke and numerous other goodies not available in Thailand.

Sometimes Cambodia surprises me.  For country which was such a basket case not too long agao, and a country which has so little infratructure when compared to Thailand, and a country in which the Communist/Socialist Cambodian People's Party controls the government, they seem more advanced in some ways to their wealthier, "more advanced" neighbor the their west.

Doing business or setting up a business by a foreigner is much easier in Cambodia than in Thailand. Television has a much greater number of options.  Visas, although used as a little cash cow, are easier to get. And now I find out the have Dr. P and MD in the markets?  

Yes, Thailand is much more advanced in as far as infrastructure and manufacturing capability.  It has more creature comforts.  It has a far more developed tourist industry.  BUt if Cambodia continues to develop, and if they really do have a more open mind inasfar as considering new ideas, I wouldn't be surprised to see it pass Thailand in most areas over the next couple decades.

  • 2 weeks later...

Potentially good news MD lovers!! I was in the new Villa Market in Chalong the other day and saw to my delight they had Dr. Pepper! It labeled from the U.K. So asked the staff about Mountin Dew, and they had me write a request out on paper and they said they would give it to the purchasing manager. They acted like it was a done deal! We shall see!! They gave me her card also so I will follow-up.

Anyone know if the MD in Cambodia is the same as Japan and The Phillipines? Some extra syrupy non carbonated verson. Ick!

  • 1 month later...

Still looking after a year and no Mountain Dew!

I'm leaving in the morning and leaving my vice behind..bringing my wifey here with me!

Did the Villa Market end up getting any?

Can't stand the pepsi green mouthwash and the M-50 yabaa the cops drink is too much like syrup. it's just the tase of it I like. Can get an iced coffee any day (which is a second runner up for my cravings next to papaya salad now)!

If anyone has any Mountain Dew leads, i'd be very grateful.

My last trip I brought a friend and he was also on a mad search for it (didn't know he was hooked, as well).

Best to you all!

  • 1 year later...

I have drank it about almost 20 ys ago, they sold in Thailand. but not anymore....

i remember there was mountain dew and pikaboo something like that :P ..

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