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Dsl bangkok


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Here is my list of all Thai ISP's.  You'll need to search through the webpages for DSL prices though.  I doubt all offer DSL services.

A-Net http://www.anet.net.th/

Asia-Access http://www.asiaaccess.net.th/

AsiaInfoNet http://www.asianet.co.th/

Cs-Coms http://www.cscoms.com/

CWN http://www.cwn.net.th/

Cable and Wireless http://www.cwasia.net.th/

DataLine Thai http://www.linethai.net.th/

Far East http://member.fareast.net.th/

Internet Thailand http://www.inet.co.th/

The Ideal Connection http://www.idn.co.th/

Jasmine Internet http://www.ji-net.com/

KSC http://www.ji-net.com/

Loxinfo http://www.loxinfo.co.th/

Samart http://www.samart.co.th/

Siam Global http://www.sga.net.th/

WorldNet http://www.pacific.net.th/

EZNet http://www.princess1.com/

RoyNet http://www.roynet.co.th/

Anyone want to create a chart relating the prices and services?  That would be really useful, else i'll do it late.


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Don't expect any DEALS is the first advise.  You have to have a phone line that can be used for ADSL.  If you have that you pay an extra 1000-1400 per month for line to have slow home service.  Then you find an internet provider at about 4,000 baht per month for the slowest home service (you pay much higher prices for business use).  This is still a 56k city for most of us.
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Anyone want to create a chart relating the prices and services?  That would be really useful, else i'll do it late
This would be a very good idea and perhaps you could sweet talk George into commissioning you to prepare a web page as believe it would be an active inducement to visit the site if actively maintained.
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I found this really good article on the Current Status of Internet Industry in Thailand, which puts events into perspective.


"Currently, of all the operating 18 commercial ISPs, fewer than half have reported profits."

I'd like to know which of those 9 ISP's are making a profit.

"Telecommunications operators in Thailand do not share revenues (e.g., telephone access charges) with ISPs, providing no revenue to recoup costs."

As far as I can figure out, CAT - Communications Authority of Thailand is holding back the market by restrictive legislation.  CAT is scheduled to be privatised soon by being divided into two main companies: Thailand Post, Ltd. and CAT Telecom, Ltd. When this happens the market should really open up.

How recent is this? Is it still going to happen?

With regard to an ISP review, I have a number of ideas, one in particular would be testing their email helpdesk service because i've done this before because I was heavily spammed from a Thai ISP (will name it privately) and received 0% response which I was'nt very pleased about.  If we can make sure people/customers avoid the bad ISP's, go for the best service at the best price, a lot of people would be much better off.  Actually the competition is extremely small, that's something that appeals to me.

Sorry I hav'nt answered your original question.


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Anyone want to create a chart relating the prices and services?  That would be really useful, else i'll do it late
This would be a very good idea and perhaps you could sweet talk George into commissioning you to prepare a web page as believe it would be an active inducement to visit the site if actively maintained.

Great idea! No need sweet talk :o

Just post it here and I fix a webpage at the main site.


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Here are some good specials I found lately that include internet and media:




128/64k at 100 hours for 2,800

128/64k unlimited for 5,500

256/128k at 100 hours for 4,100

256/128k unlimited for 8,150

Cable modem

256/64k at 100 hours for 3,540

256/64k unlimited for 7,590

512/128k at 100 hours for 5,160

512/128k unlimited for 11,225


64K at 100 hours for 1,980

64k unlimited for 4,950

128k at 100 hours for 2,220

128k unlimited for 9,900

* connection fee 2,000 and installation fee 1,000

** special:  buy 12 months in advance get 3 months free

*** call for availability in your area, cable in limited areas

**** time packages are:  50, 100 hours and unlimited

TA Express is offering 50 percent off ADSL prices until the end of September.  But it requires a 12 month commitment.

I am using TA Express ASDL now but I am looking at MWEB. The prices are coming down.  I first signed up five months ago.  The price has dropped every month since then.

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